Cursed Dragon

Chapter 894: Processing method

"Don't talk nonsense, give money."

"The person that the unqualified childish father said can be trusted ... is that it?"

? ? ? The sudden sound at the door made Oss playing mahjong and others stunned. They looked at the door together and saw a young girl with a slightly greenish hair color. He was standing at the door and looking at the people in the room with his gaze.

Oss and others were silent. Although they were playing mahjong, their attention was not focused, but they were not so easily approached. They didn't even notice when the other party opened the door! After speaking, they realized that someone was watching them all the time!

Speaking of which ... Shame is one thing, the key is another factor, they are not ordinary people!

"This little sister, are you?" Green gave Carlin a wink. Carlin immediately left his seat and closed the door behind the little girl. At the moment of closing the door, he had observed the situation nearby. It is clear that her arrival did not attract any attention. This little girl ... is very ordinary!

And they did not have this feature in their previous locked targets, which means that their search is simply to find the difference!

"It's okay to think about it ... how can his relatives live an ordinary life." Green looked at the girl in front of him with a weird face, how to say, her appearance has Isis Traces, as well as some traces of this Luke, the girl's ears are a little bit sharp like him.

Not only that, but if you take a closer look, they feel the faint breath that only the juniors have on this little girl. The 12-year-old junior? This is not simply a genius.

"I care more about that ... naive?"

"Oh? Isn't it?" The little girl asked.

"..." Oss They recalled carefully, thinking about Luke's performance, sometimes the performance was a little bit of that, but just looking at the little girl in front of it, I can't think of it, Lu The offspring of that guy's relatives are so ... stable!

That's right, the little girl gave him a feeling of calmness, unlike Luke, who kept on wandering all day long, and dragged the same as 25,800,000.

"Don't say that, you already know about his affairs."

"... Well." The little girl nodded. "My name is Catherine, do you know the last name?"

Oss nodded, Luke ’s surname, although the other party did not say it in the introduction when he first contacted, but sometimes he forged his own forging information when building weapons, and his surname was on it. Invas.

‘Cercely’ said quietly: “I ’ve been paying attention to you before.”

"Cough, then you can really hide. I haven't found you for so long." Green said a little tangled, not tangled, obviously they came to find someone, and in the end it was the person they were looking for. Found it, even if it is based on the premise that the information is not equal.

The thought of being observed by a little girl secretly for a long time, they feel a little awkward, as if during the interview found that the auditor is actually a child of one or two rounds of his own age!

"Although my father's message is very clear, you are ... No, it's more reliable. I haven't seen you. Although I believe in his vision, I have to make my own judgment."

"..." Oss and others couldn't help glancing at each other. This little girl is too independent.

"How do you plan to place me?"

"Uh ... this, how is the church?"

"Is it true?" Secile nodded slightly, and said nothing at all: "Yes, you are just risk takers. You have no decisive power for too many things."

"I'm starting to admire this girl." Green whispered to Garcia next to him, which was far less than the age of adulthood, and had such a subjective character. The character and Luke's performance were completely different. The seniors I met before are similar. From the appearance characteristics, it is self-evident who her "mother" is, but she is alone here now, and they will inevitably make up a lot of plot stories. !

Even if Luke ’s character is a bit, is there still Isis? It doesn't matter if she takes the baby, right? And Luke had taken them to find Isis before. The performance of the two of them at that time was like a very unique acquaintance. Who can think of this unique relationship?

"Did you decide this way?" Oss asked, looking at Thriller.

"No, it was only your decision, not my decision." Thriller shook her head. "I don't need to rely on the Templar Church, so to speak, I've been waiting for you here."

"Ah?" Oss et al. Could not help revealing a little puzzled expression: "Is the news also spread?"

Cecile nodded: "Otherwise? You are mentioned in my father's last words. I should contact you."

Oss didn't ask her why she didn't take the initiative to come to the door. No matter how calm the girl in front of her, she was a young girl after all.

"It's too risky," Oss said, frowning slightly. There wasn't much news before, but the news is now well known, and it is very unsafe for her. No one knew her identity before. , The scope can be narrowed down to an unknown village, so the possibility of her exposure has been infinitely improved.

"Are you adventurous? Maybe, but I have this." Seheli reached out and nodded on her neck, and her appearance immediately changed, from the little girl's status to a little short and simple. Wuhua's village aunt, her breath has also completely changed. It is not that she has witnessed such a change in person, and she will not be contacted with the girl before!

"My God ... this kind of change is not magic." Green said with a stunned face. If it is magic, there will be obvious magic fluctuations. After the change, the person's body is also easy to be perceived by people as subtle anomalies. Such a change is a complete change, as if this person were originally like this!

"My mother is a master in the field of life, and you should also know." Psyche said, without waiting for Oss to speak, he took out a book for himself: "Well, since you have found it, this one It ’s up to you. How to settle depends on your own choice. "

"This is ..." Oss took a look at the thick book that Sherrie took out, opened it, and froze for a moment. The content in the book was very high-end ... well, he couldn't see it at all I understand, but I can see what this knowledge is. The high-end forging knowledge is probably the real legacy left by Luke. He did not continue to read it. He put this book together and looked at the girl in front of him seriously: "This Isn't it good? "

Is this bad? Cecilie glanced at Oss. It was still so calm on the surface, but what she thought was only ... Dan Marina knew!

