Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 398: Show the limelight (1)

??? Xuehui comforted: "It's okay, don't worry, the blood plume is very strong, he will solve everything."

Slowly remembering that Xue Ling had asked to be the first to appear on the stage, he couldn't help asking: "Has Xue Ling already known the rules of the Colosseum?"

"Of course, he used to be a member of the stands in the Colosseum. He is more familiar with the rules here than anyone."

Slowly looked at her: "He was also a nobleman before?"

"He used to be a big badass," Xue Hui smiled half-jokingly, "Don't look at me, look at Blood Ling, he is about to win."

Slowly and immediately looked down the field, and saw that the ferocious water-splitting beast had its neck broken by the blood ling. The snake beast was also covered in wounds at this time, and the blood ling still behaved with ease, like a veteran hunter. , To play the prey firmly in the applause.

In the expectation of everyone, Xue Ling finally ended the life of the snake beast with one claw.

There was thunderous applause in the stands!

Slowly but not happy, she didn't like the feeling of being seen as a monkey.

Xue Ling raised his head and looked up the stands, and he slowly revealed a very dazzling smile.

Seeing his smile, she slowly couldn't help but jumped up again, she waved her arm at him.

It was about time to start the second round, and Xue Ling walked to the referee and whispered a few words.

The referee shook his head, then after thinking about it, he nodded again.

The Blood Ling, who was supposed to end up for a replacement, stayed on the court at this time, and the bodies of the water divider and the snake beast were dragged away.

Before long, another snake beast from the Hundred Refined Snake Clan came on the field.

Blood Ling stayed to continue the fight.

Slowly and immediately asked: "Why not change people?"

Xuehui was helpless: "He likes to show off the limelight the most. It is rare to have a chance to show off his strength. Of course, he will only end up in the limelight."

Slowly looking at Xue Ling's "I am the most handsome in the world" look, there is nothing to say.

This guy really does not forget to be a demon all the time!

In order to increase the excitement of the duel, this time they put two hungry water traps into the Colosseum!

The water-splitting beast lives on the water's edge all year round. It has sharp fangs, and its bite force and explosive power are extremely amazing. It is an extremely ferocious beast.

As soon as they appeared on the stage, they rushed towards the blood ling and the snake beast!

Divide beasts don't care about duels, they just want to eat a meal first!

Xue Ling was a thief and deliberately angered the two water-dividing beasts, and then led them in the direction where the snake beast was.

The snakes and beasts were forced to run around and flee everywhere.

The noble orcs looked dissatisfied.

What they want to see is the passionate fight, instead of the stupid appearance of running away with their heads, people are constantly patting the railing and calling that snake beast is a gangster!

Some emotional orcs even threw the debris in their hands towards the snake beast in the field!

The scene became very chaotic.

The snake beast was affected by the audience, and his panic and uneasy emotions became more and more desperate. Finally, because of a mistake, he ran a step slow and was bitten by two water-splitting beasts!

The water-splitting beast ate the snake-beasts frantically, and the blood ling watched by the side, and when they finished their last dinner, they shot the two water-splitting beasts with a fire.

With two wins in three games, Xue Ling won two by one, winning very beautifully.

The rock wolf tribe wins!

The noble orcs in the audience were all surprised by the courage and strength of Blood Ling, and they gave out fierce applause and applause.

There are even bold females throwing flowers at him.

Xuehui smiled and said, "Blood Ling looks very popular."

Slowly snorted.

Xuehui looked at her: "Jealous?"


Xuehui was amused by her frankness: "If Xue Ling hears you, she will definitely be very happy."

"Can't let him know."


Slowly and bulgingly said: "If he knows, he must be very proud. What is even more annoying is that he will deliberately use this method to make me jealous in the future."

Xuehui thought about it seriously: "This is indeed what he will do."

"So I can't let him know."

Xuehui laughed: "I know, I won't tell him."

The orcs of the Hundred Refined Snake Race were very depressed when they learned that they had lost the game. In contrast, the Orcs of the Rock Wolf Race seemed to be happy and needed more.

The guards walked into the stands: "The game is over, you can follow us."

