Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 1087: Who is against them

It has only been about half an hour since she saw the news coming upstairs from below. This topic has become the number one hot search on Weibo, and the topic's reading volume has reached tens of millions.

In such a short period of time, to reach so many topics, such data is obviously very abnormal, and even if the script is really plagiarism, such a thing is not enough to arouse such a big reaction between the online media and the public. .

Obviously, this was manipulated by someone behind the scenes, buying up a large number of navy forces, scanning data and topics on major websites, and pushed this incident to the forefront.

It is clear that someone is antagonizing Huanyu, deliberately trying to use this to rectify Huanyu.

He raised his head and glanced at Xiao Moli, his expression indifferent, as if he didn't care at all.

Since she could think of this, Xiao Moli must be farther than she thought.

Thinking of this, An Ziqi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to look at the news on the computer.

I also looked for the so-called original work. She didn’t have many scenes in the play, so she was not very clear about the overall plot, but from the perspective of her personal part of the plot, the similarity was indeed high, even some. The lines are almost the same.

Even for a villain with so few scenes, let alone other important characters, it is basically certain that this is undoubtedly plagiarism.

It's just that the original work doesn't seem to be well-known before, not many people know it, and it hasn't attracted people's attention.

After the news broke out this morning, the e-reading volume of the original work began to grow wildly, and the fans of the little-known original author and Weibo also increased by hundreds of thousands in just a few hours.

Half an hour later, Ye Wuge cursed and pushed in.

"Have you found the author of the screenplay?"

"The writer of your movie script can't find anyone at all now, and it was not the writer of the script who signed the contract with the company at the beginning. This is likely to cause copyright issues. Tang Xiaoqin just said that you found the movie script by yourself. I I want to know who you took the script from." Xiao Moli asked, looking up at him.

Based on his friendship with Ye Wuge for so many years, he certainly didn't doubt Ye Wuge, but now it seems that Ye Wuge was calculated by others, and then he used it to deal with Huanyu.

"The script was given by a friend in the circle. He was drinking in a bar that day. He said he had a good script in his hand and asked me if I was interested. It just so happened that I was all right at the time and said yes. The next day, he just Someone sent the script to me. I saw it and thought it was pretty good, so I asked the people below to sign it."

Ye Wuge said with an ugly expression, as for the things he signed later, of course he couldn't participate, but he didn't expect that the script would be plagiarism, and it would develop to the present level.

Xiao Moli said lightly, "The person who gave you the script can't be reached now, right?"

Ye Wuge gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "When I find him, I am going to kill him."

He has been in the entertainment industry for many years, and although he doesn't care about fame, he is the first time to be calculated like this, and his heart is naturally angry.

"You don't need to care, this is just someone deliberately targeting Huanyu. Even if you are not calculated by him this time, others will be calculated, and the result will be the same." Xiao Moli said indifferently.