Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 1231: Lost under the little shorts

An Ziqi smiled on Xiao Moli's body and straightened up, and quickly gave him a compliment.

Dao Ye was finally defeated by Jiayin's little shorts, and now he should have a taste of chasing people.

Ye Wuge immediately replied to her, you are gloating! The boat of friendship has overturned, you have lost me!

An Ziqi smiled and replied to quarrel with him.

Xiao Moli looked at her tenderly, he liked the carefree look of her smiling in his arms.

When An Ziqi finally laughed enough, she took her mobile phone and walked upstairs with Xiao Moli to see his previous bedroom.

The inside of the bedroom is clean and tidy, and I know at a glance that there must be housekeepers who often come to clean up and take care of it.

Although he said it was a house before the age of five, there were no traces of children in the room, not even a toy.

"When I was young, Mommy and Daddy were separated due to some things. Mo Yu and I lived here with Mommy. Mommy was a kitchen killer. The microwave oven at home had to fry several times a month. Most of the time, it was Mo and me. Rain is taking care of her."

Xiao Moli pursed his lips and said with a smile, the memories of being here as a child flashed in his mind.

An Ziqi was by his side, and his eyes were full of smiles listening to him talking about funny stories when he was a child.

Xiao Moli reached out and took out an old photo album from the bookshelf, opened it, and it was full of photos of his childhood.

An Ziqi leaned forward curiously, although she had seen Xiao Moli's childhood photos in Xiao's family before, but not many.

Looking at the little guy in the photo, I couldn't help but want to laugh. Xiao Moli was a little naughty baby when he was a child, much cuter than now.

Except for himself, in almost every photo there is a little girl who is more beautiful than a doll, who looks inseparable from Xiao Moli.

Xiao Moli's fingertips stroked on the photo, "This is Mo Yu, Mo Yu and I are fetuses of dragons and phoenixes, if she is still..."

The words behind are so low that they are inaudible.

An Ziqi reached out from behind him and hugged him, stood on tiptoe, and kissed him in his ear, "It's okay, I will always be with you."


Xiao Moli turned around and hugged her into his arms.

The sadness in my heart was dispelled a little bit!

The next day.

Xiao Moli and An Ziqi travelled from Denmark, to Madrid, to Italy.

It was another year to pay homage to those people. Xiao Moli took her to Paris, and the two of them first went to the orphanage that was destroyed by the bombing and suffered heavy casualties.

The place had already been demolished and rebuilt by Xiao Moli, and it was no longer what it looked like back then.

The red bricks and white walls are full of children's laughter and laughter.

The dean of the orphanage came to thank Xiao Moli. He not only rebuilt the orphanage, but also has been responsible for all the expenses of the orphanage for so many years.

Although he was cold and silent every year when he came here, the dean was still extremely grateful to him.

"Mr. Xiao, you are here."

"En." Xiao Moli nodded.

Silence as always, the dean didn't care, smiled and said hello to An Ziqi, and then retreated.

Xiao Moli took An Ziqi's hand and stood in a corner of the garden, watching the adopted orphans laughing and playing.

Every year before, he came here alone, but now, he finally has someone who can accompany him to any place.

Every year when this day comes, my heart will be irritable, and because of An Ziqi's company, it becomes calmer.