Cursed Dragon

Chapter 753: tail

The powerful people are always a little tempered, and Zheng Yichen's feeling for them is just one kind—expansion! Especially after I ’ve actually found 'Isis', this feeling is even more intense, giving Oss a kind of ... well, forget it, his previous character is like this, it is enough to treat it as a daily look, after all Money pride is not so strange.

It's also a skill for people to kill a large wave of killers in the dark church with money. Is there any problem with the money earned by the ability to kill others with the money earned by the ability?

In short, Isis has nothing to do, but let them relax. Although she has not been in contact with Isis for a long time, she is at least a person who has given Oss a lot of help. Zheng Yichen and 'Isis' are also because Oss thinks Was personally attacked and hunted down by the Dark Church. If she really had an accident, it would be difficult for Oss to forgive herself.

Now I see that the person concerned does n’t have much problem like Zheng Yichen. The thread stretched in Oss ’s heart immediately loosened a lot. It ’s okay, um ... Since everyone is okay, then the biggest trouble is solved. He does n’t It may be like the plot in some novels, chased by a certain force, and then grow all the way to finally kill that force.

This is too difficult, let alone the enemy or the dark church under one person, inspiring to overthrow the dark church? Wake up quickly, this is impossible, although people always have a dream, but such an idea is not a dream but a kind of expansion, just like Zheng Yichen not far away.

So reaching an agreement with the Templar Church and successfully solving this matter is the real right path. Oss knows that he is not that kind of Chiduo demon character, nor is it an orthodox professional, not an orthodox professional. There are many possibilities. He is just a cultist. In any case, his achievement will be under the evil **** who empowers himself.

Evil God will not give believers more than their own strength, not even one-third, so much to do? Even if the possibility of overturning is very low, as long as there is a possibility of overturning, the Evil God will not do that kind of thing, including the Demon Soldier Evil God who relies on Zheng Yichen's Demon Soldiers. That kind of behavior is really stupid.

Even if the magic sword church group's way of strengthening is special, it is also a cult, influenced by the evil god. Oss wants to be able to flatten the dark church. It also depends on the growth of his own evil **** to the city of ten dark churches. Besides, otherwise he would be like that.

Oss doesn't want his evil spirit to be so powerful, even if he is a magic sword cultist, but once such an evil spirit becomes powerful, no one can control it, and what dangerous situation will evolve is only the evil spirit himself. I just realized.

As a normal human being, he does not want that kind of thing to happen.

"Hey, the reminiscence is over, let's discuss the business now, don't you like trouble? Is there any way to strengthen his strength? I think it is almost twice as strong as the current foundation, he can eat anything hard I will never look away at this! "Zheng Yichen pulled Oss in front of him, and slammed his shoulders with his hand. The expression was so bad that he just made a bragging picture to match his behavior. .

Oss sweated aside and didn't know what to say, but he was twice as powerful as the current foundation. Just kidding, can't even a power master in the life field do that?

"Well ... it's not difficult if you just increase the strength." Anne looked at Os seriously, and her green eyes were calm, but when Os looked at them, she only felt cold and chilly, and she seemed to become A piece of pork to be cut is just as helpless.

But helplessness does not affect the end of the pot!

"How to do?"

"It's enough to transform the body. Although the potential of the human body can be continuously improved through cultivation, it has a lot of inherent advantages compared with the alien." Annie said simply: "In simple terms, it is normal human suffering. Most of the results of decades of practice are not as good as the strength of some special races to sleep to adulthood. "

"..." Oss full of face entanglement, to replace parts of his body or something, he was a bit repulsive. Changing the eyes is already acceptable limit. After all, the eyes will not affect the body, but change to other places. , Like what kind of hands and legs, he felt awkward.

And let your strength quickly become stronger, mostly for this place?

"It's not part of the body's torso. The strength of the magic swordsman can increase explosively with the outbreak of blood, and it's not much different if you change it." What is Annie, who can see the place where Oss is tangled at a glance , She said calmly: "Besides changing the torso, it will affect your strength."