At this moment, the noble orcs in the audience shouted in unison: "One more game! One more game!"

Although Blood Ling won beautifully, there were only two duels, which could not meet their expectations. They also wanted to see more duels.

Facing the enthusiastic shouts of these noble orcs, the referee was very embarrassed. He ran to discuss with Xue Ling, can he get another game?

Xue Ling glanced at the excited orcs in the audience, curled his lips and sneered: "Okay."

The referee smiled and was about to say some words of thanks when he heard Xue Ling continue to say: "But my opponent must be selected from the audience."

The referee's smile instantly froze on his face.

The noble orcs in the auditorium are not easy to provoke, how dare he let those little ancestors end a duel, if there is a mistake, their Colosseum will have to be closed!

Xue Ling said in a leisurely manner: "If they are willing to go off the court in person, I will accompany them to play again, if they don't want to, then forget it."

The referee laughed more ugly than crying: "Aren't you embarrassing me?!"

"That's a dilemma? You are only allowed to watch our performance, so are we not allowed to see your performance?" Xue Ling patted the referee on the face and laughed out loud, "Excuse me, don't take yourself too seriously. In my eyes, you are no different from the beasts in the cage."

"You!" The referee's face was distorted with anger.

Xue Ling stopped looking at him, turned around and left.

He never paused even though the audience shouted loudly behind him.

Compared to these impetuous and noisy shouts, he still prefers to sleep beautifully with the little female.

When Xue Ling walked out of the Colosseum, Shuangyun and Baidi immediately greeted them.

Shuangyun said grimly: "You actually instigated the referee to change the rules temporarily, so that Baidi and I didn't even have a chance to play!"

Xue Ling smiled triumphantly: "Of course this kind of showy thing cannot be shared with you."

Baidi said: "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go quickly."

Xue Ling just offended the referee severely, and the noble orcs in the audience were still clamoring for another one. Looking at their posture, it must be seen that Xue Ling can't fight anymore before they can be released. go away.

They quickly walked out of the background, just in time for the oncoming people who came slowly.

Slowly ran over and smiled happily: "We won!"

Xue Ling hugged her up: "It's all my credit, please praise me!"

Slowly hugged his neck and gnawed a bite on his face: "You are the best!"

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??? Fortunately, they slowly walked fast. Later they heard that because the noble orcs failed to see the blood plume continue their duel, they smashed the auditorium angrily. The Colosseum dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, and suffered heavy losses.

Slowly after they walked out of the Colosseum, they ran into the Bailian Snake Race.

The patriarch of the Hundred Refined Snake Clan was shrouded in dark clouds. He looked at Shuangyun gloomily, and said, "Congratulations on your victory."

Shuangyun smiled very owely: "It's just good luck."

The patriarch of the Bailian Snake Clan gritted his teeth: "Don't be proud!"

"We have already won. We are unhappy at this time. When will we have to wait until we are proud?"

"Do you really think this is a win?" The patriarch of the Bailian Snake Clan sneered. I really won."

Having said this, his gaze swept over from Slowly, there was a kind of insidiousness that could not be said.

He slowly made his scalp numb.

She heard him say.

"good luck."

He didn't say this to Shuangyun, but to Slowly.

At this moment, the envoy found the Rock Wolf Race. He smiled and said, "Congratulations to your tribe for winning."

Bailian Snake Clan left at this time.

Shuangyun asked: "We have won, can we get the qualifications to build a city?"

"No, you still have one final round of trials."

Shuangyun was puzzled: "But now we are only a tribe, who are we going to compare with?"

"The last round is for you to compare yourself."

"You are too esoteric, can you speak more bluntly?"

The envoy did not answer and asked, "Who is the witch doctor of the Rock Wolf Race, please?"

Shuangyun and the other orcs involuntarily looked towards slowly.

Step forward slowly: "It's me."

The envoy did not expect the witch doctor of the Rock Wolf Race to be a female, and he was stunned. It took a while before he came back to his senses: "A female can also be a witch doctor? Are you kidding me?!"

Slowly and without arrogance, said: "It's all about this time, do we need to joke with you?"

"But you are a female..."

