Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 124: As wished

All transactions in the business district will be supervised by the guards. If someone cheats and slips, they will be immediately caught by the guards and punished.

The captain of the guard is Sang Ye, and the deputy captain is nine yuan.

But Sang Ye usually doesn't show up, unless there is a major incident, he is usually handed over to Jiu Yuan to deal with it.

The rental and sales of shops are not too good, nor too bad. After all, everyone is still busy working and earning points to support their families, so there is no time to start small businesses.

Shuangyun occupies the largest shop and puts all his vegetables and fruits on it.

In addition to seeds, herbs, and spar, they are now still working.

The wolf beast is not interested in these things, but the females like it. As long as the male beasts with partners have extra work points, they will change some fruits and vegetables and bring them back to their females to eat.

Both the wild horse tribe and the rabbit tribe are herbivorous orcs, they like the fruits and vegetables of the slow house, and almost every day they buy a batch of them in their shops regularly and quantitatively.

The Feathers are omnivorous orcs, they sometimes fly down, buy some fruits and vegetables, and take them home to the tooth-fighting festival.

The volume of these transactions is not large, but the victory is long-term stability.

After a period of time, the business of Slow House has not deteriorated, but has become better.

It’s not a secret that the rock wolf tribe took in the Mustang Orcs and the Rabbit Orcs. This matter quickly spread in this forest. More and more orcs were desperate to find rocks. Wolves, ask them to take in.

Shuangyun hopes to increase the strength of the rock wolf race. Naturally, the more orcs, the better, but to be on the safe side, he did not let these orcs directly enter the fortress, but marked a place at the foot of the mountain.

"You will live here in the future. During the three-month inspection period, if you can get 100 work points during the inspection period and have no record of committing crimes, you will be eligible to live in the Rock Wolf Race."

Shuangyun paused, and added another sentence: "If you have any special strengths or can make great contributions, you can lower the entry requirements as appropriate."

Among them was a small orc crowded out of the crowd. He was only more than one meter tall. Standing among a group of orcs with an average height of 1.9 meters, he looked very small and petite, looking like a dwarf.

The dwarf is a mole beast. He is wearing a gray animal skin and a huge animal skin bag on his back. When he laughs, he will show two sharp front teeth.

His name is Climbing.

Following the crawl, there was a female mole and a dozen little mole babies. These were his wife and children.

This family is very small, and it is very happy to be crowded together.

Climbing tried his best to raise his head: "Respect to Chief Shuangyun, I can dig into the ground, and I can also inquire about information. Please accept our family!"

Shuangyun lowered his head and looked down at the little man in front of him: "Tell me, what information have you inquired?"

"I saw Bu Jin and Yi Wu joined forces and killed Chief Booker."

Shuangyun said, "I already know this."

"But what you don't know is that Bujin has captured many prisoners of war as slaves, intending to dedicate them to the Temple of Dark Moon."

Shuangyun finally got a little interest: "Go on."

Climbing rubbed his hands and asked expectantly: "If I tell you everything, can you let me and my family live in the Rock Wolf Race?"

"It depends on the value of the information you provide."

Climbing seconds to understand, he said excitedly: "When I went to the Heihe tribe to steal food, I saw Bu Jin’s partner—that is, the female fox clan named Yi Wu. She hooked up with a baboon male. I know that baboon male. He used to be a witch doctor of the Heihe wolf clan and his name was Ma Qing."

Shuangyun narrowed his eyes: "Anything else?"

"Ma Qing seems to be connected with the Dark Moon Temple. Yi Wu has been trying to please him. She obeyed Ma Qing's instructions and deliberately encouraged Bu Jin to attack other tribes, and then gathered the prisoners of war and sent them to the Dark Moon Temple as slaves. "

Speaking of this, Climbing suddenly lowered his voice, and said mysteriously: "Does your rock wolf clan have a male beast who has become Yi Wu's companion?"

Shuangyun thought of Konoha and said yes.

"I saw the male beast in the forest the night before. It seems that he was abandoned by Yi Wu. He was backlashed by the contract with his partner. He was dying. He still wanted to return to Rock Mountain."

Shuangyun's expression changed, he grabbed him and asked sharply, "Where is he? Take me there!"

Climbing was too much to breathe, but he still didn't forget to negotiate terms: "You, you have to promise me first, let us live in the rock mountain!"

"I promise you."

Climbing glared at his legs: "Then let go of me, I will take you to find him."

Shuangyun released Climbing, Climbing immediately told his wife and children: "You are here and wait for me to come back, don't run around."

Seeing his wife, the children nodded to indicate that they had taken note, and then Climb Chong Shuangyun said, "Come with me."

Shuangyun said to Jiu Yuan: "You look at these orcs, and I will go back."

Jiu Yuan said, "I will go with you!"

Shuangyun frowned and hesitated.

Jiu Yuan said stubbornly and earnestly: "Anyway, Konoha is Muxiang's younger brother, and he is also half of my family. Now that something happened to him, I must personally pick him up!"

"Well, you go with me."

Climbing is small, but the speed is surprisingly fast. Fortunately, Shuangyun and Jiuyuan are not slow, and they have not been dropped.

The three quickly walked through the forest, and finally found Konoha under a big tree.

He has no breath.

The body maintained the form of a wolf, lying motionless on the ground, the gray-black fur was dirty and messy, there were still blood stains beside the fangs, and the dark green eyes would never open again.

Climbing heart is sad: "The abandoned male beast is really pitiful!"

Jiu Yuan and Shuang Yun were very heavy.

Climbing asked: "Are you going to take him back?"

Shuangyun did not speak.

After a long silence, I heard Jiu Yuan say in a deep voice, "Now burn him."

Shuangyun looked at him in surprise: "Don't you have to wait for Muxiang to see him before burning?"

"Since the last time I lost five partners in a row, Muxiang has been hit hard, and her body has deteriorated a lot. Now she has managed to get better. If she sees Konoha's death again, she will definitely not be able to withstand the shock. , I don’t want her to be hurt anymore."

Shuangyun hesitated: "But this matter can't be kept from her for a lifetime. If she knows the truth in the future, you..."

"Let's count as long as you can. If you can't hide it, I will tell her the truth personally. Whether she is resentful or hateful, I am willing to bear it."

When it comes to this, Shuangyun knows that Jiu Yuan is determined, so he can only pat his shoulder: "Then do it."

They found branches and burned Konoha's body.

The ashes were carefully wrapped in animal skins by Jiu Yuan and brought back to the rocky mountain.

Konoha failed to return to his hometown before his death, and finally got his wish after death.