Blood gas belongs to the power generated by the individual body. Replacing the limbs transformed by the strength of the life field, even if it has little effect on others, it can even get additional gains, but this does not work for the magic sword cultist. Transformation will only make the replacement limb incompatible with its own blood.

"What should I do?" Oss let out a sigh of relief, and was a little curious about Annie's operation.

"Change your heart."

"..." Oss couldn't calm down immediately. Hey, hey, don't change limbs for the heart, this seems even more excessive!

"You need a special heart, this kind of heart makes up for the shortcomings of insufficient blood when you burn blood." Annie said, Zheng Yichen couldn't help but pouted, this is the unscientificness of the other world, on the earth The heart is a "water pump", and in other worlds, the heart of some species has hematopoietic function. Even when it is fully operated, a heart can spray blood like a water pipe.

The power to support the operation of that heart is enough!

"Don't you just say that the limbs don't match ...?" Oss swallowed slightly and asked, the biggest reason he couldn't persevere when fighting the artificial witch was that he couldn't effectively draw enough blood gas. It is difficult to maintain sufficient burst time.

If he can solve this problem, he said he can play better.

"The limb mismatch is because of the size. If the implanted organ volume is less than a certain degree, this problem can be solved." Anne calmly explained, the transformation of the limb ... Well, most of them have undergone many joints. Or it can be combined, so it can change, and there are too many traces of transformation, so it is difficult to match the strength of the blood, unless Oss spent several years slowly slowly grinding it into his own.

Only a heart is an organ that belongs to the internal organs. There are very few modified parts. All Os only needs is a function, plus the influence of some secret methods can speed up the process of running-in.

"... At that time, am I still me?" Oss asked silently for a moment, very tangled.

"Why aren't you? A heart will not cause your whole body to change. That thing is to be influenced by you, not the heart. You just get a heart with characteristics that humans do not have. Everything will not change, after all, the core of the magic sword believer is the blood, this plan is carried out on the premise that your blood does not deteriorate. "

"how long it takes?"

Oss was excited, and what Anne said was true, then it is not impossible to accept such a change. After all, there is not much change in itself. At least there will not be any changes outside, and the transformation of the life field, Don't think that when you mention transformation, you don't have the potential to become stronger naturally. The transformation of the life realm of the other world is more about 'inheritance' than focusing on the current strengthening.

People in other worlds are not so stupid. For giving up the future in pursuit of power, Annie has many transformation parts of her own life ... She herself is a witch, can it be said that the transformation of the life field is useless? It must be said that there is a problem, that is the realm of personal power.

Because this kind of improvement is easy to obtain power beyond the current level, the strength is up, but the control and use of power are far less than those of the strong who have been promoted by their own ability. It is not impossible for professionals to kill, and the possibility is not low.

This kind of transformation by Oss is mainly to give him one more battery life, a speeding battery life, it will not directly cause his combat power to jump three levels or something.

The most important issue is that Oss ’s resources are not enough for Anne ... No, it ’s ‘Isis’.

"I can help with transformation, but you must find the material yourself, and you must ensure that the current incident is completely resolved and all the troubles encountered in this matter are eliminated." Anne opened up her own conditions, Oss slightly Think about it, agree, there is no problem with this condition, even in his view, it is a drain.

This trouble was originally his, even if you did not ask for it, he would do the corresponding thing.

"Well, let's go find the Demon Eater." Annie said. Osr snorted and looked at Green. He has been involved in adventure life for some time and has enough experience, but the relevant knowledge is not so easy to make up for. What is the demon? I haven't seen it before when doing tasks.

"... that thing is hard to find." Green said with a bit embarrassed: "I remember there are several types of Warcraft with the heart's own hematopoietic function?"

Even though Zheng Yichen ’s previous confusion method earned a lot of time, since it ’s a lie that will be pierced, this period will not last long. He does n’t think that he can find the so-called ecstasy at that point of time, that is A kind of Warcraft, which is close to the humanoid Warcraft, likes to eat various prey hearts. It can cause the target's heart to be agitated during battle, causing the target's heart to be chaoticly beating, interfering with the target's combat power ... This is the Warcraft of the Physics Department , Has nothing to do with the spirit department!

