Cursed Dragon

Chapter 895: Be realistic

Setting a certain level of reading authority can ensure that the content in the book will not be used by some unscrupulous people in a short time! This is equivalent to a kind of property right protection, the producer made it very clear.

After discussing the treatment method, they fell into a short silence again. After a while, Fred directly opened his rough hands: "It must be irrelevant to me to copy books!"

Let a mad warrior write? Signing is OK, copying a thick book? Let's talk about which angle is more convenient when cutting people, how to prove it? Oops ~ the person who proposed to let the Berserker copy books seems to be a good practical goal.

"... you have to understand that before I became a cultist, I was a poor man. At that time, I would write a few words? What kind of good words do you expect me to write now?" Oss spoke second, and it was also justified. The kind with good reason: "As for my sister, although I can write good words, it is not appropriate to trouble him."

"Hey, don't look at me, these hands are archery, not writing." Green smiled, and the others didn't say anything. What should Green say, give a fair evaluation, anyway It won't be much better than Oss, the only good thing is to write your own name.

In the end, they looked at Garcia, the honest man. The latter was sincere. He nodded a little and reached out to pat the thick book: "Well, give me half a month and I can finish it."

"... Treacherous honest man!" Green couldn't help beeping, Garcia spoke the least, but was the most powerful in denying copying, half a month? The daylilies are cold.

"I'll solve it, um ... One afternoon plus one night should be enough, but you have to give me a separate space." Carlin picked up the book and said: "This involves some of my inability to Straightforward personal privacy. "

"It's okay." Oss nodded, couldn't help but glanced at the thick book again, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but a thick book, one night and one afternoon can get it, this Are the hands of beautiful young people made by typewriters?

And they do n’t worry about what this book is doing by Carlin or doing other things. Sehiri has written it down ... Although this is also a bit exaggerated, maybe someone else has an original copy, This is the transcript, after all, what was originally, but Luke ’s relic.

Even if it is transferred, most of the original will not be sent out, do n’t look at what Cehiri showed, but the words also revealed the degree of concern for Luke. I did n’t like the blacksmith ’s deputy, so I broke up. , Separated, and now mentions the technology that balances this aspect, and the idea that she chose to make her notes public is also ulterior motives,

Doing so will only make Luke show more great ... There are many strong people who are very beautiful in their lifetime. After death, they will be forgotten after a long time. There are too many unknown strong people in history, and Luke ’s But the legacy will make her famous, and her behavior is to make an extra sum in the history of Luke.

"Think about it, we seem to have some troubles." Green leaned back on his chair lazily. "Previously, Isis had no news, but now he came into contact with his daughter. Whatever happened to deal with the matter ... , Because we are still worried here. "

"How can it be said that it is blind worry, this is not something we know in advance." Fred glanced at Green and said in a muffled voice: "Now there is a chance to understand this matter, I think it is worth it."

Before looking for a good night's sleep? As an adventurer, who cares about that kind of thing! Even if it has been around for so long, there is no substantive interest, but what does it matter? The nature of the Berserker family is very straight. At first, Luke did not ask for much when they built the magic soldiers. The magic soldiers they made were also wholehearted. What they are doing now is just a legitimate reward.

"Don't talk about this, let's go, let's go outside." Oss stood up, glanced at Carlin, and said nothing else. The team left the room and left Carlin. One person, Carlin rubbed his forehead, opened the book of summoning soldiers, and entered an online store. After reading the specifications of the book, he bought a blank book of similar specifications and gently rubbed it. Rubbing his wrist: "Sister, come out and help."

He copied the book himself? Just kidding, Carlin does n’t have the patience to copy through such a thick book. It ’s easy for him to bear it. He also has a sister who is bound to him, he has no patience, he The older sister did, so the youth became a girl.

"..." Oss, who was not far away, had a complicated look and looked back at the previous house. Green and others knew nothing about it, but he felt abnormal blood gas fluctuations, which originated from Carlin's blood gas fluctuations. Change, that's a gradual change. The changed blood gas fluctuations are very similar to Carlin ..., like the kind of relatives, but there is only Carlin in it? And this change is in the form of a gradual change, meaning that the change is also Carlin's own change. What is the situation?

Or ... go back and see?

He shook his head and depressed the idea that made him quite emotional. Go back and see what was pulled. As for the streets, the doors and windows were tightly closed where Oss had passed, which made people more tangled. Some on the streets After seeing Oss, the members of the church were a little unsteady. After all, the village did not cause additional losses due to chaos, which had a lot to do with Oss ’direct behavior.

"Let's go back." Oss twitched his lips slightly. The disadvantages of the strong town are fully revealed at this time. Walking on the street is like a bully. The villagers look at them with wrong eyes. He can still take it calmly by himself. Now with his teammates, even his teammates are tired together, Oss is a little bit sorry. "We take a portable room, where to go to rest."

"Um ..." Green also agreed quite a bit. It's one thing to get a lot of people, but it has always been concerned, and everyone can't stand it, and it's not a big star.

"Then I will go out for a while." Garcia temporarily left the team and looked in one direction. "There are many cultists over there."

The demon sect is essentially a cult. The definition of a cult is that the evil **** is the master. As long as the evil **** is involved, it must be a cultist. The relative other churches are normal, but Garcia ’s own evil **** attribute. It's so special, ice and sacred!

In addition to the inevitable name of the evil god, the rest is related to the legitimate evil spirits. On the contrary, because of this attribute, they have also fought many cultists! The more evil the sacred power of the Azure Fury purifies, the more significant the ascension ... The purification of evil is one of the ways to enhance the power.

