Cursed Dragon

Chapter 83: Set up

The development of the door road, Zheng Yichen thought about it. This is definitely not possible to go directly to the black market to find someone. Which of the people who can mix there is not a shrewd death? Alchemy body can do a lot of things, but at present it is limited by technology. The real combat power of this body is not high. Abuse of vegetables can be done. It will be a bit troublesome to meet the ranks.

Those people who can't be deterred by such force, as for the body, what kind of joke is it, and the body is going to have an accident. The best way is to find some capable and highly credible, such as some nobles One kind of people, but these people are not easy to contact. After all, their identity is different. You are a person with unknown origin. Why should people see you?

As for the good fortune to save a certain baron, Viscount, and so on ... Where is the defense strength around the nobles with knighthood?

After shaking his head and dividing the soul crystals in his hands into fifteen equal pieces, Zheng Yichen proceeded to deal with these soul crystals, with newly arrived materials, he now does not need to collect any missing materials extra, these are bought back All of his materials were used by him. At present, there are seven cover points, and it is enough to install an alchemy puppet for each cover point.

The remaining Zheng Yichen intends to let them mine ... he can make tools here and mine ore, and he specially surveyed this place when he selected this place, even if it is not a mineral rich place, dig down Those who can mine the ore, maintain 20 alchemy puppets, 7 are distributed at the cover point, 5 to mine, 3 to maintain the monitor and patrol and reconnaissance work nearby, the remaining 5 are still in the workshop as usual Assist him in his work and follow up on the materials in detail.

For the time being, the number of these alchemy puppets is enough. After dividing the tasks of these alchemy puppets, Zheng Yichen focused his attention on the castle, where the production of the monitors was completed. Zheng Yichen had completed some of his purposes. Cover the entire illusion forest, but also cover most of the area there, and master all the environment near the castle.

Several ghost maids tilted their heads, a curious baby looked at the 'monitoring screen' in front of which was divided into 16 screens by Zheng Yichen, and four of these screens were additionally divided into many small areas, although not Big, but for the vision of these ghost maids, it is enough for them to observe them.

Twelve are responsible for high-definition monitoring, and four are responsible for range fuzzy monitoring. For a huge illusion forest, such a monitor screen seems to be insufficient, in fact, the number is enough, those monitors will monitor nearby The images are concatenated to form a completed picture and passed on, so the pictures displayed on one screen actually cover a large area.

In principle, Zheng Yichen resorted to the magic of magic eyes. As the name implies, this magic is to summon a monitoring eye. It is difficult to find with the naked eye, but it can be detected. This magic eye can also call one. A few can also be used, as long as the pictures they observe are connected, they can be connected together.

If dozens of magic eyes are formed in a circle to observe the environment, then the image fed back to the caster's mind is similar to the bird's-eye view, because the edge of the picture seen by each magic eye can be connected to, so no There will be several different monitoring screens appearing in my mind at the same time, unless a few magic eyes are placed in different places for monitoring ...

Zheng Yichen didn't need to do that, all he wanted was to monitor the effect of the image concatenation.

"Well, as long as the monitors are not damaged, you don't have to worry about them, they can restore the magic power autonomously." Zheng Yichen explained to several ghost maids around him. The external antenna of the monitor is responsible for the magic related to the link and the monitor screen. Outside the network, there is also a media function that exerts the magic of gathering.

Although the medium is too small, the efficiency of magic gathering will be very low, and the consumption of the monitor will not be too large, and there will be no such phenomenon. "This monitor screen can be kept normal by injecting some magic power at intervals. Operation. "

After talking about the precautions for using the monitor, Zheng Yichen let out a long sigh of relief. After finishing this matter, he had nothing to focus on for the time being. "I will read the book."

In the projection state, Zheng Yichen fluttered his wings. One wanted to fly away from the library, leaving several rather curious ghost maids left in place, looking at the screen inside the monitor screen, one of them took Zheng Yichen The gloves left clicked on a small screen of the subdivision monitoring screen, and the screen on that screen immediately squeezed into a large screen, while the previous screen on the large screen was transferred to the small screen.

This is also a magical combination ... This ghost maid is a legal system, so I can see some of the relevant principles, I can see it, I really want to do it ... In addition to Zheng Yichen ’s own talents, he can make Different magics are combined together without exclusion ~ ~ Who else can do this step?

Even if it relies on strong power to force different magics to temporarily maintain a balance and stabilize it, it is only temporary, and there will be a repulsion of hedges over time. Zheng Yichen's is different. These magics have been contaminated with Zheng Yichen The characteristic is equivalent to being dyed with paint that cannot be removed. As long as these magics are not expelled, or the magic of maintaining the effect is not rented, then the overall effect will continue.

And this operation method also makes them feel new. Through these screens, they can see the movements of some sisters who are moving outside the castle, but the sisters have no awareness at all. Know that there are several of these sisters. The names are all super-perceptive, and none of them can directly perceive the observation of the monitor, and it is replaced by someone, which is probably more difficult to detect!

In short, with this thing, their daily maintenance of the castle can basically ignore the item of external exploration, and in addition to the vicinity of the castle, these monitors also extend to the vicinity of the castle, although the other branches The density has been greatly reduced, but the range of those monitors is the easiest place in the Phantom Forest. Holding this kind of place, whoever enters the Phantom Forest will soon be discovered. ...

In the library, Zheng Yichen looked at an engineering-related book and whispered, how to say, except for the magic soldiers to be made every day, Zheng Yichen was ready to study the production of machine tools. As for assembly line work, something similar to a machine tool also exists. Zheng Yichen can find a similar design here, but the conditions cannot meet his needs. If he makes changes, his current accumulation is not enough, he can only slowly Learning, came little by little.