Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 1257: Patron saint (2)

Xia Xing also came into the public's sight again, and became a little red.

Although it hasn't become popular yet, it's still a little famous.

During this period, the company also took the time to find someone to make a single for her, planning to let her make a single comeback first.

On this day, a webcast interview program took the initiative to find her.

Because it is a webcast and the headquarters of the live broadcast is not in the local area, the other party set the live broadcast location in a hotel in this city.

Xia Xing arrived there at the agreed time.

Before participating in the live broadcast, the agent guessed that the other party might ask her about the fact that she was so popular but was hidden in the snow, and she had already prepared how to deal with it.

Therefore, when the host asked, Xia Xing avoided the heavyweight and dealt with it according to the previous preparations.

At the end of the show, Xia Xingqing sang a short new song, which is considered to be a promotion for the single in advance.

The interview ended smoothly, and the cooperation between the two parties was also very pleasant. When I walked out of the hotel room and walked to the lobby downstairs, I could see Zhou Lin walking in from the outside with a group of assistants from a distance.

Seeing Xia Xing in the middle of the hall, he glanced with disdain, and blocked her on one side.

Raised an eyebrow and smiled proudly, "Xia Xing Xing, long time no see?"

Xing Xing frowned slightly, "Zhou Lin?"

Zhou Lin was a member of the same girl group as her a few years ago. At that time, she was in charge of the lead singer in the group, and Zhou Lin was the deputy singer.

That incident happened that year. After she was blocked by Yuntian, the group was forced to disband, and she was also hidden by the company. Several other people in the group developed in different fields.

Zhou Lin later won the company's strong support and developed very smoothly in the music world. Although she is not a big star, she is also regarded as a female singer with some status in the music world.

In the past, Zhou Lin and her relationship was not dealt with. In the past few years, the company has ignored her, and she has hardly been to the company, so she hasn’t seen Zhou Lin for a long time. I didn’t expect to meet her here today. .

"What? Is it weird to see me?" Zhou Lin's smile showed a hint of disdain.

"Yes, you have not been in the entertainment industry for so many years. It is natural to be surprised and understandable to meet a celebrity."

Xing Xing was speechless and smiled, "Yeah, it's rare to meet a star as popular as you. I didn't see Zhong Ling in the company and never saw her in such a big battle. I was fortunate to see her today. I really want to thank you. ."

Zhou Lin's face immediately became hard to look upon hearing Xia Xing's words. Zhong Ling is known as the queen of pop music in China. Xia Xing's words were clearly mocking her.

Sneered, "I forgot, you have signed to Huanyu now. However, don’t think that signing Huanyu is just embracing your thighs. There are so many big stars in Huanyu, and outdated singers like you, if the company is really willing to support it. If you do, you won’t be allowed to record small programs like live webcasts."

"Even if you climb on someone else's bed and change to Huanyu, it's just a change of coldness. If you want to be red, you should wash and sleep early."

Xing Xing had time to speak in the future.

"I don't know if she can be popular, but I know, your endorsement contract must be gone today."

A gentle male voice came from behind, but the content of the words was cold and harsh.