Cursed Dragon

Chapter 708: Arrivals

I did n’t get the real use of the light of Baiyue from Lilia, but ... it ’s a reward, Zheng Yichen whispered in his heart, and the consolation prize is not lost, if forced ... Forced does n’t make much sense. It was signed with Lilia. The contract is not a bond of slavery, but a fair contract ... oh, it's a little unfair to her.

It ’s just that there ’s no problem. At that time, Lilia ’s situation made her choose to agree even in a slightly unfair situation, but her own freedom was still not greatly affected, except for some and Zheng Yichen. Apart from the indelible relationship, she can still do whatever she wants.

"Checkout!" Said Zheng Yichen, and Qin sat directly in front of Zheng Yichen: "I can help you think about the light of Baiyue."

"Hey, it's not a good habit to eavesdrop." Qin's words made Zheng Yichen a little stunned.

"We didn't have too many secrets before, this matter was given to me."

"... Don't take it, I don't need it in a hurry." Zheng Yichen thought about it and shook his head. If the method of using Baiyueguang was easy to obtain, it would have been circulating in the witch's circle for a long time, but in fact There is no such thing, so it is not easy for Qin to find the way to use the light of Baiyue.

"It's not too difficult for me."

"What about the consequences?"

"It's not a big problem."

"You just said, there are not too many secrets between us."

"The spirit just bite back." Qin gently shook the glass in his hand. "There haven't been any important things lately, and that kind of influence hasn't affected me much."

"That really has to wait."

"Okay." Qin watched Zheng Yichen say this and nodded gently. Zheng Yichen savagely tasted the conversation just now. This is not right. It seems that he was inexplicably fooled! !

Qin had already stood up when he wanted to say something. The vague Zheng Yichen heard her conversation with the waiter. There is no need to order anything here, but this does not allow Zheng Yichen to have any comfort in her heart. The words that Qin said are not Fake, she can indeed get the way to use the light of Baiyue, as for the spiritual backlash ... that should be the backlash brought by some kind of secret method of the church.

but! ! When she said something like this at this time, it made Zheng Yichen feel, no, it must have been clichéd, and then something will definitely happen instead of the kind of 'nothing important recently' she said, with him This simple witch alliance ... Qin as a witch, will it ignore the convenience here?

The alliance means that one party can get real support in an unfavorable situation, even if it is not free, but if the support can overcome the difficulties, then it is all worth it. At the same time, as a member of this "union", she naturally has to contribute After reviewing, even after being exempted, Zheng Yichen felt a little awkward in his heart, really ... it's so easy to get along with the witch, why don't you remember it.

But how to use the light of Baiyue ... is really tempting.

Um ... or kidnap moustache? Zheng Yichen planned in his heart that Moustache Oro was indeed a very good target for kidnapping. He was smart, knew much, and was valued by the church. Is this kind of talent worth the kidnapping? As for the bodyguards around him ... Titanium alloy steel plate!

Dan Marina has commented on the bodyguard. The defense of the opponent can directly withstand the full shot of the witch. Although he must be cool afterwards, it is already amazing to resist itself. The same It also means an important message that Zheng Yichen cannot break through.

Well, or who is it, Achill, right? I quickly switched a few goals in my heart. Zheng Yichen thought about it and took out the magic soldier's call book to enter the secret post. Dan Marina has maintained this secret post. Zheng Yichen has not come in this time, but now come in and see ... The scale has expanded a lot.

The information exchange in it is constantly being updated. Zheng Yichen thought about it for a while. Forget it, do n’t get the needs of Baiyueguang into secret posts, and the church will do things too much. Sticking to the means, maybe there are people from the Templar church in the secret post.

Um ... good to go home!

