Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 857: One goes down

Poor Congshan hadn't realized what was going on before he was taken away by his own father.

For this reason, he lost his temper on the road and tried to escape back to Rock City.

Although this kid is strong, but in terms of mentality and strategy, he is definitely not as good as Sang Ye who has lived many years.

Several escapes ended in failure.

The father and son struggled with each other on the way to the alien demons, and they had a lively life every day.

The originally neat family, now only Baidi Blood Ling and Dandan are left beside him slowly.

A family of four stayed in the Temple of Ten Thousand Beasts. Fortunately, the eggs were lively and chattering every day. Therefore, the Temple of Ten Thousand Beasts was quite lively and did not become particularly deserted.

Slowly looking at the cute little daughter, the feeling of parting in her heart was diluted.

She cheered up. Now is not the time to lose. The entire Orc Continent is facing attacks from alien demons and monsters, and countless lives die under their claws every day.

Must find a way to drive them all out of the orc continent as soon as possible!

Slowly asked: "Where is no confusion?"

Speaking of this matter, Xue Ling was angry: "I shut him in the temple. I didn't expect that he would run away without a trace in one night."

"That big guy ran away, no one found the entire Temple of Ten Thousand Beasts?"

Xue Ling raised his mouth and sneered: "Is anyone aware that I don't know, but I know that there must be a **** in this temple. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Wuchu to be ignorant in just one night. Feeling ran away."

As the most noble place in the Orc Continent, Ten Thousand Beasts Temple is almost the center of power, and there will be hidden eyeliners from other forces, which is normal.

Slowly, it's not surprising at all: "If you ran away, let's run away. After the Orc Continent is restored to peace, let's clean up Dark Moon City and those eyeliners."

She went up to the top of the mountain again, contacted the altars of three medium-sized beast cities through the statues in the altar, and planned to summon the three high priests, open the council, and discuss ways to defend against the enemy.

First, Dongya and the second elder gave a response. After a while, Wuzhu's voice also appeared in the meeting.

The gradual tone couldn't hear the joy and anger: "I didn't expect Wuhuo to return to Darkmoon City so quickly. Is it really fast?"

No doubt: "If I don't go faster, I will probably never be able to leave in the end."

"What you said is interesting, is there someone in Ten Thousand Beast City trying to harm you?"

"It's true that someone wanted to harm me, or for nothing, why did my residence suddenly catch fire?"

"That might be retribution."

"What retribution? I don't understand what you mean."


The two of you come and I fight back and forth, even if you can only hear the sound, Dongya and the second elder can hear the strong smell of gunpowder from the conversation between the two of them.

Slowly: "Don't talk nonsense about me, now is the life and death of the Orc Continent. We must work together to tide over the difficulties! I contact you this time, hoping that you can help you think about how to defend against the enemy. Whatever you think, just let it be heard."

Dongya and the second elder Qi Qi said: "We all listen to the arrangements of the Lord Slowly!"

They stood firmly on the slow side.

Only Wuzhuo put forward a different opinion.

"This time the alien demon race and the monsters joined forces. They are coming so aggressively, almost nothing will happen. If we head-to-head with them, we are likely to suffer heavy casualties, so I suggest that we better discuss with them and see. Can you negotiate a peace?"

Slowly laughed, but there was no temperature in his eyes: "How do you want to negotiate?"

"Foreign demons and monsters invaded the Orc Continent. All they want is food. With so many people and livestock in the Orc Continent, we will select a part of the orcs, plus some livestock, and send it to them as a reward. Give them rations, I believe they will be willing to stop the invasion."

"You have a good idea, it can reduce casualties as much as possible."

Dongya wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he didn't say anything.

As for the second elders, they were already in a group at this time, quietly, without saying anything, pretending to be a transparent person.

No doubt: "My Prophet is really kind!"

Slowly: "You are the one who made this suggestion, and the most kind person is definitely you."

"My Prophet is absurd."

"I'm not praising you indiscriminately. I really appreciate you. Since you made this suggestion, I will first select five hundred orcs from Darkmoon City and give them to the alien demons and monsters as a negotiation. Apologize, what do you think?"

The atmosphere froze slightly.

Wudou lowered his voice, with a bad tone: "We Darkmoon City have a total of more than a thousand people. You are going to send out five hundred orcs with your mouth open. Are you trying to force us Darkmoon City on the way to the end?"

"You can't say that. The suggestion of giving an orc as a gift, but you put it forward. I just follow your words to act. In the future, even if the people of Dark Moon City hate, I can only hate you. "

"You are deliberately making things difficult for me!"

"You think too much, I never make things difficult for anyone."

Wuhuo sneered: "Since you refuse to give us a way to survive in Dark Moon City, then I don't have to talk with you anymore, I will take a step ahead."

As soon as he finished speaking, the altar of the Dark Moon Temple was forcibly cut off.

Dongya was so angry: "What is that Wudou? How dare to speak to Master Slowly in that tone!"

The second elder also echoed: "That is, if you dare to choke the Lord Prophet, he was removed from his post when he turned around. See how arrogant he is?!"

Slowly did not bother to leave Wu Wu, and continued to discuss with Dongya and the second elder on the strategy to defend against the enemy.

What everyone did not expect was that the altar of the Dark Moon Temple was destroyed the next day.

Under the leadership of the high priest Wuhuo, the entire Darkmoon City was transferred to the alliance of the alien demons and the monsters.

This is the first time that an orc has taken refuge in a monster on a large scale.

When I slowly learned of this, I was immediately smirked.

"I won't mention it for the time being. The monsters eat the devouring orcs as food, and the orcs of the Darkmoon City who are led by Wuchu to rely on the monsters. Isn't he afraid that his people will be eaten by the monsters?"

The Emperor Bai said in a deep voice, "Dark Moon City had been in collusion with the alien demon in the dark. When I went to the Dark Moon Temple to trace Xuanwei's traces, I had seen Wuhuo contact Tao Wei, and Wuhuo would take it with him. Darkmoon City's refuge in the alien demons shouldn't be a sudden whim, but a move carefully arranged by them."

Xue Ling also said: "With the three medium-sized beast cities, losing the support of one of the beast cities is tantamount to breaking one of our arms. Our strength is greatly reduced, and the enemy's strength is greatly increased. We are at a disadvantage."

Slowly: "For today's plan, we can only do our best to resist the enemy's invasion."