Cursed Dragon

Chapter 978: Peer

"Although I can't understand the map, I can still see the journey after two days ..." Xiong Mei looked at the new route arranged by the cat in front of her, so it was hard enough. Wouldn't it be harder to get the two-day route?

"Everything is for safety. Although the journey will be extended for two days, all of this is based on the premise of more safety. Look at these routes, how secret is safe."

"..." are some mountain ditch routes. Of course, they are secretly safe. There are many Warcraft in those places, and wild animals are rampant. No one sees anyone for half a year. As long as they are out of the sight of monitoring, they enter these places and others want to find them Both are troublesome.

At least a large wave of powers with insufficient strength cannot be found. First of all, they need to find talents who can predict prophecy. Without a predictor, it is impossible to lock them out of thin air.

"We have to make some other arrangements before that, see me."

Zheng Yichen said that he took out a bunch of materials and put them together, and in the surprise of Xiongmei, he quickly got an organ, not an alchemy puppet, but a literal organ, with a simple alchemy core As an operating system, there may be only a few simple actions.

The alchemy puppet with normal performance can play these 20 kinds, and the appearance is also very rough. After making this, Zheng Yichen made another bear sister. The bear sister looked dumbfounded: "You are so powerful!"

"What's this? Come here, drip your blood into its mouth, I'll make some preparations." Zheng Yichen gestured to Xiongmei: "Can you temporarily get rid of the enemy's tracking sight and watch them."

Xiongmei nodded unconsciously, and within half an hour, the protective barrier of this place disappeared, and the cat continued to drive with Xiongmei out of the car, but this time it was no longer a normal creature. Too.

"What are these? Alchemy puppets? We're cheated !!!" A caster looked at the cat that had fallen to the ground in front of him. The cat's head was removed, and a little liquid remained at the fracture, not blood. Taste, but a slightly pungent liquid, alchemy puppets are not so rough, this thing is a simple gadget! !

That bear sister is also this kind of thing, the only strange thing is the breath, because the fake breath from the bear sister is the same as before, making them mistakenly think that this is the goal, so they directly gathered around and set up an ambush in advance. It ’s just that the car was directly crushed into the ambush, and it was blown into the sky with a bang, scrapped on the spot, as for the people inside?

Naturally, it became like this. They immediately realized that they were deceived, but it does n’t make sense to recover now. The original target has long lost track, and the blocked route ca n’t find the other party ’s track. The most likely is They changed the very sinister route.

Because these routes are too dangerous, the chance of being paid attention is not high.

"Really no one!" Xiong Mei looked left and right, saying with some surprise, the sky was almost dawn, meaning that the time had passed for nearly four hours, and it was attacked long ago. It is still good now, and there is no other sound besides the mosquitoes. Of course, the environment they are in is also very sinister.

Next to it is a cliff like a knife. If you step on it, you will fall into the abyss and you wo n’t die. But it ’s definitely not easy to get up. At the same time, there is a dangerous little snake on the steep footing. The color of these snakes and the rock The color is similar, the shape is the same as the chopsticks, and it has a sharp triangular head. Xiongmei learned from the cat how dangerous this kind of thing is.

Their triangular head has a strong penetrating power, and the poisonous teeth of the snake are very sharp. They can easily bite through the target's fur, even if the armor can bite through. Quite dangerous saliva.

It can paralyze the pain of the target. People who are killed by this poisonous snake will die very badly. They do n’t know that they will be injured. After knowing that there are at least dozens of such small snakes in the body. By the time he dies, there may already be more than a thousand chopstick-sized venomous snakes in his body.

I heard Xiongmei shuddering. To evade such a small thing, this thing is too abominable. No creature wants to make their bodies inexplicably have dozens or even hundreds of chopsticks. Isn't the snake? It's just that there are a lot of small snakes of this type in this place. When they walk, these small snakes keep coming to them.

For the approaching one, Xiongmei stepped on it without hesitation. The trampled snake was quickly swallowed up by other similar people. The corner of Xiongmei's eyes kept pumping. God, how could there be in the world Such a nasty little thing!

"I hate this kind of thing!"

Xiongmei looked seriously at the small space expansion bag hanging on the cat ’s belly. She knew that the cat could always pull out various useful things in that bag. She still thought about it before, now Xiongmei Already used to it, why can he always come up with useful things? Maybe she is the one and only cat.

Zheng Yichen waved his hand, took a small ball from the small bag and threw it to Xiongmei. Xiongmei caught the little ball and sniffed it gently. The smell was a little sweet, but instinctively told her this thing Not for food.



"You lied to me again."

"You will have enough judgment on what you eat, just rub it in your hand. This thing is to guard against this dangerous little thing." Zheng Yichen said.

Xiongmei nodded her head as she did. After the little ball was rubbed in her hand, the smell from it immediately became strong. The chopsticks snakes that gathered around him seemed to encounter some natural enemies, and the brick quickly escaped from here. : "This thing will not expose our location?"

"Oh? Can you realize this? Not bad, rest assured, the smell of this thing evaporates quickly, and it will not work for more than ten meters. And what do you think I did not take out of this before? Why are you ready to go down the mountain." Zheng Yichen said to give Xiongmei two hooks.

She tucked the little ball into her pocket and looked at the claw. This thing could be stuck on the arm. The structure was specifically used to climb the mountain. She looked at the cat with empty hands: "You Do n’t use it? "

"I am a cat, do you think I can use this?" Zheng Yichen said, popping out his claws: "Did you see the sharp hook claws? Hurry up, it is not safe to go on, we are from here Go on, follow me. "

He said that he jumped first from here, Xiongmei did not hesitate, jumped with Zheng Yichen, the cliff was fatal to ordinary people, there was no threat to her to jump like this, after jumping a distance, She saw the cat hanging beside the cliff, the serpent? ?