I read the book all night last night, it ’s time to take a good rest, threw the alchemy incarnation into the real estate in Kaga, and turned my attention to the underground base. As soon as I came back, Zheng Yichen heard Annie ’s laughter It was a little bit that made Zheng Yichen feel a cold smile, she was holding a layer of skin in her hand, oh, **** skin, but that kind of blood was only attached to it, and was shaken by Annie, and all the blood bounced away .

"What kind of skin is this?" Zheng Yichen walked over curiously, leaned his head down and looked closely at the irregular skin held in Annie's hand, looking at the perfect skin, above There are also small white hairs like hairs.

"Blood wolf's skin."

"Transformation succeeded?" Zheng Yichen's expression was delighted. The blood wolf's skin was not like this.

"A whole blood wolf."

The look of surprise suddenly became dull, the average length of the blood wolf plus the tail was two and five meters, and the height was generally more than one meter and three, which is a very powerful behemoth, but now there is only one piece left that probably only covers the arm The skin of the forearm ... so a big blood wolf is gone?

"What expression, this is already a great success." Annie looked at Zheng Yichen's dull expression, rolled her eyes slightly, and pointed to the more and more transparent storage tanks placed next to it. They are all distorted flesh or flesh structures with vascular tissue or deformed internal organs.

There is absolutely no contrast between the skin that she holds in her hands. This is indeed a great improvement, but ah! This skin is based on the premise that the whole blood wolf is cold! !

"You take a look." Zheng Yichen reached over and grabbed the skin passed by Annie. It was very heavy ... a thin layer of skin with a weight of about two hundred kilograms ... equivalent to the weight of the thin blood wolf.

Seeing the surprise on Zheng Yichen's face, Annie continued: "This thing is produced by a truly orderly transformation. As long as it is done in a proper way, it can be transformed into its original appearance."

Damn? In this way, is it possible to directly study the transformation sheep without studying transformation? Zheng Yichen whispered in his heart, not misled by Annie's words: "Speaking so badly, won't the blood on it be poured for you to keep fresh?"

Annie snorted. The blood was an accident that occurred during the test. An accident that she did n’t want to see. Finally, there was a completely orderly change, even if it was the shape of a piece of skin, but this was a successful one. Great strides, rather than those change achievements becoming useless materials for distorting meat pieces, such a piece of skin has great research significance.

If it changes back, if it does, it will change back. It is impossible to change. The blood wolf that has changed back must be dead, and it does not continue to maintain this way, let them study the law of orderly change.

"I don't want to explain so much to people like you who don't know the goods. You are busy with your business." Annie took the skin that Zheng Yichen held in her hand and put it in a blank storage. Inside the tank, the liquid poured into that storage tank is completely different from the others.

Zheng Yichen accosted and returned to his experimental bench, took out a blank sheet of paper, and continued to design the plan afterwards. There is no real way to use Baiyueguang, that is, volatilization ... Um, let's compare it like this, two points The same amount of gunpowder is used together, the former just ignites.

After being ignited, it also brings burns to people, but the latter is used as a bullet ... The same part is used to ignite the gunpowder, but the effect can directly kill people.

Even if this method of use is more of a warhead and a shell, these things can be regarded as the way of using the moonlight. Otherwise, just using the moonlight is gunpowder! Even if he couldn't make a gun, Zheng Yichen had other ideas, such as a gun battle.

He still can't do it.

Therefore, for the light of Baiyue, Zheng Yichen said that he can only worry about it. Since that is the case ... don't focus on the light of Baiyue, and turn it into an auxiliary.

In a daily life where everything seemed calm, a grandfather took a small figure and a convoy to Kaga, and a knowledgeable person immediately recognized who the grandfather was, the vice-president of the Potion of Poisoners Association As soon as he came here, some of the heads of the chambers of commerce had invited him to see if he could be the vice president nominally. In fact, under the premise that the president of the Porcelainist Association could not be out of the year, There is no difference between the chairman and the vice chairman.

