Dad! Love My Daughter To Death

Chapter 3206: attacked

"Sect Master, I'm sorry, but the matter is too urgent." Qi Tianfang replied.

At this moment, Qi Tianfang's face was pale, his pupils contracted, and his heartbeat was fast, as if he had just fought a battle.

But Qi Tianfang's work place is not far from Liu Zhengyang.

With Qi Tianfang's strength, even if he rushed over at full speed, he would not feel tired.

But even so, Qi Tianfang's state was still very bad, obviously because of his mood. He was in such a bad state because of his mood, and it was predictable how shocking news he received.

Zhong Qinglei hurriedly asked: "If you have something to say, say it quickly, don't be a jerk."

"Yes!" Qi Tianfang hurriedly said: "We just received news that the savage tribe was attacked, almost all the medicinal materials collected by the savages were taken away, and the chief of the savage tribe was seriously injured. Sect master, they are asking for help."

"What?" Liu Zhengyang was shocked and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

When he first heard that the savage tribe was attacked and even the medicinal materials were taken away, he didn't feel anything.

After all, although the probability of such a thing happening is small, it does not rule out that there will be monks who take risks.

But after hearing that even the chief was seriously injured, Liu Zhengyang couldn't sit still.

You know, Liu Zhengyang has personally played against the chief, but he knows how powerful the chief is.

Even if Liu Zhengyang himself wants to hit the chief, it is not an easy task.

And the chief recently got the support of Liu Zhengyang's medicinal pills and began to practice the orthodox immortal way, and his strength must be rising. In this case, it would be even more difficult to inflict heavy damage on him.

So who was the one who hit him hard?

"Looks like we're going to run again." Zhong Qinglei said solemnly.

"Okay!" Qi Tianfang readily agreed and said, "Do you want me to call Senior Sister and the others?"

Liu Zhengyang was stunned for a moment, and it took a while to understand what Qi Tianfang meant.

He even wanted to open Qi Tianfang's Tianling cover to see how much water was inside.

Zhong Qinglei proposed to take a trip, just to have a look with Liu Zhengyang, not to travel in the past.

Going to such a dangerous place, what's the point of bringing Xiao Domi?

Liu Zhengyang stopped him and said, "I can go with Zhong Qinglei. You guys continue to stay in the base camp to do things. And staying at the base camp is far safer than going to other places."

Qi Tianfang thought about it and thought it made sense, so he didn't say anything more.

Just as Liu Zhengyang and Zhong Qinglei were about to set off, another unfamiliar monk broke in again.

After the cultivator broke in, Qi Tianfang immediately introduced it, saying that it was one of his subordinates.

Qi Tianfang's subordinate panted like a cow and said, "The leader of the alliance, the person sent to monitor Hucheng has lost contact."

"What?" Liu Zhengyang said stunned: "When did it happen?"

"Today." The cultivator hurriedly replied, "Our preliminary estimate is that the brother is dead."

Liu Zhengyang's heart sank, and his mood can be said to be how bad and how bad it is.

It happened on both sides at the same time, is this a coincidence?

Or did someone do it on purpose?

Liu Zhengyang prefers the latter.

After all, these two things have the same stakeholder, that is, the big forces behind the support of the Yang family.

"Do you want to see the poor so soon?" Liu Zhengyang sneered.

"Sure enough, I am uneasy and kind." Zhong Qinglei said: "The forces behind the Yang family may be targeting us from the beginning, Liu Zhengyang, get ready to do it."