Slowly smiled: "The Orc Continent shouldn't clearly stipulate that females cannot become witch doctors, right?"

"It's not true, but it's too... too unbelievable!"

The divine envoy admitted that he had seen a lot of worlds, and at this time he couldn't help being surprised by what happened before him.

Slowly said: "As long as we do not violate the regulations, then my existence is reasonable and legal."

"Well, now I can only do this first," the **** envoy was a little confused, he sorted out his thoughts, and then continued, "the third round of trials is set specifically for witch doctors, who participate in the trials. There is only you in the number. If you can pass the trial, you will be eligible to build a city, otherwise even if you fail."

"If we fail, who will you give the qualifications to build the city?"

"We will let the other three tribes participate in the trial again, and then select suitable tribes to obtain the qualifications for building the city."

Slowly continue to ask: "Does any tribe have to let the witch doctor participate in the trial?"

"Of course, the witch doctor is the soul of a tribe, and his status is very important. If the witch doctor fails to pass the trial, it means that he is not a qualified witch doctor, and the temple will not recognize their qualifications to build a city."

Slowly said: "I understand, when will the third round of trials begin?"

"Just tonight."

Slowly a little surprised: "Trial at night?"

"Yes, this is the time chosen by the Prophet."

Slowly and immediately asked: "The third round of trials was presided over by the prophet?"


Slowly move your heart, if you can see the Prophet, you can ask him to testify to prove that she did not kill Mather, and then the suspicion of killing her will be removed!

She immediately said: "Well, I will participate in the third round of trials!"

The envoy took them to a stone house and said: "You can rest here and eat something. After the sun sets, I will take you to the temple."

"Thanks a lot."

The envoy turned and left.

The orcs began to burn the fire to prepare dinner.

Shuangyun grabbed his slow hand, worried: "You can only go to the trial of the witch doctor. What if you are in danger? We are not by your side and we can't protect you."

Slowly comforted: "Don't worry, I will be fine."

Xuehui said: "The person presiding over the trial is a prophet. With his style of behavior, he shouldn't let things happen slowly."

Baidi glanced at her: "How can you see it?"

"The prophet is a very gentle orc. Unless the other party is very sinful, he rarely hurts others. If the trial is presided over by the elders, slowing down may be dangerous, but the presiding officer is a prophet, then she will be very safe. ."

Seeing Xuehui's words with great certainty, Shuangyun's worries disappeared slightly.

Slowly said: "This is a good opportunity. I can meet the Prophet and ask him to testify for me. Mather's death has nothing to do with me."

Xuehui nodded: "Yes, this is indeed a golden opportunity!"

Baidi slowly brought the cooked broth, and he said softly, "Since you insist on going, we will trust you."

After drinking the broth slowly, I felt warm in my heart: "Thank you for your trust!"

Baidi touched her head: "I really don't want to be separated from you."

"I'm just going there, and when the trial is completed, I will be able to come back."

"Just separate it, I think it's very long."


Soon, the sun will set.

The envoy came to the stone house again, and he slowly said to him: "Are you ready?"

Slowly full of confidence: "Ready."

"Then let's go now."

Watched by Baidi Shuangyun Xueling and others, he slowly followed the divine envoy out of the stone house.

The envoy said: "If we become a beast, the speed can be faster."

Slowly thought, how can I have any animal shape? I am a pure human!

But this cannot be said.

She said awkwardly: "My animal form is also very slow."

"That's it," the **** envoy transformed into a very big hound, "you sit on my back and I will walk with you, otherwise, at our walking speed, you will have to walk until dawn to reach the mountain."

Slowly holding up the skirt, carefully climbed onto his back and sat down.

The hunting dog ran forward quickly.

Before long, they came to the foot of the mountain.

The big hound turned into a human being. He quickly got dressed and asked: "How is your physical strength?"

Slowly thinking that her stamina is much better than before, but she is still a scum compared to other orcs. She still smiled awkwardly: "My stamina is not very good."

The divine envoy looked sad: "Sacred mountains have regulations. You can't use animal forms when you go up the mountain, you can only climb up step by step by yourself."

Slowly looking up at the towering stairs in front of him, he felt dizzy.