As long as the other party has the intention of negotiation, there is a possibility of follow-up cooperation, cooperation with the Poisonist Association ... It is equivalent to ignoring too many trouble channels and being able to directly 'get medicine' at the Potionist Association, which is not Most importantly, which chamber of commerce does not have a potionist to produce potions?

A good relationship with the Potions Association, the real gain is high-end potions, high-end potions are not easy to make, there are many high-end potions on the market are from the Potions Association, Potions Association 'S overall combat strength is not strong, but people can become the leading presence in the field of magician, in this field, they have absolute say.

It is only good to have a deeper relationship with a neutral association.

After rejecting the heads of these chambers of commerce, Roguera took Emily to the branch of the Association of Poisonists in Kaga. The old man touched his beard, although he had better secret channels to come to Kaga, he could avoid entering A lot of harassment encountered in the city, the kind of situation where a celebrity is not recognized after he came to where?

What a joke, how many people besides civilians can sit in a position like him? Or how arrogant are those who cannot recognize him?

I did n’t choose to come here by secret channels, such as the magical teleportation system controlled by the church ... that ’s really a good thing. If you spend a little more money, you can reach the place you want to go in seconds, which is the whole process. It was a little uncomfortable, as a large group of Roger said that he still should not be so tossed, it was really uncomfortable, Emily's age was too young, and it was a bit unbearable to rush into the magic circle of teleportation.

The secret channel doesn't want to use, the portal magic array does not need to be used when it is not necessary, then ... just come in chant!

Just tell Zheng Yichen that they are here, Roger ’s idea is very good, the news that they came to Kaga will soon spread out, Zheng Yichen will definitely know that, as long as Zheng Yichen will visit the Mobing Forum, come here again, wait again Two days to find Zheng Yichen, this is to prevent Zheng Yichen from really discovering this matter, in order to avoid embarrassment, they took the initiative to find the past ... Well, if Zheng Yichen found it, then it is okay to contact on the demon call book.

"Kaga, uh ... how long was the last time I came here?" Roger looked at Kaga, who had changed a lot, and whispered that since he became vice president, many things didn't need him to run. Most of those things can be solved by one command, but ca n’t be solved. He can also give orders remotely. After all, the president ’s full stroke, there are too many places in the Porcelainist Association that he needs to guard himself.

Now I have come to Kaga, and he has been talking for a few days to prepare to stay here for a long time. From the Mobing Forum, he has seen many changes about Kaga. Those changes are more than seeing the gap with my own eyes. big.

For example, "Brother", looking at the cars coming and going on the widened streets, private cars are ... most of them are some young people, needless to say, it must be the nobles living in Calgary, now the time It ’s about four o’clock in the afternoon. During this time, it ’s just when those aristocratic youths are idle. The aristocratic youths need to learn, but their learning is not as stressful as eight to five, and there are so few to study every day. It is said that the burden is not heavy, as long as you have learned it in place, you want to learn more consciously ...

Now that you are free, those noble youths must find something to do, go into some high-end places, such as bars ... Those places are very popular, after all, the identity of the people going to the bars will not be too bad, where to cultivate The social circle is very suitable, or it is just driving away, which is common in the city where the headquarters of the Porcelainist Association is located, but the atmosphere in Kaga is more intense.

Ah ~ normal, celebrity effect, Kaga is here some people call the city of origin of cars and locomotives, I don't know it is the rumor created by that guy, the origin of cars and locomotives is Zheng Yichen, and it has a hairy relationship with this city. Even if you change the city, that kind of thing can also appear, this is definitely the official hype of Kaga!

With a wave of his hand, a taxi with an 'empty car' stopped at Rogge. The car has a small violet flower logo in the upper right corner of the window, indicating that this taxi belongs to violet Chamber of Commerce: "Go to the branch of the Association of Poisonists."

