Cursed Dragon

Chapter 862: Big news

On the way back, Zheng Yichen was still thinking about the saint ’s affairs. Dan Marina was probably bored too. She started to talk about the saint ’s affairs in detail on the way, but she just started to say this, Qin Just interrupted her, and took the initiative to talk about it ...

Give Zheng Yichen a ... well, you let go, I feel like blowing it myself.

Dan Marina smiled. She shut her mouth actively and stopped intervening. She quietly waited for Qin to narrate the events of the year like a good student. She didn't talk about her part, mainly talking about some things before their interaction.

Even so, Zheng Yichen sincerely admired the virgin. According to Dan Marina, the other party was born with a unique temperament, which has the qualities that can really turn the bad guys back.

To be honest, although not all people are born evil, but after really falling into this path, it is just an ideal idea to want such people to change their past. How many of them are actually like this? It is said that someone has really changed, but it just happened that because of the unique example, it has been written down by people, so that people are widely circulated as beautiful talk.

What can be mentioned are special cases. Whoever is not special cases will go to troublesome and pay more attention to it? But this lady of Stacy almost made this special case into a non-special case. After talking about which evil existence began to atone, it wouldn't be so strange to say that this matter had anything to do with her.

"She should have changed more people." Qin said, he could not help but paused and shook his head a little: "That's fine, she paid too much for others. Once people are kind, there will always be people who want Use this kindness! "

Qin's tone became a bit cold: "Although she is willing to pay this kindness, there are too many people who are not worth accepting this kindness!"

Some people can have the opportunity to make a difference. That is, although this kind of person is bad, at least he still regards himself as a person, there is a bottom line as a person, and some people do not regard themselves as a person. What is the value of change?

But she even wanted to save such a person, at least to let such a person have a normal human nature to die, instead of letting such a person understand the death, although it is all about to die, Qin seems to let such a person directly struggle with pain Was destroyed by humanity!

Because of this, there have been too many differences of opinion between the two. At first, it was Sittasi who was helpless, because it was too easy for Qin's ability and strength to want to do more than kill the tower and kill him. It is difficult to interfere.

This is the initial relationship between the two parties. Afterwards, it is Qin who is helpless. Because she cares, she will "accommodate". Because of accommodation, she appears helpless, and there are fewer things to kill by the tower, and her style of handling has become Softened a lot.

At that time, she thought that it would be fine like this in the future. She wanted to share more kindness with others and then share it. As long as Qin ensured that this kind of goodness would not be trampled on, it would be good.

Until their direct relationship leaked ...

"She is not my favorite person. Although I wanted to find ways to resurrect her for a while, even if it would cause conflicts with many people! Just because of time, this impulse has now become nostalgic." Qin said Let Zheng Yichen raise his eyebrows, conflict? The first thing he thought of was Undead Witch and Death Witch!

Thinking of resurrecting a saint when she died? Please, you are a witch! Is this part of the game?

"Even if it's a bureau, the planner underestimated the relationship between us. She will listen to some of my suggestions and I will respect her opinions, so I respect her more than that impulse. A last word ... "

"So I accidentally got another assist?" Said Dan Marina, who had never spoken. After knowing this game, plus what Qin is talking about now, it was self-evident.

In this game, Qin is the person who enters the game, as does Stacy, regardless of whether Stacy is affectionate, but her last words prevent Qin from avoiding the worst! At this point, what's wrong with Qin?

To say that anger is also angry at the Templar church and the original planner.

How to say, Zheng Yichen heard a lot of content from Qin, but there is no content in these content about the process of establishing such a deep relationship between them This saint is really not a favorite person belonging to Qin ... If it is such a person, she will definitely not be calm.

Zheng Yichen is well aware of the curse-like effect of that kind of thing. If she really can calm down? As for the witch's favorite person, er, it's really the kind of men and women, although the proportion of women and women is small, it is not without it! Cough, to return to the truth, Zheng Yichen couldn't do it like Stasi, but it didn't affect her admiration.

Just like the kind of people who play game operation dishes when they watch the operation of Dashenxiu, they act like 666, but the game described by Dan Marina makes Zheng Yichen a little dazed, even if Qin thinks Between the Templar church and her, Stacy finally chose her, but ... this cannot guarantee that this is not a part of the bureau, true or false, who can say this kind of thing accurately?

Therefore, what exactly is the situation, Zheng Yichen can not easily draw conclusions.