If this is to climb up, she can directly ascend to heaven!


??? Climbing slowly to half the way is almost dead.

She sat down on the stairs, panting heavily, "I, I'm dying, I'm going to die!"

The envoy saw her legs trembling and knew that she was indeed dysfunctional. He knelt down helplessly: "I'll carry you up."

"How embarrassed then?!" said slowly, but the body quickly climbed onto his back honestly and sat down honestly.

The divine envoy had never seen such a duplicity female, who was dumbfounded by her actions.

He carried her up with strides.

He should be climbing this mountain often, even if he is carrying a person on his back, he still walks like flying fast, fast.

When he climbed halfway up the mountain and came to the gate of the temple, his expression still looked very natural.

Slowly had to give a thumbs up: "Master!"

The envoy put her on the ground, and then arranged her clothes. After making sure that the appearance was neat, he stepped forward and said to the guard at the entrance of the temple: "I will bring the witch doctor of the Rock Wolf Race to participate in the final round of trials. ."

The guard glanced at the slowly behind him, frowned and asked, "Why is it a female?"

And it looks familiar, I always feel like I have seen her somewhere.

The envoy smiled bitterly: "You may not believe it, but the witch doctor of the Rock Wolf Race is indeed a female."

Although the guard was surprised, he knew that the envoy would not lie about this kind of thing, so he turned a little sideways and made a way out: "Go in."

The envoy said thank you, and slowly walked into the temple.

This is the first time Slowly has come to the temple of Thousand Beast City.

As the largest temple on the Orc Continent, it looks more spacious and magnificent than slowly imagined.

The entrance is a very spacious hall. The roof is supported by eight stone pillars. The ceiling is engraved with a lifelike picture of a thousand animals. The floor is polished very smooth, and you can almost see your own reflection when you step on it.

The steps of the divine envoy were very light, and slowly had to follow their steps lightly, and the two walked in cautiously.

The ten elders of the Presbyterian Church all came.

One of the great elders was sitting in the middle position, and the divine envoy knelt down in front of him: "Meet the great elder, I brought the witch doctor of the Rock Wolf Race."

Slowly did not kneel.

She just stood upright in place, greeted the elder's gaze.

The envoy looked back at her and motioned to her to kneel and bow.

The Great Elder stared at Slowly, his expression changed again and again, and finally became extremely ugly: "Are you Lin Slowly?!"

Slowly knowing that he would recognize herself, and was too lazy to waste her tongue to deny it, she admitted frankly: "Yes, it's me."

"How dare you come here?!"

"I'm sitting well, why can't I come?!"

"It's a good one to sit down!" The elder smiled angrily. "Come here, tie up this murderer who killed Mather and put me in prison!"

The guards rushed into the temple upon hearing the sound, preparing to catch people, slowly and immediately called out Scutellaria barbata and Xiaolu.

The two sides were about to start, and a calm voice came from the side door: "What are you arguing about?"

Everyone followed the prestige and saw the Prophet coming in from the side door. His steps were very steady. His long pale golden hair was hanging down his cheeks to his waist. The white shark gauze robe was on his body, and the hem of his clothes swayed gently with his steps. .

Such as the immortal into the painting, beautiful and unparalleled.

His appearance suddenly calmed down the atmosphere.

The elder who was still filled with righteous indignation just now got up, knelt down, and saluted respectfully: "Meet the Prophet."

The other orcs also bowed down and saluted: "Meet the prophet."

Finally, in the entire hall, only the prophet was still standing slowly.

The elder was very dissatisfied: "Lin Slowly, did you not bow to the prophet? What a courage!"

The Prophet waved his hand: "It's okay, she doesn't need to kneel to me."

As soon as this statement came out, not only the Great Elder, but the other orcs were also stunned.

They didn't expect that the prophet would look at him slowly, did they know each other before?

The Prophet walked slowly to Slowly, his eyes were covered by the white shark gauze, but Slow still could feel that his sight fell on her face through the shark gauze.

His voice was weak: "Long time no see."

Slowly smiled embarrassedly

It seemed that every time she met him, she was in conflict with others.

The Prophet motioned to everyone to get up.

