Dad! Love My Daughter To Death

Chapter 2425: Great tonic!

It's just a **** soul but didn't want to give Li Heqing a chance to die like this.

A red light flashed across the blood vessels in Xue Li Soul's body, and then the holy fire on Li Heqing's body was extinguished.

"Do not!"

Li Heqing let out a daring roar, but then the whole person instantly turned into a corpse!

Qiao Jie originally stared at Liu Zhengyang closely.

But now that he felt that he was dying, he suddenly became extremely frightened. He kept extending his palm to Liu Zhengyang and begging for mercy: "Help me! I will never do anything to you again! Help me!"

Liu Zhengyang didn't make a move, not to mention that the two people were originally in a hostile relationship, he said that even if he wanted to make a move, he couldn't make a move.

The blood cloud gathered by the killing intent impact had already wrapped him up, entwining him tightly, which also made him afraid to move.

Finally, Qiaojie lost his voice.

And the murderous impact that gathered around Liu Zhengyang directly rushed towards the **** soul.


Xue Lihun let out an angry roar, and then burst out countless blood vessels from his body, which directly pierced the blood cloud.

Accompanied by the squeaking sound, the blood cloud and the **** soul are so stalemate together.

Liu Zhengyang looked at the situation unexpectedly.

To be honest, this made him a little confused.

Blood Li Soul will indeed trigger a murderous intent riot, but that can't be done overnight, only the blood cloud that condenses the murderous intent impact can be defeated several times!

What's more, the blood calendar soul has now sucked fresh blood, which also caused some subtle changes to it.

It doesn't seem to be so sluggish anymore, but a little sane!

When Lei Che decided to let these people in, he didn't expect them to come out alive.

To put it bluntly, they are the sacrifices carefully arranged by Lei Che!

As long as they are swallowed, then naturally everything is easy to say, and it may even advance the **** soul! When the time comes, the Blood Li Soul will become a fierce thing in the blood cave, and everyone who enters will be killed by it!

This trick can be said to be extremely negative, but it has to be admitted that the effect is also very good.

But the only thing Lei Che missed was Liu Zhengyang's strength.

The killing intent impact not only did not completely reject Liu Zhengyang's killing sword qi, it even gave Liu Zhengyang considerable benefits!

Liu Zhengyang frowned.

At this time, the Heaven and Earth Sect and the Holy Fire Sect who followed in with Qiao Jie and others were all dead.

The conscience of heaven and earth, Liu Zhengyang didn't even make a move!

It's just that this kind of thing is basically something that gets more confused the more you argue, Liu Zhengyang doesn't care, he cares more about the **** soul!

Seeing that the Blood Li Soul is almost completely formed by the condensation of Qi and blood.

This is a natural tonic!

The loss of his mysterious acupuncture point is so severe that Liu Zhengyang suspects that even if he really enters the stretch, the blood jade Ningxiang can support his body forging!

But now there is no need to worry. With this **** soul, at least half of the deficit can be filled!

Those outside can be said to be staring at him now, if possible, Liu Zhengyang must reach the Profound Realm as soon as possible! Only in this way can we truly have the ability to save our lives!

Regarding destiny, Liu Zhengyang prefers to hold it in his own hands. Now if he doesn't have to take advantage of the situation, Liu Zhengyang doesn't need to swallow so much.

It's just that the **** soul is a good thing, but this guy is obviously not a good guy to deal with!

If you want to swallow him, I am afraid it will be a tough battle!