"Don't worry about which one is true and which one is fake, this is even more meaningless." Dan Marina said to Zheng Yichen: "In case of doubt, it is easier to make a move. It is better to determine one directly. It's getting better and better, even the expression has become so vivid and real, much better than before! "

Speaking of her, she couldn't help but get started. Zheng Yichen rolled his eyes and was too lazy to take care of her. Now he was so concerned about it that he was in doubt? He was really puzzled, not about Qin. Qin himself had already made a decision. He couldn't make any decision for Qin. What he was thinking about was the matter on Roris's side.

"You don't have to worry about cursing the witch, just tell her about it."

"Are you a roundworm?" Zheng Yichen rolled his eyes. There was no connection between his thoughts and the expression of his expression. Is this obvious?

Dan Marina ’s expression lightened a little: "What a bug ... your idea is so simple, you must be thinking of her at this time, when can you think of me?"

"Uh ..." Zheng Yichen scratched his head: "Do you want to listen to the truth?"

"Uh huh!"

"Probably, it might seem ... when you encounter a problem."

She sighed as expected: "I knew it was like this, although it wasn't what I wanted, but it's actually not bad, let's not talk about it."

After returning to Kaga, Qin and Dan Marina are still together after Zheng Yichen returns. She looks at Dan Marina seriously: "This is not as simple as the game you said?"

"No, confirmation is basically everything, this matter must be clarified." Dan Marina shook her head: "Don't say it's you, such a existence, even I have to pay extra attention, After all, such a long-term layout can be produced ... even under the premise that there is not much left for the witch, this layout still plays a role. "

Her tone is very serious, and many things can't hide her, but still that sentence, there is no omnipotent ability, with regard to Stacy, some of the cover that Qin did can interfere with her retrospective ability until she saw After the tombstone arrived, the interference was completely invalidated. Therefore, a unique layoutr, the church would only cover it more than Qin did, so she could not trace any related clues if she wanted to trace it back!

If you want to understand the other party, you can only investigate slowly. Since you ca n’t trace it out of thin air, as long as you have enough clues, you wo n’t need to trace it back. Hurry up and find out the layout, even if the other party If it is already cold, make sure that the other person is really dead.

Moreover, many times in this world, death is not really the end.

Unless you are completely sure that the person has fallen into the Stygian River, or it has been completely eliminated, the so-called death, in some well-prepared people, is an illusion that reassures the careless person. Prioritize, but this matter is the top priority. Even if it takes a long time to solve it, it is the most important thing.

Such a layout designer, who was able to come up with such a layout, will still be able to toss new things in the future? Those who can come up with such a layout will not solve it sooner. When Zheng Yichen takes them to do important things in the future, the other party is the biggest hidden danger, so Dan Marina starts to think about the layout person now.

Know this before? I knew it was right before, but she did n’t care about it at that time, and she was a player in the game. She could n’t even care about herself. Why care about other things? Do you want to let her take care of other things without first solving her own affairs? impossible! Now that there is concern, this matter is really about to be managed. There was no action before. She had too little information. The real point of real discovery was ... after the incident of the Undead Witch.

At that time, she got some clues, and the event that specifically determined the more important information was that Zheng Yichen found the body of the dead witch. When she learned that her death and the undead witch were uniquely linked, the layout of the person was a set. Witch.

"Just leave it to me to do this, and don't think about what can be investigated so this normal investigation will only reveal more."

"Okay, you can take care of this matter yourself. If you need anything, please contact me directly." Qin nodded. Since Dan Marina said so, she really wanted to do something here, it would be a bad thing. After all, in this bureau, it is not absolutely safe to say that her identity is hidden ... This is also a major hidden danger, but Dan Marina did not mention this matter. She has other plans in mind.

Zheng Yichen, who had returned to his residence, was also thinking about this matter. A big layout, Dan Marina did n’t say it too seriously, but Zheng Yichen involuntarily associated it with the collapse of the Witch Alliance. According to him According to the information I learned, after the Witch Alliance collapsed, it can be said that it was the darkest period of the Witch.

When the Witch Alliance collapsed, the damage of the Witch was still within the normal range, but after the collapse, it was really a road crash. Even if the other roads are good, after the crash, the other party has a great advantage. , And the other roads were crushed together, and after the Witch Alliance collapsed, the Witches of that period also collapsed to a low!

How many people will pay extra attention to this matter under their own care? After all, the Witch Alliance collapsed because of their own situation and the church found a good opportunity ... No one would think that there was a deeper layer of no layout at that time!