"The most suitable for the demon eater. I know where it is. It depends on your ability if I can get it." Annie said lightly, the voice was not strong, but it meant that the old lady was an expert, and Green was calm in Anne. Under his gaze, the corners of his mouth slightly twitched, and he took two steps back. He couldn't stand the eyes of the senior.

And there ’s nothing wrong with what Anne said. The Demon Eater is the closest to humanoid in Warcraft. Of course, it ’s strictly described that the thing is less human than the orangutan, but it is at least standing and walking, similar to other types he knows. In contrast to World of Warcraft, somehow have a personal profile.

"Then act quickly." Aos, who had already made a decision, said immediately, that there was not much time. More delay would mean less time for action. Just when leaving the town, Green keenly discovered They have a few more tails.

With a whisper, Green adjusted his bow and arrow: "Someone is following us, I'll solve those people!"

"..." Oss hesitated, and Green saw his doubts and waved his hand with a laugh.

"So let ’s say the captain, since the other party chose to follow quietly and quietly, it ’s not good intentions. If it is good intentions, we will take the initiative to come in contact when we leave the town ... well, although that ’s not necessarily good intentions. Yes, but such tracking is definitely bad intentions! And if the other party is really some white, I will solve the situation depending on the situation. "

Green's words dispelled Oss's doubts. Green is the most experienced veteran adventurer in the team. He has said so. He still has a lot of people to learn, just wait.

"Captain, hurry up, I'll chase it."

Zheng Yichen rubbed his forehead aside, such a big, half-elf dude, you ’re afraid it ’s not cool, he took a talisman magic prop from his current space expansion bag that he often uses: "Five hundred gold coins, useless Give it back to me. "

Talisman-type magic props are generally one-time consumables, and most of them are to offset those fatal damages. The price is not surprisingly expensive, but this ... it is too expensive!

"How do I feel that you are extortion?" Green did not refuse the talisman thrown by Zheng Yichen.

"Yes, this is extortion, so you can give it back to me if you take it away, or you will give me money!" Zheng Yichen said with his eyes hanging, Green actually didn't care about Zheng Yichen's a little rushing tone at this time, hey Laughed and put the amulet in a secret place on his body.

"You can't see it. The way you care about people is so special."

Zheng Yichen snorted softly, Green waved his hand and quickly left the place. The place he chose to leave can also be hidden immediately. Since the other party is the tail, he will definitely follow him all the way. He does not need to find the other party. Waiting for the other party to come over is one of the easiest ways to deal with it!

There are still active actions, and those people are not blind. If such a big person is gone, he will definitely realize that it is wrong. All he has to do is to grab everyone before the other party realizes that it is wrong.

After that, she simply returned to the car with merit and fame, perfect!

"The place on the map is in front." Garcia said, looking at the wetland in front of him. This place is rare and there are not many traces of human activities along the way. Plus this is the place provided by Annie. There is a bite devil here. It is very likely that although they have arrived, their interest is not very high. The green hair that Green said will be back soon did not come back ...

"In short, set up a camp first, take a short break, and act immediately." Oss saw that the interest of others was not high, and stood up proactively.

"Oh ..." Fred nodded sullenly and looked around. At ordinary times he felt that Green was a little irritating, and he was very skinny. Now that he was gone, the sudden cleanliness actually made him a little uneasy.


"Someone is here." After the temporary camp was temporarily lashed, the atmosphere was still heavy, and "Isis" looked in the direction of their arrival: "Some are weak, who will pick you up?"

"? I'm going!" Oss stood up and said, she didn't say it was a solution, but borrowed it. Most of it was Green. As for the mistake, 'Isis' itself is the power master in the realm of life, yes The breath of life is wrong, so she is also disqualified.

"Huh ... Captain is you, you run really fast, I almost chased ... No, I can't catch up." Green said weakly, he still had a lot of magical injuries, although weak , But can make a joke, and makes Oss a lot easier, no matter what, people are alive.