Seeing the cat being stared at by a snake, Xiongmei's eyes widened suddenly, and the rocks of the cliff hooked by her claws quickly changed her position, from falling to running, as a devil of the earth system, relying on her own magic Still able to run on the cliff at this angle, the big snake that was poised to attack looked at the bear girl rushing over.

Immediately opened his big mouth to bite at Xiongmei, and there was a little venom dripping on the sharp teeth. That big mouth could swallow half of Xiongmei's body at once, just watching the very fierce big snake on the power After being exploded by Xiongmei, about to bite Xiongmei, she was hit by her little fist on the head, and the crisp click sounded instantly.

The snake didn't even make a sound, so it fell down the cliff.

"... what are you doing?"

"I protect you." Xiong Mei said very seriously.

Zheng Yichen gently rubbed his forehead: "Don't be so impulsive next time, if you kill the snake, it's like leaving a trail."

"Ah? But we killed some little snakes before."

"Those are like ants. It's okay to kill ten hundred and one hundred, but this whole area of ​​this big snake is just one. If you don't talk about killing it, is it equal to high-speed others we have passed from here?"

"Can it still be like this?" Xiongmei looked incredulous.

Zheng Yichen shook his head and continued to show a falling jump. Xiongmei easily followed her. Seeing that she hadn't attacked Luo, he continued: "Why not? There won't be a second overlord in an area. You are the only one who will kill this place. There will not be a second overlord in a short time. Anyone with some experience can think of us. "

"But this overlord is too weak." Xiongmei was a little bit wronged, she just went up and punched, well, that punch was indeed a bit heavy, and even used the attack learned from the system to fully exert her physical strength. Skill, smashed the snake's brain with one punch.

"You are too strong, the problem is not big, don't care about this, we just need to modify the route." Zheng Yichen shook his head and said, let Xiongmei don't think about it, just emphasized just to remind you, let She has experience in this field. Don't encounter any hostile wild monsters and just kill them without saying a word. This is not brushing the wild. For the experience and gold coins, the wild area should be licked clean.

Obviously during the run, what else did you see kill along the way? Is n’t this just leaving the enemy with a road sign?

He did n’t know what other idle forces would come over, and there might be dark churches, empire and explorer alliances among them. The dark church has been dormant for a while, and it may be in conflict with the actions of the church, So it doesn't seem very positive. The Empire is very positive ... Of course, their people did not take the initiative to reveal their identity as an Empire.

The League of Explorers is purely to get back what they want, a blade of forbidden magic, and sure that the thing is not damaged, how can they do nothing happened, regardless of? It must be taken back, so the Explorer League is not only looking at the bear sister, but also the cat.

Among the three malicious forces that can be identified, the Explorer Alliance appears to be the most active. There are many treasures in their possession. Most of these treasures have tracking types of treasures. Other forces may be late, but the people of the Explorer Alliance will never be late.

"How long will it take?"

"Of course not, at most one or two hours away, who do you think I am!" Zheng Yichen snorted softly: "Follow me and you are right, those people see how I play them!"

This was also to be said in the original script, but this sentence in the original script was a big one, and it turned over after being said, but the script has been revised, and this statement has become a domineering manifesto. Unfortunately, she did n’t shake Xiong Mei ’s heart, and her aesthetic view is still that of bears. The time it takes to change is not short, so no matter how a cat can show it, it ’s just amazing in her eyes. Not handsome.

"Huh ... it's really dangerous." Carlin leaned against a stone and gently covered his restless chest. He glanced with fear, glanced at the valley not far away, and then looked at his broken clothes, the explorer The name of the league is well-deserved, and it was just a face-to-face meeting, and he was met with an unknown counterattack.

And this counterattack made him feel unclear. Therefore, he did n’t know where he was exposed from. He clearly used the skills of light and darkness to the extreme when he dived in, and could easily move invisible and invisible in the light and darkness. , Even able to penetrate some probing magic, but in such a special movement state, he didn't even feel any signs, so he was beaten badly.

It is impossible to say that there is no frustration, but he quickly adjusted his mind and tried to try again. Although he did not know where the counterattack came from, he remembered where the counterattack occurred, and the same place again A counterattack can always deal with it.

He can avoid the counterattack, and it is even harder to be alert if he wants to hurt him. It is just that the previous test obviously let the explorer alliance people also find that there is an intruder.

The counterattack is not important anymore. What matters is those who are on guard ... Well, it seems to him that it is not important ~ ~ I will go this time. "Karin and Karin said, this is not communication, it's a requirement. Karin completed the switch without much resistance, from the participant to the bystander."

"Then, be careful, sister." The transformation has been completed. It is impossible to argue. Carlin can only say something now. As for finding the Explorer League directly? As a stalker, how normal this behavior is!

He is a stalker, not a conspirator. What he wants to explore is naturally to sneak in, otherwise he has to prepare a lot of conspiracy calculations to destroy the explorer alliance? If it were so easy, it would have been ruined long ago, and it was his turn.

It's just that when Karin was the leader, she didn't dive in again immediately, but went to another place. This place made Carlin as a bystander a bit ignorant. She even had a peer. She didn't find it before. Ability.

And this peer is now looking around with doubt, looking for something. Carlin feels that the person he is looking for is him. Most of the time he helped this peer to go thunder! This is also normal among stalkers. When he is doing similar things, when he meets his colleagues, he will act as a thunder striker when the opponent does not find himself.