Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 31: Super narcissist

Muxiang told Lin Wanman how to use Yuanye Guo.

After Muxiang left, Lin slowly went into the cellar, opened the stone jar, and took out a source leaf fruit from the inside.

Ever since the Emperor Bai brought them back, he would take out two of them every day for Lin Slow to eat. Now that he has eaten more than ten, Lin Slowly feels that his physique has indeed improved a lot.

At first, she thought that this kind of fruit was like a health product that could nourish the body. After listening to Muxiang, she realized that the original source of leaf fruit can still have that wonderful use.

Thinking of Muxiang's words, Lin slowly couldn't help blushing again.

She stuffed the source leaf fruit that she took out into her pocket.

As soon as Lin Slowly got out of the cellar, he saw that Emperor Bai was about to come in, and the two of them were shocked when they met each other.

Baidi took the lead to ask: "What are you doing below?"

Lin slowly looked erratic: "I'm organizing food."

"Did you just sort it out last night?"

Lin slowly couldn't answer, so he stopped talking, and ran away while holding the wooden cup.

Baidi looked at her back, thoughtfully.

The little female seems to be hiding something from him...

Lin Slowly walked out of the kitchen when she heard Shuangyun calling her.

"Slowly, come out."

Lin slowly didn't dare to see him until now, she moved out of the room slowly, and when she saw Shuangyun, her eyes dodged involuntarily.

"what's up?"

Seeing that she was like a little daughter-in-law, she was shy and replied, and she liked it very much, and couldn't help but want to take her into her arms and rub it.

But now there is still business to be done, he can only endure the impulse in his heart.

Shuangyun lifted his chin slightly: "Don't be embarrassed, don't worry about mating, now I have another thing to tell you."

Lin Slowly became angry from embarrassment: "I'm not in a hurry to mate with you!"

"Okay, don't worry." Shuangyun looked at her helplessly, with a perfunctory tone, apparently taking her denial as a sign of shyness.

Lin slowly became angry.

How could there be such a narcissistic person in this world? !

Shuangyun squeezed her small face, and the smooth and soft touch made him very satisfied: "Don't worry, we will mate immediately when this matter is finished."

"I don't want to mate with you! You are a narcissist!"

Shuangyun's eyes were full of doting: "What a duplicity little female."


To prevent himself from vomiting blood out of anger and death, Lin slowly and decisively decided to change the subject.

"What are you looking for me? Hurry up, I'm busy!"

Shuangyun didn't go around with her either, and said concisely: "Liya is pregnant."


Lin Slowly didn't understand why he wanted to tell herself about this. She was taken aback for a moment, and then she made a bold guess.

"Couldn't the child in her belly be yours?"

Shuangyun suddenly turned green: "What are you talking about? I have nothing to do with Liya, how could she be pregnant with my child!"

Lin slowly remembered Shuangyun's unpretentious expression when facing Liya, and felt that his guess was indeed a bit unreliable.

She coughed slightly, pretending that she hadn't said anything just now, and continued to ask: "Then what are you telling me about this?"

"Liya bullies you, this matter can't be let go, I originally planned to keep her in jail, wait for the snow to melt, and then throw out all the male orcs she and her brought."

However, Liya was pregnant.

Female orcs during pregnancy are very delicate, and will kill two dead if they are careless.

Now her male partners are arguing, asking Shuangyun to release Liya.

Shuangyun has always had no good expressions on females, not to mention that Liya had bullied his little females, which he could always remember.

He doesn't care if Liya is pregnant or not, he just can't spare Liya easily anyway!

But the old witch doctor called him over today and asked him to let Liya go.

Liya is a female after all, and she is pregnant. If something happens to her in jail, I am afraid that her male partners will not give up.

When the time comes, it will really start, and it must be another life-and-death struggle.

Shuangyun slowly said to Lin: "Liya was arrested because she bullied you. As a victim of this incident, you have already decided what you should do with her."

Lin slowly blinked, "If I wanted to kill her for revenge, would you agree?"

"Killing is too bloody, it's not suitable for you to do, you wait here, I will help you kill her."

After he said this, he was ready to go to jail to kill.

Lin Slowly grabbed him: "The crime of killing a female is not light, not to mention that she is still pregnant. Are you not afraid of being accused and scolded?"

Shuangyun lifted his chin, his face rebellious: "I don't care what others think, the big deal is that I'm not the patriarch, so I will take you away from the Rock Mountain and live elsewhere together."

Lin was slowly moved.

She couldn't help but laughed: "Forget it, even if I hate Liya again, but the child in her belly is innocent, and I will not kill a child."

Shuangyun was startled: "Do you want to let her go?"

"Well, let it go."

Shuangyun looked at her steadily: "You are willing to give in and let Liya go because you don't want me to be embarrassed, right?"

Lin Slowly looked inexplicable: "Huh?"

"I know you like me a lot and want to take care of my feelings. I am really moved."

Lin Slowly: "..."

"Don't worry, I will come back to mate with you immediately after I finish solving Liya's matter."

Lin Slowly flushed, "Who wants to mate with you?!"

"I'm leaving first, you will wait for me to come back at home obediently!"

Shuangyun kissed her on the cheek, and then quickly walked away.

Lin Slow was very mad, she especially wanted to catch up and grab him by the shoulder and shake it vigorously.

Who wants to mate with you? You are a super narcissist!

Shuangyun opened the prison door and released Liya and her male partners.

Liya couldn't help feeling happy when she saw Shuangyun coming. Shuangyun was indeed a duplicity orc. Although he was indifferent and ruthless on his face, he still cared about her in his heart.

Especially when she saw the star pattern on Shuangyun's arm, it was even brighter.

"Shuangyun, you have evolved? It's amazing. After I give birth to the baby in my belly, I will help you to have a baby right away! I am so beautiful and you are so strong. The child born by our combination must be the most powerful. Cub!"

She threw at Shuangyun excitedly, desperately trying to express her feelings for him.

Shuangyun grabbed her neck with a look of disgust in her eyes: "I will let you off because of your pregnancy. If you dare to make trouble again, I will definitely kill you!"

Liya shuddered by the killing intent in his eyes, her face suddenly turned pale.

Her partners hurriedly gathered around and shouted angrily: "You let her go! She is female! She is still pregnant!"

Shuangyun let go, like throwing garbage, and threw Liya into the arms of the male orcs.

He said coldly: "If you want to save her life, please take good care of her, don't let her dangle in front of me, lest I can't hold it back and kill her."