The grand elder stepped forward: "Prophet, this female is the murderer of Mather, we must immediately put her in prison and sentence her to death, in order to emulate you!"

Slowly looking at him speechlessly, what kind of hatred or resentment this great elder had with her, he had to kill her.

She defended: "I didn't kill Mather. Prophet, you saw Mather leave with your own eyes. You should be able to testify for me."

The prophet responded: "Yeah."

Upon hearing this, the ten elders were stunned again.

Especially the Great Elder, he couldn't wait to say: "But the evidence is conclusive. It was Lin Changwan who killed Mather..."

"You have been misled by the real murderer. Mather's death has nothing to do with Slow. I have seen it with my own eyes and there will be no falsehoods."

Now that the Prophet has already said that, even if the elder is unwilling in his heart, he can only shut his mouth at this time and stop talking about slow detention.

Slowly but refused to let go of the Great Elder.

She raised her chin: "Didn't you keep saying that I killed Mather? Now I have a witness. The Prophet is my witness. It turns out that you have wronged me!"

The elder tightened his lips and his face was extremely ugly.

Slowly hummed: "I know that you are a great elder with a high position. It doesn't matter if you wronged a small female. But do you know that because of your confusion, I almost got burned to death, and Xuan Wei was also forced to leave Ten Thousand Beast City and became a fugitive!"

The prophet looked at the great elder and asked faintly: "Are you going to burn to death slowly? There is something mysterious in this?"

The elder wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "This matter is a long story. I will report to you another day."

Slowly and immediately said: "There is no need to change the day, I will help you report to the Prophet today, lest you suddenly become confused when you look back, say that the black is white, continue to fool the Prophet."

"What nonsense are you talking about? When did I fool the Prophet?!"

"If you didn't fool the Prophet, why didn't you even tell the Prophet that Xuan Wei was forced to leave the City of Thousand Beasts and become a fugitive?"

The elder defended with a guilty conscience: "That's just a small matter..."

Slowly sneered: "Xuan Wei is one of the twelve guards. His status in the temple is not low, right? He was forced away. This is just a small matter? If you were heard by other guards, I really don’t know. What do they think in their hearts."

The great elder couldn't answer, his face was full of cold sweat, and his heart became more and more angry, and Lin was slowly unreasonable and unforgiving.

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??? "Since I have been wronged slowly, let's revoke the wanted for her and Xuanwei first. As for the Great Elder..." The Prophet said here, he glanced at the Great Elder lightly, "After the trial is over, you Just go to the altar and kneel. As for kneeling for a few days, it's up to you to see what you say slowly.

Slowly waited for the great elder to kneel to the wasteland, but she knew that she would accept it.

The Prophet gave her face, and she couldn't make it too difficult for the Prophet.

She said very obediently: "I listen to you the Prophet."

The prophet glanced at her with a smile, seeming to see through her little cleverness, and he said to the elder: "For the sake of your age, go and kneel for seven days."

The great elder turned pale, gritted his teeth and responded: "Yes."

"When a person gets older, it is easy to get confused, but the position of the elder is very important, and you can't tolerate your frequent confusion. If this happens again in the future, I have to consider changing the position of the elders."

The last sentence was spoken lightly by the prophet, but it fell in the ears of the ten elders, just like a bomb fell into the water, and all their thoughts were blown to life.

The elders respect the great elder, but anyone who is a little ambitious wants to climb to the position of the great elder.

The great elder heard the threat in the words of the prophet, and his figure trembled, his face becoming more ugly: "Thank you, the prophet, for the point. I will keep it in my heart and never commit it again."

"I will ask someone to thoroughly investigate the matter of Mather's murder." The prophet's eyes were blindfolded by a shark, but his sight seemed to be able to see through the hearts of everyone present. "Once you find out who is involved in this matter I have moved my hands and feet inside, and I will definitely deal with it according to the law and will never tolerate it."

The ten elders lowered their heads one after another, looking very frightened and ashamed.

On weekdays, the prophet is very simple, and unless it is a serious matter, he rarely comes forward.

Basically, all the affairs of the temple are handled by the presbytery.

