Cursed Dragon

Chapter 665: Persuade the dragon?

So it is better to be cautious about changing things. It is like going to the sea to hunt some fierce sea beasts. It takes enough patience. Otherwise, if you are accidentally dragged into the sea by sea beasts, you will be completely passive ... Be careful!

She didn't want to be ridiculed by Augusta this house dragon for setting the above problem!

Even after he laughed, a beating was unavoidable. After seeing Augusta's spirit of Ah Q, Vera knew that a simple beating could not solve the problem.

Speaking of it, it seems that some young dragons within the clan have also successively come into contact with the illusory world. Although the dragon clan lives rich in properties, because it is out of touch with the outside world, the development in various aspects is no different from the human side. That is, after the magic soldier's call book was taken back, she realized that the situation had recently changed through some remote communication.

The book of the magic soldier is especially popular with the young dragon. The older generation's words are because they have lived a long time and are stable, so they can look at this thing with a more correct eye. Even now they can get some contact through the book of the magic soldier. After a little instruction, find the little dragon.

During the exchange, they also considered the possibility of information leakage, so they used ciphertexts that the Dragon Clan did not disclose to the outside world, which is more difficult to understand than the Dragon language, and there is not much information anyway, even Augusta. In the education of the Dragon nationality, even the existence of the scum can be understood.

So, how do you find a way to personally see the dragon with the delusion of murder? Vera stared at Zheng Yichen ’s back and narrowed his eyes slightly, because after exposing his identity, Zheng Yichen also withdrew some camouflage of the alchemy incarnation, such as the false soul fluctuations, and what can be found from Zheng Yichen now is only The spirit fluctuates only.

She couldn't see any additional information? Longwei? That thing is directly related to the Dragon Soul, just a little mental fluctuation can't decide anything at all.

As for the cursed dragon, this possibility is slightly lower. No dragon eggs have been lost since the migration of the dragon clan. Therefore ... Zheng Yichen ’s identity is also a mystery. Up to now, the dragon clan has been thinking about quickly determining this little guy ’s Identity, and then register something.

After that, it did n’t matter if he wanted to live on the Dragon Clan or continue on the mainland. Even if it was a small dragon, the Dragon Clan also went to the forum to learn about foreigners. Zheng Yichen did not shoot many times, and each time he used Alchemy Incarnate, but the power after the shot is already the same as that of the adult dragon ... No, except Zheng Yichen, all three dragons active in the mainland must be hung by the other party.

"Who ... Connor, right? I said, since as a dragon, why do you like hiding heads and tails so much, you might lose your black dragon's face?" On the march, Vera quickly approached Zheng Yichen and signaled him to change the ground. On her shoulder.

Watching Zheng Yichen sitting politely on Vera's shoulder, some of the people in the team showed a little envy. The Dragon Knight, in some works, has a very high appearance rate. In fact, Dragon As a race in which wisdom and humans are indistinguishable, how can people get up?

Just like Zheng Yichen, it was just sitting on his shoulders. It felt like an adult carrying a child. So, from the perspective of the Dragon tribe, there is nothing wrong with it. Zheng Yichen ’s external image itself is a small dragon, even though he has been there for a long time. After a few years, the growth cycle of the Kelong tribe is still a little dragon in a few years, and it is right for a few months to be a human.

"Is this a dragon riding a dragon?" Moser whispered, and the bodyguard immediately showed Moser a shut-up, dead-eyed look. The dragons are not blind, even if they are different in size, there are dozens of them. The interval of meters, but does not mean that the big ears of the Dragon tribe are decoration.

"That's right, what's wrong with elders carrying children?"

Looking at Cilia and Augusta who had turned around unconsciously, Auro touched his moustache. He thought of a new word that appeared on the forum. What is it?

Is there a strong desire to survive?

I didn't expect that Moser had a flowery intestine. The reaction was quite fast!

Another point, Zheng Yichen was not very cold about Vera ’s words. Although his scales were rock black, the black was the same as the black stone, not the black bright color of the black dragon. The distinction was obvious, at least The scales of the black dragon can see a slight luster in the sun, and the scales of Zheng Yichen are matte. The normal dragon scales have more or less gloss components, and Zheng Yichen's is completely absent!

He was n’t a black dragon at all. What did he say about his face?


"I'm still young." Zheng Yichen said.

Vera was stunned and stared at Zheng Yichen for a moment. This powerful reason she did n’t know what to say, okay, she always ignored this question, mainly because of Zheng Yichen ’s strength and other performances. Awesome, forceful Vera has subconsciously ignored this problem.