Rogge seemed very calm, but Emily was lying on the car window looking at the outside environment with novelty. She was taking a taxi for the first time: "Grandpa Rogge, when can we go to Connor?" ? "

"It's His Excellency Connor." Rogge said with a slight cough, glancing at the driver next to him. What he had to do did not need to be kept secret, and it wasn't a shameful thing. What did confidentiality do? Zheng Yichen has been in and out of the Potions Association for many times.

The driver who drives is very calm. As a driver cultivated by the Violet Chamber of Commerce, it is certainly sufficient in professional qualities. Generally speaking, when the passenger is idle and wants to find someone to communicate, he will take a few words as a driver. At that time, if the guests who come up are plural, and they are not actively asking questions, they will not say much nonsense.

The alien world is divided into classes. Even taxi drivers, they are civilians, and their status will not be higher than that of some special passengers, or even inferior in most cases ...

After all, real civilians don't have to worry about anything to do bus, who will spend ten times more money to make a taxi? And the price of more than ten times is still the starting price, so those who can take a taxi are either some rich people, or the management of certain chambers of commerce or the existence of nobles, or Rogge. Which force is it?

These people can't bother them, so as a taxi driver, as long as you drive the car honestly and don't chew your tongue, the Violet Chamber of Commerce is now in a prosperous period, as long as they do their part Things, most of them willing to ride the car will give the Violet Chamber of Commerce a face, provided they do not die.

Therefore, since you are a driver, it is better to talk less. This occupation is really good compared to those civilians who are bitter to move goods. This is really a matter of sitting and working. Many civilians as drivers dare not think about it.

"Yes, Lord Connor ... It's awkward." Emily whispered, Roger rubbed his forehead, this ... he was speechless, Emily has always been raised as a little princess Yes, even if there is no aristocratic disease, they are not so-called aristocrats. Even if many aristocrats have to respect them when they see them, Emily has not learned much about etiquette.

That kind of thing, it ’s enough to grow up and experience slowly. They use trouble for the aristocratic set, as long as they pay attention to some normal respectful behaviors in daily life, it does n’t matter if they do n’t learn, and they have strength, as long as they maintain You just need to be in your own position. You don't need to be with this person. Let others be with you.

So it ’s better to free up more time for Emily to learn the potion-related knowledge if you learn something that is of little use.

Now ... Roger thinks that Emily still learns a little bit. Who can think of a unique potionist like Zheng Yichen?

Rogge, who came to the branch of the Potion of Poisoners Association, paid off and walked into the branch with Emily. The preparation work was done a few days ago, and there is no need to notify here.

"This is your room. I'm not used to it and tell my grandpa." First led Emily to recognize the way, and then Roger took her to her own room, which was at the headquarters of the Poisonist Association There is not much difference in the rooms inside.

"It's okay, Grandpa Rogge, Connor's thing ..."

"It's Lord Connor ... Alas, wait two days before looking for Lord Connor." Roger said a little helplessly.

Emily blinked and asked in a puzzled way: "We are clearly here, why should we wait?"

"When you grow up, you will understand ~ ~ Rog shook his head. The rules between the adults, don't let the children touch too much. On the one hand, the children, the mind is not necessary. To make it so complicated, the life of a child is so many years, and it will not be there after the past. On the contrary, the life of an adult in this world ... As long as the strength is enough, it will be hundreds of years upward, too long.

On the other hand ... She said that she might not understand.

"You have a good rest, I'll deal with the matter here first." Rogge patted Emily's head lightly and left her room. There are a lot of things in the branch of the Poisonist Association, even if it is handed over. It has been done, but some details need to be handled by him personally.

After that ... I was ready to meet with Connor, and by the way, really show the strength and details of the Association of Potion Master!

The previous cooperation was only a pull from the party of Zheng Yichen, and there was not much about the Potions Association. It can even be said that at that time Zheng Yichen had paved the way. Their role was to show their sense of existence. Things are the events that the Association of Poisonists can show.

Regarding the formula given by Zheng Yichen, the real potionist association has researched the real result!