Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 563: I only want you

When the vine was about to pierce in, he was slowly grasped.

She lowered her voice: "Don't hurt people."

Murphy woke up as soon as the sound fell.

Slowly hurriedly stuffed the Soul Eater into his clothes.

Murphy turned to look at her, her emerald eyes were very beautiful at night: "Who were you talking to just now?"

"I didn't sleep, I just fell asleep, maybe I was talking in sleep." Slowly pressing the Soul Eater hidden in the clothes with one hand to prevent him from being a demon, the other hand opened the blanket and sat up. I want to make it easier."

Murphy also sat up: "Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No, you go to sleep, I can do it alone."

Slowly lifted the skirt, stepped carefully over Murphy's legs, got out of bed, put on shoes, and ran out of the room.

It was already midnight, and there was no one outside and it was very quiet.

Slowly found a remote corner to hide, fished out the soul-eaten vine from the clothes, and said angrily: "If you dare to hurt people indiscriminately, I will throw you away!"

The Soul Eater entangled her wrist tightly, and the pointed vine raised her head.

Obviously the vine has no eyes, but slowly there is an illusion of being stared at by him.

She settled: "Remember what I said?"

The Soul Eater didn't answer, it turned into a black mist.

The black mist gradually condenses into a human form.

He turned into the appearance of a teenager, with short gray-white curly hair, pale face, blood-red lips, and amber eyes staring at him slowly.

"you like him?"

Stardust's question was endless, and he was stunned for a moment before reacting. The "he" in his mouth should refer to Murphy.

"My relationship with Murphy is just a friend. Even if I like him, it's just like between friends. It has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women."

The boy approached, his thin arms circled her: "No."

Even if it's just friendship, you can't have it.

He couldn't allow other people in her eyes.

That would make him want to kill him.

Slowly lowered his head. From this angle, he could see his soft hair and the small whirlpool on the top of his head.

She reached out and touched his hair: "Everyone needs friends. You need to be in touch with the outside world and get to know more people. You will have many friends in the future, and they will not hesitate when you need help. The ground reaches out to you."

The teenager hugged her tighter: "I don't need it."

I don't need friends, I don't need anything.

I only want you.

Slowly try to persuade him: "You can't be such a stick, you have to be in contact with others, so that you can live happierly."

The young man did not speak, but hugged her tightly, as if he was hugging his whole world.

Seeing that he refused to listen, he slowly had to speak more bluntly: "Even if you don't need friends, what about me? I need friends and family. I have my own life. I can't just watch you all my life."

The young man raised his head and looked at her blankly, with water glowing in his amber eyes.

There is sunshine in her world, friends and family, and many warm things.

But there is only her in his world.

"Don't you like me? Do you want to lose me?"

Slowly seeing him like this, my heart softened involuntarily, and he said in a warm voice: "I didn't want to throw you away, I just hope you can be more sensible, and don't hurt people at all times."

Stardust hates having other people around her, which will make him feel uneasy about losing her.

But he could faintly feel that if he hurts the people around her, she might abandon him.

What should he do if she abandons him?

At this time, Stardust was ignorant and couldn't think of an answer.

The only thing he can do is compromise.

The boy whispered: "Okay"

Slowly relieved, the child was finally able to listen to her advice.

As long as he doesn't hurt others, she can take good care of him as a family member.

Slowly watching him look like a ignorant teenager, if she takes him back to the room, Murphy will definitely ask the child's origin, but she can't explain it at all.

She tried to ask: "How long can you maintain your human form?"

Stardust thought for a while: "It can be before dawn."

There is still some time before dawn, so I slowly led him to a few steps, and got to the branch, ready to chat with him, so as to pass the time.

She took out a sweet fruit from the space and handed it to him: "Do you still remember who you are now?"

Stardust took the sweet fruit, and the plump fruit was held in his palm, making his face more delicate and lovely. He shook his head: "I don't remember."

Slowly asked again: "Then do you remember who I am?"

"Slowly," Stardust's eyes lit up suddenly, and said crisply, "You are my slow."

You are my slow.

It can only be my slowness.

Seeing that he didn't even remember himself, but still remembered her, this made the slow mood more complicated.

Stardust took a bite of the sweet fruit, and immediately squinted his eyes.

Slowly said: "Remember, your name is Stardust."

"Oh," he didn't seem to care what his name was, he passed the sweet fruit that he had bitten in his hand, "It's delicious, you eat too."

So good

Slowly smiled and declined: "You eat, I have a lot more here."

Stardust stared at her stubbornly, putting on a posture of "I won't eat if you don't eat".

Slowly and helplessly, he could only lower his head and take a bite on the sweet fruit: "Well, it is really sweet."

Stardust continued to chew the fruit with joy.

The sun rose slowly from the horizon.

When the first ray of sunlight broke through the clouds and fell on the sacred mountain, the boy turned into a black mist and disappeared.

Slowly let out a sigh of relief: "Finally sent the child back."

Xiao Ba: "It's okay, he will be back soon."

Slowly stuck in his throat, choked and coughed: "Cough cough, don't pour cold water on me now, can't you make me happy for a while?"

"I'm reminding you not to be happy too soon. The Great Demon King has now condensed into a human form, which means that his power is recovering. If he changes back to the original shape one day, he will chase you down at the end of the world, and then you will have to cry again. Called my father."

Slowly speechless.

Xiao Ba said: "In fact, the simplest and rude way is to take advantage of his weakness and solve him with a single knife. Anyway, you already know where his heart is, and it is easy to kill him."

Slowly covered his heart: "In the face of such a beautiful and beautiful boy, can you really handle it?"

"Yes." Xiao Ba replied simply and neatly.

"Crazy you!"

Xiao Ba is indifferent: "I am not a Yan Gou. In my eyes, your appearance is just a piece of program code, regardless of beauty or ugliness."

"Then do you think the prophet looks good?"

"Good-looking!" Xiao Ba quickly replied.

He looks the same as the prophet, and admitting that the prophet is good-looking is equivalent to admitting that he is good-looking.

Slowly asked: "The appearance of the prophet is not code in your eyes?"

"Even if it's all code, Prophet's code is neater and more beautiful than others' code!"

Slowly: ""

Dad, you double-standard dog!