Cursed Dragon

Chapter 853: Choice of time and consumption


The change limit of these monsters has been seen by Oro. From the initial high-strength magic resistance to prevent clearing and the subsequent changes that have been derived, these have reached a limit, responding to attacks by special forces, responding to smash-type attacks, etc. ... Apart from these, the attack strength of alien monsters is far less than that of higher-order ones.

The same is true in terms of speed. The only unique part is unique. Although it is difficult, it is enough to fight for time. These monsters are cannon fodder. Even if the performance of the function is no longer perfect, each positioning cannot be avoided.

So if there is no new feature change for these monsters afterwards, it is still the part of specialization, then it is so, but the average wave can delay them for three or five minutes also proves how disgusting this thing is!

In the thirteenth wave, the appearance of this wave of monsters, the church also very simply used the power of Warcraft, yes, the power of Warcraft, the church has not raised such creatures, the divine lady Diya was riding The Warcrafts raised by the church naturally have this action team, but these Warcrafts were not used before, purely to retain physical strength and strive to play a greater role in the future.

At the beginning, it was consumed on this cannon fodder. What should I do in the future? Warcraft is a good combat power, but people play a greater role at this time!

However, the personnel should now take a break. These Warcraft go up to fight, and the frontline soldiers can retreat and adjust their status ...

Lake of Shadows.

At the moment when a group of heterosexual monsters with her breath of power appeared, she knew, um, she could be even more advanced. When Zheng Yichen dropped these monsters, she knew! At that time, she even had the mood to grab a monster closest to her to observe. Well, a kind of ‘meat block’ that was built solely for the strength of the panel, regardless of overall performance and stability.

Relying on the alchemy core as the brain for the most simple and rough control, and at the same time gives this meat piece the most basic 'eating' instinct. When the weakness and vitality pass, this instinct will be completely stimulated to satisfy its own consumption through eating. The emptiness brought about avoids the possibility that the alchemy core has problems and causes this meat to lose its power.

There is nothing desirable outside of it. This thing was created to cope with it. There is not much reference value. Even if researchers in other life fields get a good study, they can only get a bunch The extremely confusing parameters, unless there is the original research data of Zheng Yichen, and the adjustment and integration are compared with these confusing parameters, nothing can be studied at all.

The survival time of this thing is nothing more desirable.

It consumes a lot of power, but can only produce this kind of monster that wastes power ... Switch to her to do this thing. These monsters can continue to fight while ensuring survivability, even if the battle is over, You can fall into a state of self-sleep, or you can return the vitality that you have left, instead of naturally disappearing with death.

She is a witch of life. As long as she has vitality, her power can be said to be endless. Anyone who steps on the ground can get unlimited resilience. It is fully applicable to her. Although it is so, Anne is still more often Very economical ... The utilization rate of life force is extremely high, and the part that can not be wasted can be used to the full effect, even the residue after it has been used can be used to the limit!

Just like a good battery ca n’t drive some devices, it is placed directly on the remote control or clock that requires less power. In short, before she squeezes out the last trace of stored power, she can always find something that can be used. local.

Zheng Yichen made 13 waves at a time. Although everyone needs to grow, not from the witch's perspective, Zheng Yichen has done a good job, and Anne will not comment on this. After all, this belongs to Zheng Yichen. With kind support, it is meaningless to make too many comments about what has already happened.

As for the monster around me, uh ... I have to say that from the shape and structure, Zheng Yichen's "design" is still quite good. This kind of shape suitable for killing, this monster by instinct is in Anne Unusually honest around her, after she observed almost, this abnormally abnormal monster suddenly roared and rushed past her beyond the limit that the high-level fighters can play to the action team of the Templar Church In the past. 【~ Aiqi Literature ¥¥ The fastest update】

Enemies in other positions can't pass at all. Even if they can come over, it is after dawn. The alien monster that has left from here has been adjusted by Annie. After being readjusted by her, the stability is higher and the strength has been greatly strengthened.

Although the maximum activity time is still in the morning light, this alien monster can only single-handedly penetrate from the position of the first wave of Zheng Yichen's front to the thirteenth wave, which is particularly easy! !

