Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 451: Bottom line

??? Slowly can tolerate Sang Ye's indifference, and can also accept his identity as an alien demon.

But she would never tolerate him hurting her family.

This is her bottom line.

Sang Ye was beaten to the spot, and it took a long time for him to recover.

Slowly looked at him: "Rocky Mountain is your home, no matter how far you go outside, how many wrong things you have done, as long as you want to go back, you can go back anytime, but you can't hurt your family."

Sang Ye did not speak.

"Even if you really have any dissatisfaction, you can directly address the adult, but she is only a child, she is the child you grew up watching!"

Sang Ye straightened his head, his gaze fell on Shuang Yin not far away.

Slowly said: "You have to apologize to her."

Sang Ye looked away: "I forgot all about it."

Slowly looking at his indifferent face, his heart suddenly became cold.

"You better pray that you never think of it."

She dropped these words, turned and left.

Sang Ye was still standing on the spot, watching her go away.

Beasts generally do not use their back to face the enemy, because the back is an angle that is easy to be attacked.

However, Sang Ye didn't want to take the opportunity to sneak attack at this time.

He was still thinking about what she just said.

After taking a few steps slowly and shooting stars, the system suddenly reminded: "Silly girl, don't patronize and teach others, your girl is still poisoned, you have to find an antidote for her!"

Sang Ye's snake venom can only be detoxified with his blood.

Slowly stopped immediately, turned and walked back.

Sang Ye saw her suddenly running back, thinking she was going to beat him, he immediately put on a guard posture: "What do you want to do?"

Slowly grabbed his arm, squeezed a few drops of blood from the wound, and borrowed it with the palm of his hand.

After getting the antidote, she turned around and walked quickly back to Shuangyin.

Slowly said: "Eat it."

Shuangyin stretched out the tip of his tongue and swept away the blood in his palm slowly to eat.

After eating the snake blood, Shuangyin felt that her dizzy brain immediately became sober. She later reacted, "Is that blood the antidote?"

"Well," slowly let the beast soldier support her, "you go and rest quickly."

"But here..."

"Leave it to me. As long as I'm here, no one dares to take a step into this camp."

Slowly said this very calmly, but it gave Shuangyin an inexplicable sense of trust, and Shuangyin obediently returned to the camp.

Due to the slow slap just now, the battle between the beast soldier and the alien demon was suddenly suspended. Until now, they have not slowed down, and they didn't know whether to continue the fight, and the atmosphere became very embarrassing.

The orcs of the alien demons walked up to Sang Ye and asked cautiously: "Master Sang Ye, are we still fighting?"

Sang Ye glanced at the slowly not far away, and saw that she was standing at the entrance of the camp, like a guardian god, whose powerful strength was beyond surpassable.

"Let's go," Sang Ye covered the wound that had been squeezed with blood just now and turned around, "We can't beat him."


The orcs of the alien demon race quickly gathered the formation, followed Sang Ye, and walked away mightily.

The beast soldiers followed them vigilantly until they were far away, and the beast soldiers let out the howling of the crisis relief.

The atmosphere of the camp is relaxed.

The war ended there.


In the camp, Shuangyin was lying on the blanket, her face pale.

Slowly opened the curtain and walked in: "How are you feeling?"

Shuangyin's voice was weak: "I'm fine."

The snake venom in her body had resolved, but the wound was torn again, causing a second injury, which caused severe pain.

Slowly seeing that the cotton bandage was soaked in blood, she immediately helped Shuangyin to take the bandage apart, cleaned the wound with fruit wine, reapplied the crispy fruit pulp, and then carefully wrapped it with a clean new bandage.

Her movements are not only gentle, but also very skilled.

Shuangyin couldn't help asking: "Did you often bandage wounds before?"

Replied slowly and casually: "Yes."

"Are you a witch doctor?"

Slowly raised her head and glanced at her: "Do you think I am like a witch doctor?"

Shuangyin thought about it carefully, and then replied honestly: "I didn't think you were alike before, but now I think you are alike."

"Really?" He smiled slowly, "Have you ever seen a witch doctor who can fight like me?"

Shuangyin was amused by her: "Then I have never seen it."

The status of witch doctors in the tribe is too important. Unless absolutely necessary, it is absolutely impossible for witch doctors to go to the battlefield in person. They will be protected by the warriors of the tribe very well for their entire lives. This also causes most witch doctors to be nothing. Combat effectiveness.

Opposition For witch doctors, combat effectiveness is second, and their brains are the most important.

Slowly said: "The wound has been bandaged for you. You have to be honest during this period and don't move around. If the wound is torn again, even I may not be able to save you."

Shuangyin nodded and responded, "I remember it, there will be no next time."

Slowly stood up: "Then I will go back first."


Slowly turned and left. When she walked to the door, she suddenly heard Shuangyun's voice behind her: "You wait!"

Slowly stopped, turned around to look at Shuangyin, and asked her what happened.

Shuangyin wanted to ask Slowly why she knew her nickname was Daguai.

But I don't know why, this question whirled around her mouth, and she swallowed it back.

She smiled embarrassedly: "There is nothing important, I just want to ask, where do you live?"

"I live in a small tribe near here."

Shuangyin hurriedly asked: "Then can I see you after my wound is healed?"

Slowly thought about it: "I'm afraid this won't work."

Shuangyin was disappointed: "Why?"

"I came with a caravan. They are still rushing to sell goods in Rock City. I can't delay people too much time. I have to leave tomorrow at the latest."

Shuangyin's eyes lit up: "Are you going to Rock City?"


Shuangyin said quickly: "I will be back to Rock City soon, and I can go back with you."

Slowly frowned: "No, your injury is not healed. You can't travel long distances. It is not conducive to wound healing."

"Isn't there you on the road? Your medical skills are very good, and you can definitely heal my injury, right?"

Shuangyin said something shameful in it.

Under normal circumstances, she would never say such words to outsiders, but I don't know why, looking at Yu Tian in front of her, she can speak such words that are close to intimacy very naturally.

Slowly looked at her helplessly: "Well, I'll go back and discuss with the caravan, if they agree, you will go with us."

Shuangyin immediately raised a smile: "Hmm!"

"Then you have a good rest, I will go now."

"Be careful on your way, I'll let the little bear send you off!"

He waved his hand slowly, said no, then walked out without looking back.

The curtain fell again, covering Yu Tian's figure. Shuangyin had to withdraw her eyes. She looked down at the bandage on her arm and the small bow at the end of the bandage.

That was the bow tie A-niang used to tie when she bandaged people's wounds.

Shuangyin looked at it as if she saw A-niang.

Although I don't know the origin of this Yutian, Shuangyin can feel the kindness emanating from her.

Shuangyin instinctively wanted to stay with her a little longer.