Power can inflate people's hearts, and many of them, after gaining control of power, become lustful and unscrupulous.

Unexpectedly, the Prophet would give them a blow, awaken their dreams, and start them in a cold sweat.

Although the prophet has a gentle personality, he will not easily hurt others.

But as long as he makes a move, he has always been merciless and has no room for change.

The Prophet said lightly: "It's getting late, start preparing for the final round of trials, and slowly follow me."

He turned around and walked towards the arch at the back of the hall, and followed slowly and quickly.

The elders followed closely, and the envoys and guards were left in the hall.

Passing through the arch, is a completely enclosed room.

The floor of the room is covered with thick and soft animal skins, making it very comfortable to step on.

Slowly following the prophet in, she saw at a glance that the wall facing the gate was actually polished with a whole piece of black crystal!

The wall was polished to be extremely smooth. Standing in front of you, you can clearly see your own reflection. There is a huge floor mirror.

How much is such a **** crystal worth?

The Prophet said: "Sit down."

Slowly and obediently sat on the carpet, and the Prophet sat opposite her.

The elders sat down neatly against the walls on both sides, and they all kept a certain distance from the prophet.

The prophet took out a glass of water and handed it to Slowly: "Drink it."

Slowly took the cup, got close and smelled it, but there was no smell.

She asked curiously: "What is this?"


He hesitated slowly, and finally picked up the cup and drank.

The smell is a bit sweet, like spring water.

The Prophet said: "Drink it all."


Slowly one mouthful after another, drank the entire glass of water.

The Prophet took the empty cup, put it aside, and asked softly: "Are there any people or things you are particularly afraid of?"

Slowly thought about it, then shook his head.

"Is it right? Still can't remember it temporarily?"

"It should be temporarily unremembered." He yawned slowly.

"Are you tired?"

"I'm not tired," slowly tried to lift his eyelids, "just a little sleepy..."

"Then go to sleep."

Slowly wanted to stay awake, but in the end he couldn't resist the attack of drowsiness, fell softly to the ground, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The Prophet asked to bring a blanket to cover her.

The Grand Elder asked respectfully: "Has the dream control technique taken effect?"

"Yeah." The prophet raised his right hand and pressed it on the wall of Sombra.

With his palm as the center, the dull black crystal suddenly lit up and spread quickly to the surroundings.

Soon, the entire wall became translucent.

A fuzzy figure gradually appeared on the wall...

Slowly opening her eyes, she sat up and found that there was no one around her.

The whole room was empty.

Where did the prophets go?

Slowly and very puzzled, she stood up, walked out the door, and wanted to ask other people.

But she turned a big circle around the temple, and no one saw it.

She became more and more puzzled.

At this moment, some fine noises were slowly heard.

She stopped and carefully distinguished the source of the sound.

Slowly following the voice to look for it, and finally found a colony of worms!

The long and thin worms twisted into a ball, which made her feel nauseous.

Why is there such a disgusting thing in the temple? !

The iron worm came to her.

Slowly was frightened and ran away.

She ran for an unknown amount of time, but the iron worm behind her was always chasing after her.

To make matters worse, not far in front of her, there suddenly appeared a colony of white fleshy insects, all of which were white rock insects.

There are bugs on the front and back, and walls on both sides.

Slowly there is nowhere to escape, almost desperate.


At this moment, the top of the black crystal wall was slowly surrounded by bugs, and it was about to be swallowed by bugs.

The prophets and elders saw this scene clearly.

The elder frowned and said, "It stands to reason that the things that appear in the dream are the things that Lin Slowly fears the most. Is it the bugs that she fears the most? But where did she see so many bugs?"

The second elder whispered: "A tribe came to report before. Not long ago, white rock worms, iron nematodes and ghost moths appeared in the orc continent.

The Grand Elder was surprised: "Isn't all the insect plagues over? How come there are so many insects suddenly?!"

"This, I don't know..."

The Prophet said lightly: "There are so many bugs, but you still don't know anything. I really don't know what you are busy with every day."

The elders lowered their heads and dared not speak any more.

On the black crystal wall, the desperate one slowly disappeared suddenly!

