Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 321: prophet

??? Slowly staring at the person in front of him blankly.

His face was as perfect as a god, and his long pale golden hair fell down his cheeks.

The sky and forest behind him were all blurred at this time.

As if he could only be seen in the world.

If the only flaw on his face is probably his eyes, which are covered by a white shark gauze.

There seems to be a problem with his eyes.

The prophet asked softly: "Are you all right?"

Slowly recovered, quickly withdrew from his embrace, and said awkwardly: "I'm fine, thank you."

"You're fine," the prophet looked down at Mather who was kneeling on the ground. "Today is a ceremonial ceremony. It is not suitable to see blood. Go quickly. If there is another time, I will not forgive you."

"Thank you Prophet for your life!"

Mather banged his head three times hard, and then ran away as if to escape.

Slowly looking at the prophet's profile, he couldn't help but look at God again.

For some reason, his face looked very familiar.

She couldn't help asking, "Have we met somewhere?"

Wait, this line sounds familiar.

Did she say it somewhere before? !

The Prophet said: "We have never seen it."

"That might be because I confessed to the wrong person," he smiled slowly and dryly, "thank you for helping me just now."

"You don't need to thank you for your effort."

Scutellaria barbata drew back to her side slowly, and nuzzled her affectionately, seeking comfort.

Slowly touching its buds, her gaze rolled from the eyes of the prophet, and she couldn't help asking: "Your eyes..."

The Prophet said faintly: "My eyes have a problem, I can't see the strong light, and the door must be covered with cloth."

"Oh," she paused, and then continued, "Mather called you a prophet just now, are you the legendary prophet?"


Slowly and heartily sighed: "You look so young!"

She always thought that the orc who could be a prophet must be a very old orc, but she didn't expect him to look so young!

The Prophet smiled slightly: "If I tell you my age, I might scare you."

Slowly did not believe: "You seem to be thirty years old at most, but I think you are in your twenties."

The prophet did not speak.

Although his eyes were covered with shark gauze, he could slowly feel that he was watching her at this time.

She couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed and changed the subject: "The sacrificial ceremony should be about to begin, don't you need to preside over the ceremony?"

"I am indeed going to host the ceremony. Are you okay here alone?"

Slowly said: "I'm fine!"

"Well, I'll go first, and see you later." The prophet walked out of the pergola slowly, and his white shark gauze robe set off his back more and more slender.


The Prophet's footsteps paused slightly, he turned his head and looked slowly, and saw that she was waving his arm towards him, he lifted his lips and showed a gentle smile.


After the prophet left, there was only one person slowly left in the pergola, and there were blood stains left by Mather on the ground.

She looked very uncomfortable and walked out of the pergola, trying to find a mistress to clean up the blood on the floor.

Unexpectedly, all the servants who were supposed to be sweeping in the clearing were gone.

She glanced at it, and there was no one in front of her.

Only the guards at the gate of the temple remained motionless.

That's weird! I didn't understand why there were people just now, but they disappeared in an instant.

She didn’t want to go back to the pergola. She found a stone closer to the temple to sit down. There were guards guarding the entrance of the temple. If she encountered a stinky rogue like Mather again, the guards would definitely see it, and they shouldn’t. Don't save it.

Slowly sitting on the rock, gnawing at the fruit boredly, and chatting by the way.

"The more I think about it, the more I feel that the prophet just now looks familiar. I must have seen him somewhere before!"

The system said: "You have a wrong memory."

"No, I remembered it correctly," Slowly said very surely, "His face is so perfect, as long as you meet it once, you will definitely be unforgettable."

"Since you can't forget, why can't you remember where you saw him? So you must have remembered it wrong."

"You don’t understand this feeling. The last time I saw Stardust, I thought he was very familiar, but I didn’t recognize who he was. When I saw the Prophet just now, the familiar feeling came again. I think I must have seen him somewhere."

The system is silent.

Slowly asked: "Why don't you speak?"

"I want to rest for a while."

Slowly hurriedly said: "What can you take a break for your system? Continue to chat with me about fifty cents."

"Then you bring the fifty cents first, and Dad has to collect the money before serving."

Slowly whispered: "It's like a pY transaction..."

The system asks: "What transaction did you say?"

"I didn't say anything," he denied it slowly and quickly, and then said with a grin, "I don't have fifty cents on me, only big and sweet sweet fruits. Would you like to eat it? It's delicious!"

The system only gave her two words: "Don't eat."

Slowly took a bite of the sweet fruit: "Don't eat it, I will eat it all by myself."

So for the next two hours, the system was listening to her chucking fruit, and the system almost collapsed.

Finally, when the ceremony was over, the orcs descended from the top of the mountain one after another.

Slowly then let the poor system father go to the intersection and wait for Xuehui.

There was a loud noise suddenly behind him.

Slowly turning around, following the reputation, he saw someone walking out of the forest carrying a corpse.

The corpse was placed in the pergola, surrounded by many orcs. They first studied the corpse and then asked the guards at the entrance of the temple about something.

They didn't know what they were talking about, but saw the two guards slowly pointing not far away together.

Lin slowly looked dazed.

wtF? It's not my business? !

The orcs walked slowly towards them, and one of the older orcs was the great elder who led them up the mountain before. He watched slowly and asked: "Did you kill Mather?"

Slowly was very shocked: "Mather is dead?!"

Was that corpse just now Mather?

She couldn't help but crane her neck to look in the direction of the pergola, to see if the dead orc was him.

The elder said: "You don't have to pretend to be stupid. You were the only person in the pergola just now except for Mather. He was killed by you in the pergola, and the body was thrown into the forest by you. You must be the murderer!"

Slowly felt inexplicable: "You want to show evidence, why am I okay to kill him?!"

"There are half ears and blood stains left by Mather on the floor of the pergola. The guards at the gate of the temple have heard that you and Mather had a quarrel in the pergola. As for the reason for your quarrel, you can wait for you to be sent to prison. After entering, we are slowly interrogating."

Slowly feel that this matter is too absurd.

She said: "Mather moved hands and feet to me. I acted with him out of self-defense, but I didn't kill him. You can't wrong me!"