Cursed Dragon

Chapter 931: Old immortal world

It ’s arguably Zheng Yichen ’s favorite thing to tell history to the witch. There are too many parts that ca n’t be found in the book. What is the origin of the dark church? Zheng Yichen has read from the book. Have you seen such a detailed story?

"The origin of the dark church, the original dark church was very weak, but they seized a good opportunity, that is, the witch brought out the opportunity to give rise to the dark church, of course, only by the ability of the dark church at that time , Is not enough for a rapid rise, but with the influence of this incident and the assistance of the witch, the dark church has successfully grown. "

Zheng Yichen nodded. This combined with the records from some secret codes, he can think of what the witch thought at the time, nothing more than that they planned to support the existence of a dog that can bite the dog with the church church, but this thing is normal. There is nothing on the record.

The rise of the dark church ... Well, there are many versions, but those versions do n’t have much to do with the witch directly. The original witch is also very clear that if the dark church has a relationship with them, it is difficult to grow. Even if the Templar Church did something wrong at that time, the Witch became extreme and created many evil spirits ...

Gave other forces a lot of opportunities. After all, sometimes they made great mistakes during the abyss of the disaster, but it was not very easy to make up for it.

"The Dark Church at that time had just bitten the Templar Church to make the situation of humanity more difficult for the sake of one move." Frieda said with her chin in his back: "What was the statement at that time ... oh , Abyssal creatures are the enemy of human beings. At this time, even the evil existence of human beings will face the anti-magic disaster, but the Templar church uses the abyss magic disaster to deal with the witch, so that there is a situation where the evil **** runs rampant, that situation should be Can be avoided ... "

"This ... is something straightforward, right?" Zheng Yichen asked involuntarily. It wasn't how profound the words were. On the contrary, it was very general.

Frida nodded: "It's really straightforward, but it was very useful at the time, because the abyss creatures are equal to humans, even if there are humans who choose to turn to the abyss creatures, but their appearance in the realm after that is the abyss. Monsters are not abyssal creatures who do n’t want to use humans, but they are very proud at that time and totally look down upon humans. "

"So when some wicked people made troubles in that era, they will also fight against the phenomenon of abyssal creatures. They are wicked people but want to live. The witch is also in this rank. The dark church has grasped this point. Directly received considerable support, but also an opportunity for their successful rise. "

"After that, the dark church will grow bigger. As the abyss magic disaster disappears, the witch continues to decline ..."

"Full of conspiracy feeling." Zheng Yichen said after a moment of contemplation.

"Almost, the Dark Church naturally has its own ideas when it grows up. It doesn't want to be a puppet supported by a witch, and wants to get rid of the witch's restraint. They succeeded. Here ... there is the shadow of the church in itself. "Fuli Da said with the same expression, there is no absolute enemy, this is not nonsense, while the dark church is growing, it is also in the period of the abyss of the disaster disaster has also made a lot of efforts to fight against the abyss creatures!"

After all, the wicked people have no human rights. Although the wicked people at that time were fighting against abyssal creatures in order to survive, most of them were passive. The existence of the dark church successfully united this part of the dark side of the power, and then the abyss magic disaster At the end, the dark church does not want to be a puppet of the witch, and must do something else.

Witches also thought of this at first. Power is always easy to degenerate. A grown organization does not want to be a witch's stooge.

"If they do this, are they not afraid of being threatened by the living witch?"

"Afraid? Why should you be afraid, the dark church itself is not the kind of force of the ecclesiastical church, and things happened during the period of the abyss of the abyss. After the error of the church caused the evil **** to rampage, there are many things and there are many 'exceptions' Naturally, the Dark Church is in this exception. Anyway, if the Templar Church does not directly refute, what is the dark church to say? "Frieda said here and couldn't help but reveal a sarcastic smile.

The dark church gets rid of the shadow of the church in the witch's control. In this process, the church must have some unspeakable deal with the dark church. This is also an exception. For example, when the witch runs away, the dark church participates in it ... …

Even strictly speaking, the Templar Church is not absolutely opposed to the Dark Church. They just maintain the stability of the world. The existence of the Dark Church maintains the order of the dark world. As long as the maintenance is good, the stability of the world will be reversed. Become higher, only occasionally need to beat.

In short, the Orthodox Church is not the Light Church ... The Light Church exists, but the Light Church in this world is not powerful. The Church is pressing, and the Light Church can only be a younger brother.

"So, ah, there are too many people who have been misled about things like history, and they think that what they know is completely true." Furita continued: "How many people survived during the abyss of the disaster?" Even though that generation knows a lot of things, it is no longer the period of the abyssal disaster and the era of peace, and not many people will go to test things that have little impact on their lives. "

Fu Li Da's translation of the word means ... people in this world are not full!

Discover history? Except those rich children and rich people, who would do this kind of thing? archeology? There is indeed this 'subject' in the outside world, but the so-called archaeological purpose is just to get something left over. The strength of the world is in a period of weakening, not that the level of the world has fallen, it is a period of peace. An inevitable result.

Everyone is in danger during the dangerous period, so they naturally think of ways to enhance themselves in order to survive. The period of the abyssal disaster is also the period of the fastest progress in human magic and combat skills. After that, progress in this area has stalled. Magic and combat skills are basically retained during the abyss of the disaster, and the number of new types of magic that follows is very small.

Therefore, it is said that the strength level of the world is in the weakening period, and it will not retreat. If you do not enter, you will retreat. Furita has observed nothing while idle. The strength of the professional in this period is less than that of the abyss during the disaster. About one-fifth.