The elders immediately opened their eyes to look, and soon saw that they slowly reappeared.

She has escaped from the encirclement of the bugs, and is standing on a clearing not far away.

The bugs, who were supposed to be extremely ferocious, now seemed to see some kind of natural enemy. They didn't even dare to take a long look at them, they were scared and fled, and they ran away in no time!

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??? Slowly watching the insects in front of me fade away like a tide, the tight heartstrings finally loosened.

She wiped away the cold sweat that didn't exist, turned to look at the handsome man next to her, and sighed: "Xiao Ba, thank you for your help, otherwise I must have been scared to death just now!"

The system's eyes were covered by white shark gauze, and his pale golden hair was as bright and soft as the moonlight. He looked exactly like the Prophet!

He raised his hand and touched her head: "This is a dream, everything is fake, don't be afraid."

The bugs just now were so real, she didn't expect them to be fake.

Slowly there was a lingering fear: "Why did I run into my dream again?"

"You were used to control dreams."

Slowly stunned, she recalled what happened before she fell asleep, and immediately thought of the glass of water the prophet gave her to drink.

"Did the prophet use dream control on me?!"

The system nodded: "Yeah."

Slowly distressed: "But why did the prophet let me see so many bugs in my dream? Doesn't he feel sick?!"

"This dream will inspire the things you fear most in your subconscious. Because you are afraid of bugs, so many bugs will appear."

"So, those bugs were actually brought by me?"

"you could put it that way."

Slowly next to him: "Dad, you have to protect me!"

The system lifted her chin: "Call my dad when you use me, and call me Xiaoba when you don't use me."

Slowly smiled: "This is your site, I can only rely on you!"

"The prophet's dream control is very powerful, and I may not be his opponent."

Slowly cheer for him: "Don't be afraid, I believe you can kill him!"

At this moment, in front of the black crystal wall, the elders were discussing together why they could slowly escape the siege of those bugs in their dreams, and finally even scare those bugs away.

"Could it be that she has some ability hidden in it, just to restrain the bug?"

"If that's the case, why didn't she use that ability long ago? Think about her embarrassed appearance that was chased all over the world by bugs, how could she be able to deal with bugs?"

"You are right."


While the elders were talking about it, the prophet was calmly looking at the black crystal wall.

His gaze seemed to penetrate the wall and fell on slowly in the dream.

Others can't see it, but the prophet can see clearly.

At this time, beside him slowly, stood a male who looked exactly like him.

At the same time, the system in the dream also seemed to be aware of the prophet's gaze. He suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction where the prophet was.

The eyes of the two penetrated the dimension and met in the air.

Next, many terrible and disgusting things appeared in the dream, mainly insects.

Slowly hugged the big long legs of the system father, met the gods to kill the gods, met the Buddhas to kill the Buddhas, and the few nests of insects were not a problem. All were simply solved by the system father.

Under the **** of the system father, he slowly rushed out of the temple unobstructed.

The second elder exclaimed in surprise: "She successfully walked out of the temple! She passed the trial!"

The elder sullen his face in a bad mood.

The dream is over.

But Slowly did not wake up yet.

The Prophet said: "You all go out."

The elders got up and left.

In the end, there were only two people left in the room, the prophet and slowly.

The prophet raised his hand and pressed it on the black crystal wall. After a while, a figure appeared on the wall.

A figure exactly like the prophet.

They face each other, like reflections on each other.

The Prophet said: "It was you who helped her pass the trial just now, and you were cheating for her."

The system smiled indifferently: "You can report me."

The prophet stared at the figure in front of him: "You have changed."

"Have it?"

"Before you, you will never violate the rules for others."

"That only shows that I was too stupid before."

The Prophet said slowly: "You are now gradually out of my control. To be on the safe side, I should destroy you."

The smile on the system's face disappeared: "Are you going to kill me?"

"You have done too many things beyond the scope of the rules for Lin Slowly."

"Because she is worth it."

The Prophet asked indifferently: "Have you forgotten that the reason why I asked you to find her was to let her complete the task?"

"She will complete the task, and I will help her..."

"If she finishes the task, you have to separate from her, will you be willing? Don't deceive yourself