"Dangerous things are coming! Be careful !!" Saint Diya stared at the direction of the special alien monster, and issued a warning to other people. The alien monster's figure soon appeared, and the body was active here. Alien monsters are not much different, but in terms of breath, all the monsters of the same type here have been exploded!

Diya tried to throw a slash at his sword swing, but the flying blade was exploded by the claw of this special-shaped monster. Even though the claws were deformed, they were not like ordinary alien monsters Under such an attack, it was cut into two halves, and its deformed claws recovered quickly.

"Fast and quick, don't let that thing come over." Said another saint near Diya. "We don't have time to struggle with this monster."

"Yeah." Diya nodded and rushed towards the alien monster, even the thirteenth wave of monsters was a trick in front of them. This enhanced version was aimed solely at the problem solved. No ... uh! ?

After looking at a claw with a claw cut off from the face, he immediately got out of the battle with the alien monster, Diya waved his weapon, several light bands were released, and wrapped around the body of the alien monster. The body was immediately rigid and unable to move for a brief moment.

It is not like Zheng Yichen who had eaten this trick at the beginning. His body is completely like a nail. There is no chance of any activity. The body of the alien monster has undergone severe distortions in a very short time, accompanied by khaki. The sound of it swiftly detached from the bondage, grabbed a big mouth with a big mouth, and bit off his head.

The vitality of these monsters is extremely strong, for it is a mobile tonic, as for their role? It ’s okay to die one or two. On the contrary, it gets a lot of vitality to supplement it. It can continue to increase its strength. During eating, it spews out new granulation from the arm that was cut off, super-fast regeneration.

It's just that its rampage hasn't lasted too long, and it was quickly shredded by several sword lights! This alien monster is really troublesome without high-end combat power to solve, but if it is killed by a quick second, then it does not make much sense. However, after it is shredded, the minced meat quickly split into some smaller ones. Mutant monsters, these monsters have glued to the nearby alien monsters, even if they are quickly removed.

But many of these trumpet variant monsters are still fused with other alien monsters, and the upheaval has begun ... The trouble caused by a special alien monster is not too big, but a dozen suddenly appeared? Even if the strength of these dozen alien monsters is only 80% of the original, the overall threat has been raised. Every alien monster that changes will do a crazy thing, eat, and there is residual meat after being dried around. When the blocks pass by the same type of irregular monsters, they will be very eager to grab it and use it as a snack. If it is a normal type, it will be a hard dish.

After these raging special-shaped monsters are killed again, they will repeat the previous changes. In the end, the original alien monsters in the entire battle area are basically infected with this special form ... this form of alien monster Even if it is cut in half, the re-grown part will not appear chaotic or collapse without the whole.

Their state is extremely stable, and they can be completely regenerated into two after normal cutting!

Zheng Yichen looked at the message passed on the magic soldier's call book with a frustrated face, so that the pair of alien monsters he got out, after being actively sent by Annie after a transformation, was completely out of control, right?

Now he can capture the picture because of the remaining alchemy cores among those alien monsters, but all he can do now is to capture the picture, the direct control no longer belongs to him, but the alien monsters whose control rights have changed look like It plays a bigger role.

Ten minutes have passed ~ ~ There are still a lot of them. They could have been tossing for a long time, but after a big lady made a big move, the large amount of light produced brought those alien monsters All of them are bound together. Before they are deformed and forcibly released from the shackles, they quickly cut all the alien monsters into pieces. Without the protection of the carapace, a sword fell and crushed the concentrated pieces into pieces!

The screen is interrupted.

Annie looked at the place where a virgin in the church broke out, her mouth slightly raised, although it was cannon fodder, but in the end it was able to consume a virgin a lot of power, which was quite useful. The annihilation of the virgin Simply, but in a state where the monsters are almost completely resistant, the Holy Lady consumes about half of her power. Of course, if they are willing to waste more time, they can also solve the monsters almost without consumption, but In terms of time and consumption, they chose the former.

Looking back at the environment that was blurred and distorted by the dense cuts behind him, glancing at the blood moon in the sky, Annie reached out and pressed the ground in front of her ... In fact, there was little interference between the witches of another witch There is another reason. In the vicinity of witch wandering, the power of other witch will also be agitated. This is the extra effect of the black moon that appears, just like some creatures will be extra excited when the full moon is full. .

For the witch, the black moon is the so-called ‘full moon’.