Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 343: S.H.I.E.L.D.'s retreat and the final vic

"Allen! The nitrogen missile is coming, the golden red one hugs it! Wait until the other missiles explode first and find time to go up." On the other side, Allen, who was fighting with the lava giant, suddenly heard from his ears. Tony's excited words in the distance.


He couldn't help but hit the thick body of the lava giant with his hand, and then rushed out with the help of recoil, watching the dense missile group in the sky and the arrogantly colored missile in the center. It soared into the sky in an instant, and flew toward the missile in the center.


   Then, after flying to the center of the missile group, Allen picked up the attacking nitrogen missile, and then slightly slowed its speed, waiting for other nitrogen missiles to bombard first.


Afterwards, dozens of nitrogen missiles were locked under the control of Jarvis without any accident, and then the head, hands, legs, and driving were all covered by their key points. All the missiles seemed to have eyes. Generally, before the collision, they chose their own positions and ran into their intended targets.


  ‘Kakkaka! ’


Different from the violent explosion sound produced by ordinary gunpowder missiles when they encounter a target, nitrogen missiles, when they come into contact with the target and explode, they produce thick liquid nitrogen that just disperses. , The surface of the lava giant bombed by the missile began to freeze instantly, and then the liquid nitrogen spread to the surroundings at a speed visible to the naked eye.




   And at this moment, watching Superman and Iron Man who are fighting fiercely, watching them come to an end, but...


   "The members of each team should pay attention, give up combat missions, evacuate in an orderly manner, and leave this area within three minutes." After a moment of silence, Natasha gave an order to retreat to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s wartime communication channel.


"Roger that!"


   "Received!" xn


   Although they were all surprised by the content of this order, those who were selected to participate in this mission were all S.H.I.E.L.D.Elites after all, and the profound and innate obedience orders still let them choose to comply.


Afterwards, the original strong fire suppression began to turn into bursts. In the end, even one shot was fired from time to time. In just two minutes, all S.H.I.E.L.D. teams completed the retreat mission, and everyone returned to their team. On the plane to which it belongs.


   Then as the plane ignited, took off, and then soared into the sky and flew out of the city, and these were all completed when the liquid nitrogen missile arrived and then bombed the lava giant.




"Allen! It's now, go!" Looking at the lava giant whose entire body is gradually being completely frozen, Tony watching the battle at this time, after looking at the data panel on the data panel for the frozen blockade of the lava giant, he said. Can't help but speak loudly to Allen.


Without Tony speaking, Allen, who had been prepared in the sky long ago, watched the lava giant's limbs including his torso completely covered by ice, and for an instant, he took the raging missiles on his shoulders towards the lava. The giant flew over quickly.


Looking at the little ant flying towards him in the sky, although I don’t know how powerful the missile on the opponent’s shoulder is, it’s just that the color is special and the lava giant is able to feel it. It's a huge threat.

"No!!" The lava giant who couldn't help but feel the threat of death, roared unwillingly, while forcibly mobilizing the power of lava in his body, countless magma in his body continued to gush out of his body as if money were not needed. .


   It is precisely because of the power of magma that is mobilized at the critical moment. The liquid nitrogen that was originally only covered with the lava giant's body is centered on the point where the magma first touches the liquid nitrogen.


   The liquid nitrogen immediately began to produce a huge explosion, and more than that, as if a chain reaction had occurred, and the violent explosion began to spread toward the place outside the body covered by liquid nitrogen.


   For a while, the lava giant's body seemed to be covered with mines, and his whole body began to explode in all directions, and the rubble produced by the explosion splashed towards the surroundings.


"Hey! Let me add more fire to you." Seeing that the original plan was effortlessly completed, it was easily completed because of the opponent's stupidity. Alan, who stayed in mid-air, was overwhelmed. After the liquid nitrogen missile on his shoulder, Allen couldn't help but smile, then picked up the liquid nitrogen missile and continued to fly towards the opponent.


Then, amidst the explosions, he directly found the opportunity to bring the liquid nitrogen missile into the giant lava giant's unwillingly roaring mouth, and then after entering its throat, Allen hung in the air, looking at the deepest esophagus. The lava that was boiling everywhere, after he smiled, he picked up the liquid nitrogen missile and threw it down forcefully.


   Then the whole person flashed directly through the throat of the lava giant and flew towards the sky, UU reading www.uukanshu. After finding a suitable distance, com stopped and watched quietly the lava giant who was roaring in pain doing the final struggle.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! , Roaring in anger with extreme unwillingness and regret.


Obviously, he can destroy the entire New York by only that little bit, and he can clearly become the head of the four generals. Why these people can have this kind of ice ability that is even more terrifying than magic without magic, and in the end With all these unwillingnesses, in a huge explosion, as the huge fire ball soared into the sky, it dissipated into ashes.


   "Huh, it's finally done, this guy is really difficult enough!" Seeing that the other party was blown to pieces in the huge explosion, Alan finally relaxed, could not help but let out a long sigh of relief, and then said.


   After all, if Uncle Tony did not propose this plan this time, people in New York still don't know how much it will cost to stop this guy in front of him.


On the other side, Tony was also relaxed. After watching the lava giant blew up, he wanted to enjoy the encouragement from the victory of the masses. However, after turning his head, he saw no one for several kilometers around him. The area seemed to be emptied, only him and Alan, oh, and the Hulk who was shot flying into the ruins.