Cursed Dragon

Chapter 952

I do n’t know that the designed Xiongmei is still experiencing the new life of the child node. Now she only feels that this place is very good, it is very easy to do things, and when you eat, you can experience a long-term eating process. The taste of cooked food is indeed very enjoyable. When there is no threat, it is quite enjoyable to maintain this eating state, and when you are idle, you can just take off the light and change back to the original state, basking in the sun.

In short, she particularly likes this place. Since this is the case, this place is her new territory in Bear Girl ’s knowledge of Warcraft. Anyway, the original lord has already been eliminated. Is n’t it her or who?

"Hey, can this matter be recorded in the annals of history in the future? A certain World of Warcraft that could become a human being was discovered by us one day and one day, and then successfully captured. We personally sent it to the hands of a life magic researcher Here, cut off this unique case? "The old man in the team sorted out his equipment while whispering what he was going to say with quite a lot of movement.

"It always feels like a trafficker."

"Shut up, we have no chance to be recorded in the annals of history." Another person who looked at him about the same age said immediately that his age was a little older than this little kid, just It took a long time to get stronger, so the appearance is so fixed. Looking at young does not mean he is really young. Looking at the tangled look of the only young man in the team, he shook his head and continued: " Do n’t forget that we signed a confidentiality contract, and this thing ... "

He shook his head and did n’t go on. No matter what, they were all in a less glorious position. What they said simply was like catching aliens. What was more complicated was that they were snatching the research results of others. I have n’t heard of any Warcraft that can become humans before, but now there is such a thing, most of them are artificial results.

So, they did it not for anything, but purely for money ...

Therefore, there is no need to continue in-depth conversation on this matter. They just need to do their work within their own responsibilities, be prepared, and then set a trap to weaken the devil, and strive for a complete restraint for her, and then take Money hides all the process information of this matter, and then there is no matter for them. The leak is that they are not allowed to leak it. This does not include their employer. Once their employer chooses to disclose the secret, then the contract is right. They have no restrictions.

It's just that since the employer has chosen to disclose the news, there will certainly be no restrictions on them. The reason why the secret is a secret is why a few people know it. If there are too many people, it is not a secret.

"Alas ..." The young professional sighed slightly, still tangled.

"..." The captain of the team glanced at him and shook his head slightly. The only young man in the team, although good in strength, had the disadvantage of having too few experiences. Unlike them, they had various His experience is very open to many things, but it is different for young people. He has an impulsive approach to many things, or he is more self-conscious.

For example, people are picky about their face value. If Xiongmei is just a devil bear, then there is nothing to say. They will not feel that there is no difference between this action and normal tasks without commission. Anyway, it is a devil bear. That ’s it. If it ’s solved, it ’s solved. What else is there to say.

But the problem is that the devil bear can become a cute girl, which makes other people's mentality change a bit. Anyway, this directly involves humanoid things, and it always makes people think more.

It does n’t matter to these old people, even if they become humanoid, the essence of the other person is Warcraft, but for young people who have not experienced much, the idea will be much more complicated, but he is not the kind of passionate young man after all, although Tangled, but did not do anything outrageous.

This time I brought him to let him experience some more things. This is also a kind of experience. How can I gain experience or even become stronger without experience?

"The time she eats is unstable. The situation of this devil bear is special, and she can't cope with the usual experience." The captain said, glancing at the place of the life magic researcher, the other party is now in a portable position The house is mixing the so-called poison inside.

It can knock down powerful poisons that exist above the higher order. Although this kind of thing is very useful, but Warcraft is not so easy to deceive. Directly holding this kind of thing and running over, Xiongmei will definitely not be fooled. Look for a good opportunity. Row.

"Is there only one drop?" The captain frowned slightly, looking at the poison provided by the employer. The latter looked at him with a proud expression on his face.

"Do you know what this drop means? Fully functioning, you five times the number of people in the group will have to lose their fighting power!" He said there was a look of pride, five times? That's fake, more than ten times more. The main reason for this drop is to watch out for the magic bear's physique, which is too much for these people, so it can't be laid down normally.

Otherwise, he will only give a bottle of diluted, not the original solution!

"Well, I see, wait for our good news." The captain nodded, put away this special poison, and led the others out of here.

After moving away from each other, the female professionals in the team glanced back slightly: "He is lying, the poison is more effective than he said."

"It doesn't take us much care, this is all used." The captain said. Although he said so, he still took it out and lightly tapped a transparent thin needle into the container holding the liquid, and then quickly The thin needle that drew a little venom was put away. The whole process was simple and quick, and there was no abnormal movement.

Other people saw this scene, but did n’t say much. The guardian ’s heart is indispensable. Since the employers have lied, they also have to keep an extra hand. The trace of venom that is drawn will not affect anything. As for the rest , Of course, all used up.

The way is not difficult. Although the devil bear has an irregular diet, the timing of drinking water is very accurate. Of course, it is not realistic to incorporate this drop of venom into the lake. Although it will not be deadly, the creatures inside are all because of this venom. When it comes out, the devil will definitely not move the water in the lake.

Warcraft is keenly aware of some danger perceptions, and the best way is to accomplish this during her irregular feeding process.

"Leave it to me." The female professional said, taking over the venom passed by the captain, and a cold breath appeared in his hand. The venom inside was frozen and then stretched into a small ice needle: " Old rules, understand? "

"Of course!" The young professionals in the team nodded and poisoned. It's very simple. Just take the opportunity to get a little attention to the other party's attention while the target is eating. It doesn't take too long. It is enough for a moment. .