"Go back and take a rest first." Picking up Green, Oss quickly returned to the makeshift camp, and some miserable Green greeted everyone.

Especially to Zheng Yichen: "It seems that I owe you more gold coins."

"Not much, only seven hundred gold coins." Zheng Yichen smiled hey.

"Can you hook it?"

"How about I hook you up now? No interest at most!" Zheng Yichen said with a grunt, and Green shrugged.

"That's not bad, well ... I have cleaned the traces left by the road you passed, and will not be discovered in a short time."

"What kind of enemy did you meet?" Oss asked slightly frowning. Didn't they know Green's skill? This is all so miserable. Most of the troubles he encountered were in big trouble.

"People in the dark church, hey, two high-level people on the bright side, and one hidden, I'm almost gone!" Green said with a whisper: "The Templar church is a bit unreliable."

"High-end is not Chinese cabbage." Zheng Yichen, who was sitting next to Annie, pouted and took a light green potion bottle that she handed over: "High-end wanted secret activities are not so easy to find and stop, Come and drink this ... how much is this thing? "

"Cost seventy gold coins."

"Oh, just round it up, you owe me a thousand gold coins." Zheng Yichen, who got Anne's answer, said to Green, who was lying on the face.

"Can't this be reimbursed as hard work? The cost of seventy gold coins, how many times do you want to rob?"

Zheng Yichen sneered with arms folded: "The cost is the cost, you don't think your personal technology is there? Otherwise, I'll get you a bunch of raw materials, can you recover after eating it?"

"..." Green silently dropped the bottle of pale green potion, his eyes blinked lightly, feeling the strength and pain of the residual elements quickly expelled from his body. After using it, it feels like "Oh, it's so worth it".

Now he is directly involved in the battle without any problems. The injuries on his body are also brought by the high-level caster. The strong magical residual damage is not a general potion that can be cured. This bottle of potion Not only healed his injuries easily, but also dispelled the remaining magical power, only three hundred gold coins ... he made a lot of money! Not to mention three hundred gold coins, because of this effect, it is said that three thousand people will buy it!

So how dark is the world of deputies, or as Zheng Yichen said, expensive is not material, but technology?

I was in the wrong line.

"Okay, look you are all right, then continue to the topic just now, three high-level, you all solved it?"

Green's corner of mouth couldn't help rising: "Can I come back without solving them? Being stared at by a few high-orders, if they attack, we don't want to settle down."

The high-level raid itself is difficult to deal with, and they chose to track, which has undoubtedly passed their message, so the time they won is less, and the cleaning up of the traces is just a cover that is not very useful. They are tracking When the sudden raid happened, the purpose was not to solve them, but the people from the dark church came. They raided and squeezed for a little time to delay them in a place for a period of time, and it was them who ultimately fell out of luck.

So those people have to solve them all. Green and the other fight wisely ... Um, as an archer, do n’t expect him to go up like a Fred with an ax and go up to the bottom. Let him customize the tactics well, in addition to the high-end on the bright side ~ ~ How many younger brothers does the other party have?

Under the ambush, although the first wave of death killed a professional in a high-level dark church, he was limited to that afterwards. He was not a stalker, and his traces were exposed after his shot. Under a high-level pursuit, he There is no second chance to hide the trail.

In addition to the harassment of a few younger brothers ... In short, it is a waste of time to solve them, especially the moment before the second high order is solved, the third hidden high order hands-on, almost seconds, and Zheng Yichen threw the talisman to him Played a role, won him a short gap, and killed the second high-level.

Otherwise, with the power of the talisman, he can avoid the high-level sneak attack without injury ... but what is the point of that?

Missing the chance to kill, it means that he has to face the two high-level siege again, which is more uncomfortable. It is better to rely on a short protection, completely reduce the enemy to only one left with a little injury, and then He had his own skills, and in the end he won.

The reason why I looked tired and weak just now was that the injury was not light, on the other hand, I was tracking the traces left by Oss and others along with cleaning up those traces. The other party was very relaxed in driving the car. There are only two legs and there is no rest time.