Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 65: Cut off contact

With slow persistence, Shuangyun was forced to stay at home to recuperate.

In the next few days, Baidi went down the mountain to water and went hunting.

Slowly there were times when she wanted to slip down the mountain to see Sang Ye, but Shuangyun's leg injury was not healed. She was really worried about throwing him at home alone, so she could only hold back her anxiety and stay with Shuangyun. Heal at home together.

Seeing Shuangyun's injury getting better, Lin slowly became active again.

She slowly moved to Shuangyun's side and looked at him pleasedly: "Can I go out and play?"

Shuangyun didn't have the thoughts of Emperor Bai. He heard the words slowly, and he asked directly, "You want to go down the mountain to find that big snake, right?"

Lin was slowly exposed, and his expression was embarrassed.

She stubbornly explained: "I, I want to find him. I promised to find him before, but I broke my promise and I have to explain the misunderstanding clearly."

"What happens after you explain the misunderstanding? Are you going to take him home and marry him?"

Lin slowly shook his head: "I didn't mean it!"

"Since you don't mean that to him, do you care if he misunderstands you? Anyway, he will have nothing to do with you in the future."

Lin slowly said nothing.

She knew that Shuangyun was right, but she was still very sorry, after all, she had broken her promise, and she had to make up for her mistakes.

Sang Ye's injured expression remained in her mind, making her very guilty.

Seeing that she was silent, Shuangyun raised her right leg directly, revealing the scar that was about to heal.

He said righteously: "Don't say anything else, just because he bit me, I can't let him in our house!"

"I didn't say let him come into our house, I can go out to see him..."

"I mean, our family is going to sever contact with him!" Shuangyun raised his eyebrows, his face was unhappy, "He is too dangerous, not only bit me, but also almost poisoned you, if not for watching Because he once saved you, Baidi and I killed him long ago!"

Lin Slowly was speechless by his aggressive appearance.

If she was only bitten by herself, it would be fine, but Sangye bit Shuangyun too, she couldn't ignore Shuangyun's feelings.

In desperation, she could only lower her head and temporarily gave up her plan to find Sang Ye.


Time passed quickly, and two batches of vegetables had been harvested in the field, and finally the toba vines had fruit.

Baidi picked all the mature toba fruits and moved them home.

These fruits look like papaya, but they are much harder than papaya, and they are heavy in the hand.

Lin slowly tried to smash the stone twice, but the toba did not move.

This thing is actually harder than stone!

Shuangyun couldn't help laughing at her: "Are you sure you want to eat this kind of food? Just rely on your little white teeth, and the fruit doesn't rot after a bite, but your teeth were broken first."

Lin slowly stared at him: "No more nonsense, I'll hit your head with toba fruit to see if your head is hard or this fruit is hard?!"

Shuangyun smiled more happily: "I don't know which of my head or Toba is harder, but I definitely know that with your strength, you can't even pick up a toba."

"Don't underestimate people!"

She tried to pick up the Toba fruit on the ground, but her face turned red, but she still couldn't pick it up.

Shuangyun smiled and gloated: "Do you want me to help you? Ask me if you want it!"

Lin Slowly: "..."

How could this guy owe him so much? It seems to kill this bastard!

Action is not as good as the heart, Lin slowly grinded his teeth, suddenly rushed to hug his arm and bit down!

The result did not bite.

Lin Slowly: "..."

This is a bit embarrassing.

Shuangyun touched the back of her head and smiled particularly kindly: "If you want to bite me, you'd better go find a stone and grind your teeth first."

In the end, Baidi couldn't see it, and took the initiative to help slowly pick up the Toba on the ground.

He asked: "Do you want to cut it open?"

"Can you cut it open?" Lin Slowly was surprised.

Baidi smiled without saying a word.

His right hand turned into a tiger claw, and his sharp claws lightly swiped, like cutting tofu, cutting the hard toba fruit.

Lin Slowly showed admiration: "So amazing!"

Baidi retracted his paw, and the little female's praise made him feel very happy.

Shuangyun snorted softly.

He was very disdainful on the face, but secretly regretted it in his heart. He had known that he had stopped talking nonsense just now, and cut the toba fruit directly, so that he could be worshipped and praised by a female.

After the toba fruit is cut, there is white flesh inside and some milky white seeds in the middle.

Lin slowly dug out all the seeds, washed them and put them in animal skin bags, planning to keep them as seeds.

Toba's surgery is very hard, but the flesh is quite crisp and it tastes very refreshing.

Lin slowly left a few toba fruit to eat raw, and all the others dug out the flesh and put them on the top of the mountain to dry.

She asked Baidi to dig a stone and make it into a stone mill, and then put the dried toba fruit in it and grind it.

The stone grinding is relatively rough, so the ground pulp is also very coarse.

Lin slowly deliberately asked Baidi to grind it a few more times, and finally produced a fine white powder.

She dipped her finger and put it in her mouth, it was indeed the smell of flour!

Lin Slowly was very happy. That night she mixed all the flour into a dough, rolled it into a dumpling wrapper, chopped up the meat, and wrapped it into the dumpling wrapper with cabbage sprouts and spices.

At first, she was the only one who was doing it. Baidi and Shuangyun were watching. After she made two dumplings, Baidi and Shuangyun learned to make dumplings together immediately.

The dumplings made by Baidi are very beautiful, symmetrical, and extremely standard in shape, which can be called a textbook in the dumpling world.

Lin slowly watched it and admired it very much.

But Shuangyun is different. He likes to eat meat, so he vigorously stuffs meat into the dumpling skins, and the dumplings are big and fat.

Placed on the table, one by one is round and round, not looking like dumplings, but rather like buns.

Lin slowly looked at him speechlessly: "Your dumplings are overweight, you need to lose weight!"

Shuangyun was not ashamed but proud: "My dumplings are all male, of course they are bigger."

"It's the first time I heard that dumplings are divided into males and females."

"I'll give you some insight this time? A dumb little female."

Lin slowly bared his teeth: "You are stupid!"

"You don't think you are stupid yet, your face is dirty."

Lin slowly wiped his face quickly, but all the flour on his hands was rubbed against his face, and his little white face immediately became a big tabby cat.

Shuangyun laughed very loudly: "I lied to you just now, why are you getting stupid?!"

Lin slowly became anxious, and immediately rushed forward, touching all the flour in his hand to his face, turning him into a big tabby cat like her.

Shuangyun hugged her and rubbed the flour on her face against her chest.

Lin slowly yelled: "You are a gangster!"

Baidi casually wrapped the dumplings while watching them fight, and smiled helplessly.