Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 184: chase

Slowly resisting the severe pain, he got up in the snow tremblingly.

She bit her finger and dripped blood onto the barbata.

The lotus, which had almost withered, was restored to life at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the pale pink petals turned pale pink again.

The Banzhilian rubbed the injured finger slowly, and her voice was a little crying: "Aniang..."

Touch it slowly: "Don't cry."

Sang Ye was taken away, and the traces left by the sled are still there. If you follow the traces, you should be able to catch Sang Ye.

She struggled to walk forward, but had to stop without taking two steps, covering her severely painful chest, her lungs were burning like fire, and she had to bend down and coughed so hard.

Her current speed is too slow. Before she could catch up with Sang Ye, the marks on the ground were already covered by wind and snow.

Slowly grabbed a handful of the powder made from the beech grass and stuffed it into his mouth, mixed with ice and snow and swallowed it.

Bei Zicao's effect was too slow and time was precious, so she called the system directly.

"Little Eight, is there any way to heal my injury immediately?"

System 438 said: "The system cannot treat the host’s wounds, but it can temporarily shield the host’s pain."

Slowly and immediately said: "Then shield my pain!"

"The system has already shielded the pain, but the host should pay attention to it. The shielding of the pain can only make the host not feel the pain temporarily, but if it is not treated in time, it will still fall because of the injury."

"I know."

After masking the pain, I feel refreshed slowly and immediately.

She ran wildly along the traces left by the sled, and sprinkled some fried melon seeds along the way, making signposts for Baidi Shuangyun Xueling and others who might be found.

On the way, the Scutellaria barbata helped catch a reindeer alive, and slowly made a sleigh from the wooden planks stored in the space, and put the rope on the reindeer.

At first, the reindeer was unwilling to help her pull the cart, and had a bad temper. After being fetched by the barbata, he became honest.

Slowly knowing the truth of giving a sweet date to a meal, she grabbed the sweet water vegetable and gave it to the reindeer.

The forest in winter is covered with heavy snow, and there are almost no green plants. This poor reindeer can only eat withered hay. It hasn't eaten fresh grass leaves for a long time.

Now that a large amount of sweet water vegetables was eaten, the reindeer immediately resigned as a coachman, pulling the sled and running fast on the snow.

With the reindeer, the slow speed immediately increased many times.

She was lucky. The next few days were sunny, and there was no wind or snow along the way.

Although running very tired and hard, fortunately, the traces left by the sled have not disappeared, which means that she has not been lost.

The winter is very cold, and most of the beasts and orcs are nestled in their old nests and did not come out to move, so slowly and fortunately they did not encounter danger.

There is a lot of food and water in her space ring. When she is hungry and thirsty, she can eat two bites without worrying about being hungry.

After running for nearly ten days, I finally found Han Ying and others on the river bank.

She hurriedly hid, but was still noticed by the keen cold shadow. He looked in the direction of hiding slowly: "Go and see who is hiding there."

The lynx received the order and immediately ran towards the big rock that was hiding slowly.

In a hurry, he slowly thought of the lotus seeds given by Scutellaria barbata.

She quickly took out a lotus seed and threw it into her mouth.

The lynx ran behind the big rock and found that there was only a dead tree with all its leaves off, and a reindeer running wild not far away.

No abnormality was found, and the lynx came home empty-handed.

"Master, there is only one reindeer running madly, nothing else."

Han Ying nodded, and did not take this trivial matter to heart.

He lowered his head to look at Sang Ye. The wounds on the python's body had been frozen, and no more blood came out, but the wounds did not heal, and Sang Ye hadn't eaten a bite in the past few days. Already very weak.

Had it not been for the giant python's appearance that it was dying, Han Ying would not stop here.

He frowned and said, "Are you really going to commit suicide on a hunger strike for a female?"

The python was dying and lying in the snow, silent.

Han Ying said: "If you abuse yourself like this again, I will immediately go back and grab the little female and make her a member of the alien race, so that you can be together forever in the future, lest you die for her again. To live."

The python moved a little, and made a weak voice: "Let her go..."

"If you really want to protect her, you can honestly follow me back to the alien race, try to improve your strength, and make yourself stronger. Then you can go wherever you want and protect anyone, no one can stop it. you."

The giant python said softly: "Slowly dislike alien demons..."

If he becomes an alien demon, Slowly will definitely hate him.

He would rather die than become the kind of creature she hates.

Han Ying said: "If she really likes you, no matter what you become, she will definitely like you! Otherwise, she will be false and not worthy of your loving her!"

The python was silent again.

Seeing his stubbornness, Hanying hates that iron cannot be steel: "If your mother is still alive, I will definitely be disappointed to see your unpromising appearance!"

The python still didn't speak.

Han Ying realized that something was wrong with him, and after a closer look, she found that this kid had fainted!

There is no more delay, you have to take him back to heal his injuries quickly!

Han Ying said to the lynx beasts: "Let's take a step first, and you will follow!"


Han Ying shook the snake's tail, breaking the ice layer on the river surface, and the river water hidden under the ice layer was extremely turbulent.

He curled up the fainted python with a snake's tail, jumped into the river, and swam quickly downstream.

The lynx discarded the sleigh and ran down the river.

It didn't take long for them to run away.

The dead tree hiding behind the stone moved its branches.

Fortunately, she moved quickly and ate the lotus seeds in time, turning herself into a dead tree, avoiding the detection of the lynx.

She pulled the roots of the tree out of the snow, jumping to the riverside.

A large hole remained on the surface of the ice.

Just now she saw Han Ying and Sang Ye jump into the river from here, so she also plunged into the river to avoid being lost.

The weight of the dead tree was very light, and it was washed a long distance by the rushing river.

I slowly felt myself spinning around in the water, turning dizzy and vomiting.

I don't know how long it has been floating.

She was washed into an underground lake by the river.

The dead tree floated on the lake.

Slowly, all Venus is spinning around, who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

After a while, she recovered from the chaos, struggling to scratch the branches and climbed onto the shore.