Cursed Dragon

Chapter 80: Go down!

"The amount of loss is so large ..." Zheng Yichen looked at the soul ball that was less than one-half of the original volume, and whispered involuntarily. The purification and elimination not only had negative energy, but also a part of the soul power. The ties between the authors are too close, and Zheng Yichen must have additional losses if he struggles.

However, without the negative energy, the remaining soul quality has greatly increased, but the quantity can not meet the needs of Zheng Yichen, and can continue to "purify" with continued efforts. In this way, Zheng Yichen glanced at the frost. Souls stored in sorrow ... Wipe, how can there be so many more souls in this effort? Is there a place where war is taking place?

Scratching his head, the world is not peaceful, and there are often wars. For example, today this small country has fought that small country, and this country has hammered another country. The scale of the war is from a few hundred to thousands or even a few people. Ten thousand people.

Think about how many souls can be harvested if this sword appears in such a battlefield?

After extracting a part of the soul from the inside, Zheng Yichen scattered the summoned frost sorrow. Although the soul inside was accumulating, it did not reach the mass level. Taking too much at a time would reduce the power of this sword .

After rubbing the pill for a while, Zheng Yichen stared at the final product in his hand. After many purifications, the compressed soul ball was close to translucent white. Of course, there is still some gray in it. Can't get rid of it.

This is already the limit that Zheng Yichen can do now. If he wants to further squeeze the negative energy contained in it, Zheng Yichen feels that his strength must be more than doubled to achieve it.

"Hey, this is enough." Zheng Yichen scratched his head and showed a somewhat inexplicable expression. He used so many souls at once. Now I think about it, there are enough deaths ... Hey, forget it, anyway. It is not a conscious soul that has become a grievance, and it does not matter if it is used ... that conscious soul will not be released itself.

This compressed soul ... Zheng Yichen estimated that he could probably produce five to eight intelligent cores of alchemy puppets, otherwise he would make a set of rose girls by himself?

I touched the tip of my nose. Well, this is to find a higher-quality soul in the future. After this, the one in my hand is compressed and purified. Although the quality is good, it can only be said to be medium. It is high quality. There is still a distance.

Using this kind of not good ‘materials’ is a bit of a waste of ‘creatives’. Of course, good ideas should be kept until the most suitable materials or conditions are available before starting.

"Well ... mass-produced alchemy puppets ... well! That's it!" Alchemy puppets, go out that kind of flesh puppets, dirt puppets, granite, iron pimples, and the puppets from alchemy and engineering It can be understood as an alien robot.

And among the robots with a human appearance, what can have the T series Terminator classics? Although a group of big men did not meet their own aesthetics, but there is no better reference choice at the moment, you ca n’t get a batch of them in your own image, then Zheng Yichen feels even more strange, watching and crossing every day The former mechanical puppet is moving, which is a bit unacceptable.

So the alchemy puppet of your own image is still used by yourself.

Although the preparation of the alchemy puppet is the most important part, there are still other aspects that need to be rigorously treated, such as the design of the alchemy puppet.

The design drawings of Zheng Yichen were consulted and recorded in the library, but the knowledge of the alien world is different from the world before the crossing. Because of the extremely convenient power of magic, many structures in the design drawings seem to be ... contradictory, At least Zheng Yichen looks like this.

This is also based on the very convenient power of magic! How convenient? Is it convenient to move a skeleton? If you use the power of science, you do n’t know how many extra parts you need to load on it. As for the more convenient, it is not limited to the skeleton. Carving out a puppet can use magic to temporarily activate it. stand up.

Even for this reason, there are many places in the world's engineering design drawings that are not precise, but the reason why they can be kept secret is related to the confidentiality of the core system such as magic. Although the structure on the design drawing is Simple, but all work properly with related magic.

In short, for such a design, Zheng Yichen said that it was completely intolerable. It really relied on the power of magic power. Obviously, with a little improvement, the same magic power can play a greater effect. It's just some time for modification. So, why go back and make worse choices?

Since it is a major change, the skeleton must be the first to be improved. After all, this kind of skeleton is the main support of the alchemy puppet, and it is also the thing that limits the range of alchemy puppet activity to the greatest extent. Since it is to be humanoid, of course I have to do it according to the humanoid skeleton, but it can't be exactly the same ~ ~ For example, in the head, the maximum amplitude of the person's twisting is 90 degrees to the left and right, directly to 180 degrees ... There are fewer people who can do this ... What can be done can scare people to death at some point.

Alchemy puppets can remove such a limitation, which helps to quickly observe the surroundings. In addition to arm and wrist twisting, it can be adjusted to achieve more efficient use of limbs.

This time the design is different from the sloppyness of the mechanical dragon. It took Zheng Yichen two days to complete the original design and re-magicize it. As long as the frame is good, then there are some flaws under the power of magic It can also be ignored, besides, Zheng Yichen is now striving for excellence, and he has achieved the degree that he cannot further modify and perfect himself.

After these alchemy puppets are made, they can take into account a certain combat power, and can also perform some more elaborate work. The latter is what Zheng Yichen needs most now. He needs some "assists" who can do assembly line work. If the alchemy puppets are too It would be meaningless if it was too clumsy. At least it was not modified by Zheng Yichen. Alchemy puppets on the blueprints were basically little giants after they were made ... they can be called carrot-like fingers. What fine work can you expect them to do?

Work hard work ... Let's plant sweet potatoes!

With some selfishness, Zheng Yichen first made the alchemy puppet referring to his own image, so that the simple and old-style alchemy puppet that he had used had been modified and thoroughly improved.

"It feels good ..." I tried to manipulate this alchemy puppet that has not been masked. It is far more flexible than the previous one, and the power it exerts is several times the original. This is already a leap-forward improvement. , Just for now.