Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 151: Life and death

Due to Baidi's various obstacles, the slow diet plan was forced to shelve.

But as a modern woman who has principles and persistence, Slow won't just give up like this!

She got up early the next morning.

Baidi, who was preparing breakfast, heard her getting up and looked at her in surprise: "Why do you get up so early today?"

Slowly clenched his small fist: "I'm going to run, I want to lose weight!"

Baidi thinks that running is also very good, can exercise and enhance the physical fitness of the female.

So he put aside his work: "You are not familiar with this place, I will go running with you."

The two ran along the road of the palace.

Back in the room, slowly already out of breath.

She collapsed on the bed like a salted fish.

Baidi looked like an okay person, his face was not flushed, he didn't breathe, he didn't even sweat.

He will slowly lift up from the bed and help her wipe off the sweat from her body.

Breakfast was a fragrant meatloaf. I slowly ate one and drank a bowl of vegetable soup. I said I was full.

Baidi still felt that she ate too little.

He reached out and touched her belly, confirming that it was bulging, and then ate all the remaining meatloaf and vegetable soup.

Slowly, full of blood, resurrected.

She touched her belly and said confidently: "I must be able to develop the same eight-pack abs as you!"

Baidi thought about the slowness of having eight pack abdominal muscles, and suddenly felt a little bit square in his heart.

He said sincerely: "Don't force yourself, you are beautiful now."


Baidi sent some fruits and vegetables to the Chamber of Commerce for consignment.

As he expected, many females in the city went to buy fruits and vegetables.

The amount sold is not large, but the unit price of the target is relatively high, so the profit is still pretty good.

The feeling that Baidi can make money without going out to show up is really good!

Slowly even came up with an idea of ​​long-term cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce.

It is a pity that the Chamber of Commerce only has branch points in the major beast cities, such as their rocky mountains, which belong to remote and poor villages. The Chamber of Commerce is definitely not willing to spend manpower and resources there to set up branch points.

Slowly expressed regret for this.

The slate in the ring space was taken out by Baidi, and the words slowly written on it had been erased and replaced with new content.

It's still Shuangyun's handwriting, and it says--

"How many days will you have to get home? Sang Ye and I want to pick you up."

Baidi thought for a while, and wrote the reply.

"It will take us fifteen days to get home at the latest."

He stuffed the slate back into the space.

Slowly missed Shuang Yunsang Ye and the children. Compared with the magnificent Sun City, she still prefers the warm and familiar rocky mountains.

She said to Baidi: "Let's go back."

"Well, let's say goodbye to father, and then set off for home tomorrow morning."

But when they went to find Bai Ming to say goodbye, they were told that Bai Ming was critically ill!

Baidi rushed into the bedroom and saw his dying father lying on the bed.

The high priest Wen Qian was seeing a doctor for Bai Ming, and a large bowl of holy water was poured into it. Not only was it useless, it made Bai Ming's condition worse.

His breathing was very weak, his face was as pale as paper, and his whole body was as thin as wood, and his appearance was ashamed.

The waiters also held their breaths, and did not dare to breathe.

Wen Qian said helplessly: "Sorry, I have tried my best, you can prepare funeral for your Majesty."

"What are you going to do? My father hasn't died yet!" Baidi swept his eyes sharply, "If my father is dead, don't think about it all!"

The waiters were so frightened that they knelt on the ground, shaking like chaff.

Wen Qian shook his head and sighed, "Why do you need this? Life and death are inevitable, these people are innocent."

Baidi ignored him and held his father's hand tightly.

Wen Qian said: "My king should not last too long. If you have anything to say between your father and son, please take advantage of this time to finish it quickly, so as not to leave regrets in the future."

Then he left with the attendants.

Slowly said to the waiters who knelt on the floor: "You all go out too."

When the waiters saw that the Baidi had no objection, they ran out like an amnesty, lest the lagging ones would be angry by the Baidi.

Only the Baidi father and son and Slowly were left in the bedroom.

Baidi kept saying: "Father, you will be fine!"

Bai Ming's body was so weak that he couldn't speak, he could only look straight at his son, and his pale blue eyes were filled with tears of reluctance.

Slowly and silently took out the bone knife, cut through the palm of his hand, dripped blood into the bowl, mixed with warm water, and brought it in front of Baidi.

"Feed it to your father, it might be useful."

Baidi saw her palms entangled in animal skins and his eyes were deep: "Thank you."

Slowly urged: "It's your family don't need to be so polite. Give it to your father quickly."

Baidi helped his father to sit up, and carefully fed him the warm water mixed with blood.

With a bowl of underwater belly, the whitening state improved at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. The original pale cheeks returned to ruddy, even the wrinkles on the face disappeared a lot, and the whole person's spirit improved.

Bai Ming felt full of power in his body.

He showed an unbelievable expression: "I feel like I'm healthy again!"

Bai Di calmly breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"As long as you are fine."

Bai Ming couldn't help asking: "Did slow blood have been added to the bowl of water just now? Can her blood cure diseases?"

If it wasn't forced, Baidi would never let the bloodletting slowly save people. If someone knew that her blood could heal illnesses, she would definitely be chewed so much that there were no bones left!

Bai Di pleaded: "Father, can you forget the scene that just happened? Slowly is just an ordinary female, I don't want her to be in danger."

Of course Bai Ming knew what his son was worrying about, but he was too surprised just now, so he couldn't help but ask questions.

"Well, I promise you," Bai Ming promised, "I won't tell outsiders what happened just now."

Baidi emphasized: "Even the high priest and Bai Luo cannot tell them."

Bai Ming glanced at his son deeply, and after a moment of silence, he nodded, "Okay."

Slowly thought that this would be enough, but the Emperor Bai took out a contract scroll.

That was an intermediate contract scroll, it could conclude contracts with orcs between four and six stars, and Bai Ming happened to be a six-star soul beast.

Baidi unfolds the scroll: "I know that doing this may make you chill, but I have no choice. Slowly is more important than my life. I have to protect her, so please press your handprint on this contract to guarantee you I won’t let anyone know what happened today."

Slowly persuaded him in a low voice, "Forget it, he is your father after all, we should be able to trust him."

Baidi remained unmoved, looking firmly at his father.