Is also the existence of those who have just entered the ranks, with the same talent, and it is a normal phenomenon that professionals in the abyss of magic disasters will be able to beat modern professionals.

For example, Zheng Yichen ’s war dragon mech, or mechanical war dragon, if the world continues to be peaceful for hundreds of thousands of years, Zheng Yichen will be cold some day after, but some of his things have been widely recorded by people. See if it will How many people choose to test Zheng Yichen's ancients, to ensure that many people wield shovel, want to dig his grave to find those products.

No one will go to idleness to restore the historical truth. It ’s important to know that in this world, to restore the historical truth, but to be targeted by the people, to restore the historical truth, does not mean to discover some large The black history of forces?

Especially for the dark church, they know too much that they are going to die!

"Okay, the origin of the dark church is basically like this. As for the origin of the church? I do n’t know." Frieda said, she was a witness and even a participant in the origin of the dark church. Of course it is very clear, the church The church, forget it. The origin of the Templar Church is very fascinating. They do n’t have any special external help. It seems that there is external help everywhere. When the witch returns to God, the Templar Church has become The climate, of course, is not related to the number of witch awakenings at that time.

"Say ... Since that is the case, why do you still cooperate with the Dark Church?" Zheng Yichen asked.

"You are too small to look at people's desires? The leaders of the Dark Church have not been unsubstantiated. Witches are now on the verge of extinction. They do not worry about what their black history affects. Of course they will think about doing something else. It ’s a matter of collaborating again is nothing more than wanting to squeeze the witch ’s last value, try to grow again, just to use each other. "

"So this is really ..." Zheng Yichen couldn't help but tweeted, and it really reflected the sentence that there is no absolute enemy. The dark church and the church church had some py in order to get rid of the fate of puppets. Now that they do n’t have this worries, how can they do some kind of py with the old church church?

"The world of adults is as complicated as ever."

"It's not a world of adults, it's a world of immortality." Furita said indifferently, she didn't care much about the age issue, anyway, no matter how old she is, her appearance is still 17 years old, who makes her wake up Not big? It doesn't seem to be some plump looking, but actually a witch of the old woman ...

"So, won't you be the second dark church?"

"Hey? I don't have that much effort." Zheng Yichen waved his face in disgust, as a legitimate traverser, an ordinary young man living in the 21st century, even if he traversed, it would still be the same Well, external pressure? He just wanted to say that he was a special case of survivor deviation, and he had a high starting point that ordinary people did not have at the beginning.

Although the follow-up troubles are a little bit more, these troubles are not a thing now. These are brought by this high starting point, so why should he have that extra ambition? To say that his greatest ambition is probably ... often go home and see, this can't be done? If you ca n’t do that, then you can make the alien world become as good as your own home!

It ’s too much trouble to get a large strength like this to meet for this reason, like what he does, as long as it is done, he does n’t need to worry about maintenance at all, because these things that can succeed will become alien development. The indispensable cornerstone of progress.

As long as there are enough interests, who will go back and tear down these cornerstones?

"People will become."

"Then I have to wait a few hundred years to talk about it."

"It's good." Furita nodded slightly. She didn't say a word, although people will become, but after the maximum life limit is eliminated, they will look down on many things, and at least Most people are like this, except for some that seem extreme.

So Zheng Yichen said that after hundreds of years ... he wanted to toss out something at that time, most of which was no longer sincere. Perhaps it was that the world was too calm, and he wanted to stir the calm water and play with it, just It's like the chamber of commerce made by Qin.

Does she really like to do this kind of thing? Of course not. She came up with the Violet Chamber of Commerce. More than before, when an operation game was being played, the Violet Chamber of Commerce developed to such a large scale, Qin failed a few times, but her identity was kept secret Yes, and for her, she failed.

Will not really bring her much trouble, as for the wasted time, wasting a decade and wasting 10 years make sense to her? No! The so-called business failure is just a restart of the game for Qin.

Why did Zheng Yichen know about this? Of course I learned it from the Witch Little Theater!

"I have been chatting long enough. Go to work?"

"Do you have such great enthusiasm?" Zheng Yichen looked at Fu Li Da with surprise ~ ~ Eve's impetuous character is that her living time is a little shorter than other witch, Fu Lida's time is not short, right?

"I'm an imaginary witch, and the best thing I can do is to deceive myself and others, and make yourself more enthusiastic. What's the difficulty?" Furita said calmly, patting her face gently with her hand, gently with her left and right hands Tugged a little on his face, showing a faint smile: "Okay, how about this attitude?"

"... Are you going to go with the affinity?" Zheng Yichen muttered. Before that, Fu Lida had always carried the witch's unique 'facial paralysis' characteristics, oh, specifically, it was unwavering ... Now the style is once again, It made Zheng Yichen a little uncomfortable. After all, when Fridah smiled, her temperament changed a lot.

So all the witches are movie emperors. It ’s not in vain. When can you say that Lolise can act like this? Zheng Yichen took some delusional thoughts with Furita, saying that although the work of the two is to be coordinated, there is no need to stick together. She solves the problem of special effects and Zheng Yichen solves the problem of hardware.

After saying goodbye, Zheng Yichen walked around the studio for a few laps and thought of something. He brought out the book of the magic soldier and contacted Lily and Zenia. Then he closed the book and came to an vacant warehouse at the film and television base. After seeing Zheng Yichen, several guards opened the door of the warehouse immediately.

These guards are all high-level! It ’s not that the Violet Chamber of Commerce is rich and rich, but the things to be placed in this place are too important. This is the storage warehouse of the mechanical war dragons. Although the gadgets are to be used for filming, no one can deny that even if it is not filming, it is also a great lethal force. arms!