A little dragon can get the achievements it is now, aren't these adult dragons useless against them?

As for what the witch's resources provide, it is reasonable to say that the dragon clan's heritage is not worse than that of the witch. Even if the dragon clan traces its origins, it has a longer history than the witch's history. In this way, how can their heritage be less? There are a lot of lost things on the human side, and the Dragon family can find relevant records.

Otherwise, some witches will not go to the gathering place of the dragon clan occasionally to make some transactions with the dragon clan, some of them are materials, some are knowledge, and there is a lot of scarce knowledge there.

"... Even if this is the case, you should get in touch with the Dragon Clan. No matter what your previous experience is, you are a dragon." Vera said after a bit of entanglement, and she was helpless in her heart. I like to do things with my fists.

Knowledge about this matter is good for the tribes. Augusta ’s house red dragon roof ca n’t be a problem. The green dragon Celia ’s character is too soft and easy to be rhythmic. Like persuasion, she promises three or two sentences. Next, she probably couldn't say anything about Zheng Yichen here.

Herself? She prefers to talk with her fist, like this kind of little rebellious and disobedient little dragon, she has nothing to do with catching a fight, and it is not good to think about the dragon's heritage. What can she do after returning? Even some of the previous encounters can get better treatment, as good as the young master?

Why can't this guy's little head melon think about it? Is it really fascinated by the witch? What a joke is that the inheritance memory of the dragon family is not fake. Basically, the dragon family that just came out of the shell can have a relatively complete three views, and it will not think that humans are good-looking because they see humans at the moment of shelling.


"Speaking of more dragons, I don't have much, less me, so many, there is no need to pay attention to me like this." Zheng Yichen said with some toothache, the thing he didn't want to encounter is this kind of thing, what the dragons care about, even though I'm ready to be noticed, but how good would it be to come late?

Shouldn't the long-lived longevity species be slow-paced? Dealing with troublesome things for decades or something ...

"The dragon clan pays attention to every clan!" Vera said seriously, correcting Zheng Yichen's words, Zheng Yichen's expression was even more helpless, can we not be so good?

You ca n’t get acquainted with the justified setting of the Eight Classics, most of the dragons live alone, and only after they have a spouse, they will be in pairs. You came directly to a Longkou census, and you are accurate to each tribe. It ’s too much. Reliable! If you are not a cursed dragon, but a rebirth with the existence of the dragon soul, then this is really good, now? very bad!

"Even if it's right, don't you want to go back?"

"... Even if you don't want to go back, you have to go to the family land, even if you only want to go once in your life."

"Oh, I think about it." Zheng Yichen said, saying something ambiguous, mainly because he didn't want to expose something. He learned quite a few routines from Dan Marina. When talking, he used clichés or avoided being exposed because of ignorance. He knows the way to give out important information.

Now this time, Zheng Yichen feels that if he asks about the reason, it is probably a bad thing! The dragons have inherited memories. Some special information does not need to be learned and understood. It has been owned when the consciousness was generated before the shell was broken. Therefore, the family of the dragons should have an inevitable reason. Since it is inevitable The reason will also appear in the so-called inheritance memory.

But Zheng Yichen didn't. Isn't it a bad thing when asked? People just think of the cursed dragon directly, and the cursed dragon will make mistakes of little white and ignorance on some key issues.

"... Is there any hesitation ~ ~ You know this is important to you, and the Dragon clan will not deliberately embarrass their clan, are you worried that you won't be able to get out after returning?" Vera said slightly. He said with a lip, "Relax, for the powerful clan, the Dragon clan is very loosely guarded, and you can easily figure it out."

"Stop me, you can now have three dragons on the road."

"Cough, we just represent it, highlight the existence of the Dragon Clan ... That's it, your situation is different, so it's definitely easy to come out after going back." Vera coughed lightly and said a little embarrassedly. It is really not easy for the native dragon to come out there.

The mainland does not need excessive activities of the dragon clan, a few dragons are enough, there is no need to let so many clan people spread on the mainland, she was played out with strength, Augusta slipped out of the care of the elders, and hope Leah is a tyrant ...

"I'll talk about it later, maybe I will change my mind someday, now? No way!" Zheng Yichen said quite succinctly, and learned some additional information about the Dragon tribe from Vera. Zheng Yichen was also satisfied, and it was too much. Understand a little.
