Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 763: Kill you

?? Slowly: "I know patience is too difficult for you, but if you can't hold back gluttonous sex, I can't keep you by my side, and then I can only let your father take you Go to the alien demon to live."

Congshan immediately made a hissing sound, and he refused to separate from Aniang!

Slowly stood on tiptoe, leaned over and kissed his forehead: "Can you restrain your own **** for my sake?"

Congshan did not respond.

Looking at him slowly, with tears in his eyes: "If you want to live with us, you must learn to live like us. Patience is the first thing you have to learn. I know this process will be very difficult. It's uncomfortable, but I will always be by your side, will you promise me?"

Congshan spit out Snake Xinzi and rolled away tears from the corners of her eyes.

The wet, salty and salty taste made him learn the meaning of tears in a daze.

He relaxed a little, crawling in front of her, resting his head on the snake's tail, which was a sign of obedience.

It is also a promised performance.

Slowly hugged him: "What a good boy."

Baidi cleans the prey and makes it into a barbecue. Cuts off the tenderest part of the meat and distributes it to the rest.

The beast soldiers made a few other fires, and they also roasted the meat, but the taste was not as good as Baidi's barbecue.

Slowly divide a portion of the barbecue and pass it to Congshan: "Let’s eat."

Cong Shan spit out Snake Xinzi, rolled the barbecue into his mouth, and ate it clean in one bite.

This bit of meat is not enough for him to stuff his teeth.

Slowly took out a lot of meat from the space and fed it to Congshan to eat.

After eating and drinking, he wrapped his head around the tree, hung his head, next to his back slowly, closed his eyes and dozed off.

While eating, the beast soldiers looked at the Giant Swallowing Python from time to time, for fear that the other party would pounce on them and eat them all.

This meal can be described as frightening.

Shuang Jing stared at the Giant Swallowing Python behind Slowly, while swallowing the barbecue in his mouth, he slowly asked: "Your son is an alien?"

The action of eating slowly paused.

She looked at him blankly: "Yes."

"You are an orc, and it stands to reason that you will not give birth to a foreign demon unless your partner is a foreign demon?"

"Yes indeed."

Shuang Jing couldn't help but ask: "As an orc, you actually combined with the alien demons. Are you not afraid of being discovered and executed as a traitor?"

When Congshan exposed her real body, she slowly guessed that she was likely to face such a question next. She calmly said: "I am only combining with the alien demons, and I am not helping the alien demons to slaughter the orcs. I don’t think I have done anything wrong."

"But, the alien demons have killed so many orcs, shouldn't you hate them?!"

Slowly thought, if she was an ordinary orc, she might hate the alien demons, but the problem is not.

She is a pure human who has passed through, and she does not have the hatred of ordinary orcs towards alien demons.

Slowly asked: "Didn't the orcs also killed many alien demons?"

Shuangjing shook his head: "This is different. We are righteous, but they are evil."

"Justice and evil are always relative. Perhaps in the eyes of the alien demon, you are evil."

"I can't tell you, but I have to remind you that if the matter of you combining with the alien demon and giving birth to a child is known to others, you are over."

Slowly and calmly: "No one will know."

"That's not necessarily true. I know it now. Maybe I will leak your secrets tomorrow. Will the whole world know it soon?" Shuangjing said half-jokingly.

"So I have a solution now, which can prevent future troubles forever."

"any solution?"

Slowly looked into his eyes: "Kill you."

Shuang Jing was stunned, and then laughed: "Do you think that you can kill me forever? There are so many people here, so are you going to kill them?"

"They are different from you. They are my people and will not betray me, but you are not necessarily."


Bai Di is her companion. Shuangyin Shuang Mu Shuang Lin Shuang Hua Bai An Bai Hao are all her children. As for the beast soldiers, they are also elite beast soldiers of the Rock Wolf clan. They only obey the orders of Princess Shuang Yin. And Shuangyin only listens to her mother...

In this way, only Shuangjing is an outsider in this place.

The smile on Shuang Jing's face gradually froze: "You, shouldn't you come for real?"

Slowly: "What do you think?"

"No, I was joking just now, don't take it seriously!" The two mirrors became more and more nervous, and the cold sweat fell.

Although he is very strong, there are many opponents, and there is a giant swallowing python staring at him. It is impossible for him to run away!

Baidi patted him on the shoulder: "We are also joking."

"Really, really?"

Slowly nodded: "Yeah."

Shuang Jing breathed a sigh of relief and wiped off his cold sweat: "That's good..."

"But if you dare to reveal Congshan's true body, the joke just now will become true."

Shuang Jing immediately raised his hands and swear: "I promise not to say a word!"


At the same time, the news of Wen Qian's killing has spread to Ten Thousand Beast City, and the ten elders in the Presbyterian Church are all shocked.

They didn't expect that a high priest would be killed so easily!

What they didn't even expect was that it was Baidi who started the beating!

"He is so brave!" The second elder slapped the table with an angry face, "Even if he is a royal family, it is a death crime to slaughter the high priest!"

The other elders echoed: "Yes, yes! This matter must not be tolerated!"

At first, the elder didn't speak, until everyone was clamoring to send someone to arrest Baidi, he just said, "Don't go."

The second elder puzzled: "Why?"

"Before coming here, I just got news that Baidi is already one of the twelve guards."

Everyone was surprised: "When did he become a guard?"

"It was Lin Slow who granted him the position of guardian," the elder said, his eyes turned gloomy. "Lin Slow was approved by the Prophet and was selected as the heir of the Prophet. Now the entire temple is occupied by her. Temporary management."

"This, how is this possible?!"

Everyone can't believe it.

Regardless of why the prophet had to choose an heir suddenly, even if he had to choose an heir for emergencies, he shouldn't choose a female!

Since the emergence of the Orc Continent, there has never been a precedent for a female to become a prophet!

None of them understood the prophet's decision.

The great elder ignored everyone’s doubts and incomprehension, and said coldly: “This matter has been spread to the Temple of Ten Thousand Beasts led by the gods and guards. Believe."

"But this is too, too ridiculous! She is a female after all! What's the matter with a female?!"

"I can never accept a female to be a prophet!"

"After the Lord Prophet returns, we must protest!"


Amidst the many shouts, the elder closed his eyes to cover up the jealousy in his eyes.

He grinds the female's name with her teeth in her heart again and again.

Lin, slow, slow.