Dad! Love My Daughter To Death

Chapter 3050: naive idea

Qilin, who was sprinting at full speed, saw Liu Zhengyang's movements, and there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

He taunted Liu Zhengyang and said: "We have seen the place where you and the fourth elder fought. Although we can't reproduce your battle process, it is still very easy to guess one. You think we will not modify the fighting method according to your situation. ?"

"Oh? What do you want to say?" Liu Zhengyang asked disapprovingly.

Qilin didn't answer directly, closed his eyes and said, "When you were fighting with the fourth elder, you used stones to interfere with the fourth elder more than once, right? This kind of trick is useless to me!"

Kirin said confidently.

Liu Zhengyang was startled and found that the other party seemed to have misunderstood something.

Do the powerhouses of the Qilin family think that when Liu Zhengyang was fighting the Fourth Elder, he took advantage of the surrounding environment instead of winning by actual strength? Could it be that the unicorn in front of him thought that Liu Zhengyang wanted to attack his eyes with stones, so he closed his eyes and continued to attack?

How can the strong men of the Qilin family be so innocent like three-year-old children?

Of course, the opponent is too naive, which is a good thing for him after all.

Almost as soon as the unicorn closed his eyes, Liu Zhengyang also accelerated towards the unicorn, and suddenly jumped up at the moment before the contact between the two sides, jumped on the back of the unicorn, and then firmly grasped the scale armor to prevent the opponent from throwing him. go down.

When Liu Zhengyang rode on Qilin's back, Qilin himself obviously noticed it.

He opened his eyes quickly, slowly lowered his sprint speed, and then twisted violently, trying to throw Liu Zhengyang off. It's a pity that because Liu Zhengyang had prepared for a long time, he could not succeed at all.

As he struggled, he asked loudly, "What do you want to do?"

Liu Zhengyang didn't answer, he first grabbed a piece of scale armor with his left hand, and then smashed the Qilin's back with his right fist with all his strength.

Unlike when he attacked on the ground, Liu Zhengyang couldn't use 100% of his strength now, but it was enough to hurt the unicorn.

Moreover, while losing a part of his attack power, because he was riding on the back of the unicorn, the unicorn could not dodge, and the accuracy of the attack was much higher. At the very least, he can strike at the same spot without fail without worrying about being dodged.

A dozen or 20 punches hit the same spot in a row, no matter how rough the unicorn is, don't hit the flesh and blood.

Kirin suffered a heavy blow, and the resistance became even more intense.

Seeing that he couldn't shake Liu Zhengyang off his back, he suddenly jumped up and turned his body in the air.

"What does this guy want to do?" Qi Tianfang asked, looking at the unicorn who was making strange movements.

"Don't you think..." Liu Zhengyang realized that something was wrong, and immediately released his left hand that was holding the scale armor tightly.

He had already vaguely guessed what Qilin wanted to do.

Sure enough, the unicorn turned over in the sky did not adjust his body.

He just smashed down in a strange posture with his back down and his limbs up, obviously wanting to smash Liu Zhengyang.

Liu Zhengyang was not in a hurry to dodge, until the Qilin was about to hit the ground before he kicked the Qilin's back and rushed out.


Because the head of the unicorn is a bit higher than the back, the head is the first to hit the ground.

The unicorn horn pierced into the ground because of this.

At the last moment, he rushed out, and Liu Zhengyang, who avoided the attack, walked back slowly, and said, "You can actually use this style of play, are you dizzy?"