Compared to the act of propagating doctrine to eradicate true evil, this kind of situation that directly eradicates true evil and at the same time improves strength can stimulate people's action! Although Garcia will not become a kind of madman like "Holy Light, that evil is worth fighting", but after meeting a large wave of cultists, it will inevitably be itchy, but it is a wave of experience waiting for harvest and purification, The cultist has had a lot of conflicts with his sect group on weekdays. What is wrong with going back?

"Well, I'm going together too, Green, Fred, you just stay here, watching Carlin don't be disturbed by others."

Green hesitated a little: "Okay, you guys are careful."

Oss nodded, and Garcia quickly left the unnamed village, ready to find the trouble of the cultists. The church's backup troops came, which does not mean that they can immediately eradicate the cultists who are nearby. Nearby There are many active cultists. Those cultists are mainly looking for something. The batch of people who came to the unknown village before were attracted by malicious people!

It ’s not that the cultists want to come here to play for themselves, and that we are just passing by, you should eat and drink, do n’t care about us, do n’t care what they are looking for, or attracted by people maliciously, since Found this unknown village, and not far away, while they are looking for something, they do not mind a temporary **** sacrifice to their own evil god.

"There are too many cultists here." Lilia looked at the silver plate of prophecy in her hand, which displayed abnormal information nearby. She didn't need to follow the map here, but the church analyzed the evil. After the unusual movement of the believers, she followed.

These cultists are looking for something, and such a large-scale action ... the things they look for are certainly not ordinary things. They found that they must be targeted. No matter what the cultists do, they do n’t talk directly. It ’s true to destroy!

As for the kind of demon warriors and evil spirits ... focus on observation, after all, there are quite a few actions that directly defeat other cults in their actions. What kind of action does the church come to destroy? Regarding why the behavior of Demon Soldier and Soul God is so abnormal, the disorder and disorder of the normal evil God that has deviated from it, the church still has not been able to find the main reason, even if there has been a lot of exchanges and research on the Demon Soldier and Devil God produced in this way.

The demon soldier's performance is more orderly and justice, and of course he has a lot of praises for the producers, completely ignoring the old church that made it, the Templar Church ...

Therefore, it is temporarily concluded that the existence of the producer is too arrogant, and the magic soldiers he produced have extremely strong unique traces, which are so strong that they can resist the twisting power of the evil **** ritual, resulting in the resulting The attributes of Demon Soldier and Demon God have exactly the same properties as Demon Soldier. Not to mention, they will not be distorted by the rite of demon ritual, and become a true normal deity.

Strictly speaking, the demon warrior ... is a mentally ill patient in the evil war!

In short, this time I faced a legitimate cult. It ’s right to die. It ’s not enough. At the same time, I have to figure out what they are looking for and give them what they are looking for before this cult. Get it! And what effect does this have on this cult?

What do they have to do with the human beings who are justified? What do they care about? What their churches do is as long as they destroy cult actions, and nothing else is within the scope of their thinking.

"How much?" Achill asked.

Lilia glanced at the silver plate of prophecy again: "Um ~ now the number captured is about two thousand."

"..." Achill's eyes twitched slightly. There were only hundreds of cultists active on the bright side. Before they had gone to the place, there was a vicious battle. At that time, the cultists close to the unknown village were defeated. Although some of them escaped, the remaining number will not exceed fifty. The number has already been reduced, but now ... there are two thousand? This still captures the amount of information in a part of the area. If the scope of the silver disk is expanded to a larger area, how many cultists will there be?

"Give you enough material, how much can you solve?"

"? If it's preparations in the Valley of Despair, even if the number doubles, I can wipe them out with a 'day condemnation', even if their evil spirits appear, they will die!" Lilia raised her lips slightly. It is said that the most dominant point of mirror prophecy is within the mirror capture range. As long as the enemies appearing in this range are targets that can be hit by mirror prophecy! It's just that the more people who strike, the more dispersed the power, and the greater the consumption of the prophet.

Under normal circumstances, if she can kill thousands of people, relying on mirror prophecy can only solve hundreds of ... prophecy is easy to use and easy to use, but once it involves killing or changing, then the chance is very great. increase.

Of course, this consumption can be compensated by foreign objects. Lilia's words made Achill shake his head, the kind of speculation of the Desperate Valley? Unrealistic!

That's twice the consumption due to environmental constraints and the over-spec materials prepared for the witch! The doubling of the material consumption is to offset the environmental limitations of the desperate deep valley ~ ~ Therefore, it is simply unrealistic to use such high-level consumption here ...

It's not that the church can't afford it, but that there are so many things that will be useless next time after use.

"Be realistic."

"The reality is that the more than two thousand cultists are not difficult to solve, but it takes an hour of preparation time. The prophecy is convenient and convenient. When it comes to the killing part, I don't want to get too much backlash. "Lilia said that she struggled to be repulsed by the web of destiny. Lilia can now organize the" Sky Condemnation "killing behavior through mirror prophecy, but she just thought about the consequences and lay on the bed. Months are small, the question is whether it is worth using in this place?

In an hour of preparation, most of the time is to arrange something to reduce anti-phagocytosis or to bear anti-phagocytosis. After this point is arranged, the real use of mirror prophecy can be used to condemn it. Many people, even if they are all cultists, but these cultists are also covered by the net of destiny. As long as she kills them on the fate level, then the bitterness will not disappear, the net of fate will not look at Who is it, the web of fate is very simple to see, whether the other party's fate line is involved with the web of fate, if it is involved, it will be treated equally!