Man ... It's really a tossing existence, Zheng Yichen muttered and sent an email to Luo Lisi, the content is about this matter, always give notice first, and then talk about it, and the rest will be said later, this Things can't interfere with it now. How can it be compared with other people's experience of more than a few hundred years after being mixed in a foreign world for several years?

He is not an intelligence maniac. He spends a lot of time studying, like those trivial things, what do he want to do so much? Now Zheng Yichen expresses his regrets. If there is a chance ... er, still follow this path, no matter how much information is mastered, there is no way to deal with it without sufficient ability.

On the contrary, his current development route brings too much benefit. He is now the one who affects this world, and he has the lifeline of too many people, even if the identity is absolutely neutral. , When others do things, still have to look at his face and act!

Zheng Yichen does not have any unique power, but others will give such a power to him, nothing else, just because he is the maker of the magic soldier summon book!

"Um ... there are no other important things, what should I focus on later?" Zheng Yichen, who waited until Luo Lisi replied, looked at a small book in his hand and murmured. There are a lot of plans in these plans, and many of them are crossed. The ice magic potion is on the right track. After that, how it develops has little to do with Zheng Yichen. He only needs to receive dividends.

Things such as the Magic Savings Card have recently been tossing up, and the relevant savings bank is in a state of skyrocketing at all times. Of course, the magic Zheng Yichen inside does not go back, and the harvest is only 'damage' and procedures In this respect, there is no need for Zheng Yichen to intervene in this respect. Those chambers of commerce have already done a good job.

Over the research of Transfiguration, Annie is chasing the progress, and has no time to take care of Zheng Yichen. She cut off the witch and forced her to be used as an assistant. Although the youngest witch is somewhat reluctant, but under the watch of Annie, she From the heart, cutting off the witch's processing of some materials makes Zheng Yichen envious of death!

When he uses some magic to cut things, even if the maximum accuracy is guaranteed, it will still leave cutting marks, and cutting the witch to cut certain materials will not leave any cutting marks at all! It is as if the thing was naturally divided into two pieces, perfectly guaranteeing the integrity of the material.

This kind of operation does not make much sense on non-organic substances. Anyway, the natural shape of those materials such as metals can't be avoided and a process of melting and reprocessing can not be avoided, but if that kind of biological material is different! Bio-type materials cut by the witch with her own ability without any damage.

Although Anne can also remove some parts of the body without damage, but this requires extremely delicate operations. After all, after the magic of the life field interferes with the natural growth of the living body, it will lose some of its natural characteristics. , And cutting off the witch can avoid this situation, mainly due to the advantages of her unique cutting ability. This is the envy of Zheng Yichen, but it is difficult to copy ... At present, this is the case, and I can get a little power from cutting off the witch in the future. Seeds, maybe you can get a similar operation.

As for now? Just pull it down, and you do n’t have time to toss those things that are there. Well, when you decide, focus on the unreal world first!

Except for the fact that this matter is more important and can bring long-term benefits, other things will not have much effect in the near future. What is the interaction between Carlin and Oss? Let's talk about it after they have developed for a while. How can anyone who has known each other for a long time begin to get along? He is not himself, so it ’s okay to wait for a few months to fill in the missing parts of the descendants of Luke, even if the matter about the other party is also a hot spot recently.

In the circle of magic soldiers, there has been a wave of blood veined magic soldiers. As for the destiny magic soldiers ~ ~ The church temporarily chose to keep it, although it is not the kind that will never be public, but wait until it is public At that time, the church may have mastered the leading technology that others will not be able to catch up with in a moment.

Well, with regard to Destiny Demon Soldiers, the church ’s postponement of public announcements has little effect. The research of Blood Demon Demon Soldiers can make those demon soldiers madly die brain cells, but Destiny Demon Soldiers ca n’t just die brain cells. What can be done, a good magician who can't see the predictor! The basic condition for the creation of Destiny Soldiers is that there must be a prophet to assist, otherwise it is impossible to complete the most important steps.

In addition, they have little experience. In the early days, except for those forces who had many prophetists themselves, they were willing to toss like this. But would other prophetists be so full of support? Want them to join? Very simple, come up with mature technology!

The things about the demon soldiers can be put aside for a while. Zheng Yichen can focus on the few things that are currently focused on, and the most wanted to do is to toss the unreal world. After all, the unreal world has been tossing out for a long time. It is the free development of the flying self. In addition to daily maintenance, it is rare to bring big news for some reasons in the unreal world. Now! It's time for big news!

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