This is not something that can be done right away. Need an opportunity to fight hard? Uh ... Forget it, a series of high-level combinations are very shallow, but the wisdom displayed by this devil is too strong, and the applied force has also been analyzed and judged. The frontal hard fight is too hurt, especially by live catching. As a premise, this devil bear will be killed accidentally, so we still need to use some means.

In another place, Zheng Yichen stared at this researcher of life magic skills. The deity has fully unearthed the identity information of the other party. Those who have a case, oh, the researcher of life magic skills is more or less all. There are many cases, but this one is not much, the other party's skills are also good, but unfortunately contacted this matter ... that can only be said that he was out of luck.

In this case, let's play an additional role.

Zheng Yichen whispered, put this life magic researcher in the heart ×, of course, the other party can not be so wasted, after all, it is a very good professional in humans, the leftover items must always be received, so as not to waste Otherwise, Zheng Yichen is also distressed, this matter is easy to solve, just take his soul to Yilin or Qin.

"Am I changing too?" Whispered, Zheng Yichen also started to prepare. The demon bear had no problem there. Since he was going to catch it, even if he was passively suppressed, there would be no danger to his life. Focus on arranging things here.

The magic bear woke up from the sun. She reached out and patted her stomach. Her paws pulled up a soft dress beside her, her body shrank quickly, and she stretched out her soft dress. Putting on that bear sweater, she was fully adapted to the switch between the two states.

A series of ear tests have even been made. For example, if you keep any state for a long time, it will not affect yourself. Of course, if you are injured, you will retain the wound ... If the small body is injured, it will be fed back to the shape of the devil, and the wound will appear A certain degree of confusion, and the feedback of the large body to the small body can make the wound change smaller, but the same situation will occur.

For example, the wound on the arm originally changed into a human form, and a wound will appear broken, not only on the arm, but also on the neck and abdomen. This discovery was observed in secret. Zheng Yichen gave feedback to Annie.

In any case, the chaotic appearance of the wound is not a benefit, which means that the morphing technique does not reflect the perfect morphing effect. Although the Devil Bear seems to switch freely, there are still BUGs that need to be repaired. ...

This is a good beginning. Zheng Yichen doesn't want to master the post-transformation surgery in the future, but also has a lot of extra bugs to fix, which is really bad! In short, the more bugs I find, the more help I have for myself, and of course the greater the credit for this devil bear, and Anne can use her as a test tool for hand rubbing.

Zheng Yichen does not have the mentality of a witch. Since this devil bear has brought him such great convenience, of course Zheng Yichen will not do anything to kill and kill the donkey. The script is arranged in his hand, so later Zheng Yichen also intends to give Xiongmei arranged a good result.

After all, he will also use Transfiguration in the future, even in order to make people think that this magic is normal, other creatures can also use ... slowly spread, he knows the importance of popularization too, popularization is not a kind of Things are degraded, but an adaptation. Things can be popularized, that is to say, people have adapted them and will not be treated strangely by people wherever they go.

Not to mention doing something dangerous.

Zheng Yichen doesn't plan to be harassed all day long because of metamorphosis. Since you want to avoid such problems, then ... people are used to it!

I'm used to it, everyone has it, who would think about finding him? However, this requires a lot of preparation. It cannot be said that it can be done immediately. After all, this magic two witches is the main force of research. First of all, it depends on how they do it and engage in dictatorship in front of the witches?

Wake up, that's too much to die.

They will make a kind of ‘we cooperate with you’ on the surface, but they actually think of a stupid bird ’, and they have been in contact with the witch so much. Zheng Yichen ’s statement is not wrong.

"Well, as a researcher of life magic skills, it's normal to have associated 'systems' on him." Muttering, Zheng Yichen waited for another place to start.

After the devil became humanoid, he came to the lake and reached for a slap on the water. The impact passed to the water. Some fish surfaced. She was able to control the increased power. These fish were just stunned. After taking away the portion that I had enough to eat, the rest was the next batch of rations after waking up from syncope.

Then Xiongmei started grilling fish. After doing it a few times, she was able to make a good grilled fish at will ~ ~ At least it will not be baked, but this time it is for grilled fish. At that time, she heard a new movement not far away, and turned her head to look over. It was a demon wolf with red eyes and drooling drool in her mouth.

Is that thing staring at your grilled fish? Yep? What monster did he ignore the warcraft coercion he exuded and hit his own food? Xiong Mei frowned, and found that things were not that simple. She kept releasing her coercion while grilling meat. This behavior is also an instinct of Warcraft.

I was shocked that Warcraft, whose strength is weaker than myself, affects my eating. Warcraft's nose is very sharp, and does not distribute these. The other party ran over with a **** smell, no matter what kind of Warcraft, it was disliked by a group of people during the meal. It is uncomfortable to stare at bad things with good intentions, even if the opponent is weak.

Therefore, passively distributing coercion is a must. She is also doing this, and coercion is not directly related to appearance. Warcraft will not simply distinguish the danger through appearance. Breath is also an important factor.

What is the situation with this demon wolf? She said that she hated wolves a little bit. When she woke up, she was killed by a wolf and was shot by herself. Now there is another who ignores her coercion ... Or, will she clean up the nearby wolves?