It ’s just that she ’s not as good as a piano, but it ’s okay to be a second, so Cecilie tilted her head slightly and looked at Oss: “It ’s nothing bad, know why I Is it separate from her? "

"..." Oss and others shook their heads together. This is your family matter. How could they know?

"Want to know?"

"Uh? Can this be said?" Green asked in surprise.

Cecilie nodded: "There is nothing shameful to say. He found that I have a great forging talent, so he wanted me to go into this field, but I was not interested in this field. Playing iron, I want to try life magic. "


Green opened his mouth a bit stunned. This kind of tone seemed to be the style of the daughter who grew up rebellious. With Luke's forging ability in one hand, plus Shirley already said that she has a great forging talent, then Wanting her to learn knowledge in this field is definitely promising!

It's a pity that the parties are not interested in it. This is equivalent to finding out that their children have a very good talent in a certain aspect, but the children are not willing to be involved in this line ... Can you feel good as an old father? Think of it this way, you might be able to understand why Psyche didn't stay with Luke in order to rely on Luke's second-handed qualities and the independence shown by Psyche.

It is sure to make contradictions! ! It would be weird if I could stay together!

"You seem to live alone?"

"My current activities alone do not mean that I am living alone. My mother doesn't like to be in a place where there are many people." Cecile said indifferently: "There is still this book you can deal with at will, so many days, I have Write down everything in it. "

"I'll try to keep what he left behind ... carry forward, yeah, according to his approach, shouldn't I need to do this?"

"Don't think too much, Dad is dead. Since he left it to me, how to deal with it is naturally based on my thoughts ... In short, I will take care of the things related to forging. That's it." Watching Oss waited still: "So what about your decision?"

"Leave it to us." Carlin stepped out and said, Oss was slightly surprised. After being apprehensive, he wasn't talking.

Cecile nodded: "Then leave a contact, then I will leave here."

"Is it okay?" Oss asked subconsciously, and then realized that his question was a bit silly. This remark made Surely give him an extra glance.

"The above view, okay, I admit that his vision is indeed very good. I will contact you again later, bye." After that, Cehiri left Oss's residence, and Green's eyes moved to the door and quickly approached A glance at the outside, the trace of Cecilia is completely gone!

So a few people returned to the mahjong table. After a short opportunity, Green saw the little cocoon stretched out by Carlin, and it could even be said to be a white palm. Some professionals do not necessarily have cocoons on their hands. They have a unique way to erase it. For existence like a stalker, the cocoon is something that is not needed: "What are you doing?"

"You didn't give money just now."

"Hey! Let's talk about the business again !!"

"Things need to be calculated one by one."

"..." Green took out a copper plate and gave it to Carlin: "Give it!"

"..." Oss looked at his companion with a calm expression, and after a brief silence, he looked at a few people: "So you are playing with one coin and one coin?"

What does this feel like? A group of adults go to the table and play cards to add some fun, and the result is that the bet starts out one by one?

"Huh? Didn't you pay attention, Captain?"

"You didn't tell me, in short, the right thing, Karin, what do you think?" Oss shook his head with a headache, not to mention that Karin didn't let go of a copper plate, the key is that Green even had a copper coin. I want to be ...

"See if you want to take on more trouble." Carlin placed the thick book on the table: "Two ways, the first is to give this book to the church in front of others, The second kind of doing this quietly. "

The difference is also very simple. The first is that they directly tell everyone that we have found the descendants of Luke, but what we are special is not telling you, not only not telling you, we also got you from the other party. Have you seen this book for something you want?

We gave it to the church! Mad at you.

Then it was them who resisted the pressure, and it was quietly given to the church, then the main resistance was the church, which probably was equivalent to Zhang Wuji ’s mother ’s calculation as an old monk. The difference is that the old bald donkey in the church It is indeed the real thing.

In this way, others will only think that the church found Luke's descendants first, and got the more precious notes that Luke left behind ~ ~ Is this needless to say? Of course, it came quietly, but still grasping the handle tenderly. "Green said without thinking, everyone is an adult, and should be thoughtful in doing things, and should not be a hot-headed action. It must be considered in all aspects. The first way will indeed be very loyal, but the drawbacks are But it is very serious. After encountering an unexpected situation, it is still possible to expose the existence of Sehiri, and the latter's words ...

They just gave their notes, and didn't say about Catherine, can the church still force them? force? They report ... The second way is to say that they have found a strong umbrella and at the same time they have taken the initiative in their own hands!

"Then the second kind, but this book needs to keep an extra copy!" Oss said: "Catherine wants to make the contents of this book public. If the church doesn't want to ... then we secretly get on!"

There is also a "library" in the search function of the magic soldier summon book. They can completely pass the book anonymously afterwards. Although it seems too public, but there are ways to solve it. Discuss, set some reading permissions or something, this is also a bit humanized on the magic soldier's call book. When selfless uploading certain special books, there are certain levels of decision permissions.