Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 1266: Sweet honey (1)

After having breakfast, Xia Xing put down the tableware in his hand, raised his hand to check the time, and thought about it and said to Yun Tian.

"I have to go to the company today, and I will..."

Before he finished speaking, Yuntian frowned immediately.

"Not allowed to go."

"But, my work for today has already been arranged." Xia Xing couldn't help but whisper.

"Believe it or not, I will let you never have a job?" Yuntian glared at her.

Thinking of this stupid woman insisting on dancing despite her injury, he wanted to keep her at home forever.

Is work that important? Could he still not be able to support her?

Although the words were harsh, Xia Xing was stunned to hear a trace of concern.

He pouted angrily and sat down again, took out the phone and called the agent.

The little assistant had told her agent about her injury when she went back, plus her relationship with An Ziqi. Therefore, the agent did not scold her, but just let her rest at home and adjust her work.

When Yuntian heard her finish the phone call, she picked up the tissue slowly, wiped her mouth gracefully, got up and went out to the door.

Xia Xing looked at the figure he was leaving, and made a little effort to prevent her from going to work, but he ran fast by himself.

Mother Wang couldn't help but said, "Miss Xia, although Mr. Yun speaks fiercely, he actually cares about you very much."

"Where? It will bully me fiercely." Xia Xing bit his lip.

"Really, every time Mr. Yun sees you eat less for dinner, he will specifically tell us to make desserts for you. After your throat was sick last time, he specially found a recipe for me and asked me to follow them."

Yuntian had previously confessed that she was not allowed to say it, and Ma Wang didn't dare to say it all, she just picked up one of the small things and explained it at will.

"Really?" Xia Xing looked up at her in disbelief.

Mother Wang nodded hurriedly. She has been a servant for so long. Although Yuntian has a cold temperament, she is actually a very good employer, and there is nothing to embarrass them.

They also hope that Yuntian and Xingxia will be happy.

Xia Xing didn't say anything, but there was an involuntary smile on his lips.

When Yun Tian went home in the afternoon and saw Xia Xing staying at home honestly, he couldn't help being satisfied.

The next day, Yuntian still did not let Xia Xing go to work.

It's just that I got pierced a few times on the feet, but there is no major problem, but Yun Tian called Xiao Moli directly and asked her to take a month's leave.

Xia Xing stared when she found out, she just got stabbed a few times, okay? Rest for a month? People who didn't know thought she was disabled.

However, under the pressure of Yuntian's eyes, he could only choose to yield.

Yuntian was in a good mood during this time, holding her up and down every day, as long as he was there, Xing Xing's feet would barely touch the ground.

In the end, it almost became a habit. Her feet had been healed in a few days, but Yun Tian had been holding her for more than half a month.

Although Xia Xing was dissatisfied, there was a hint of sweetness in his heart.

Her feet were already healed, but Yuntian refused to allow her to go to work on the grounds that she had asked for a month of leave and time was short.

Seeing her boredom at home every day, Ma Wang cheerfully stepped forward and gave her two tickets for the flower show.

"This was sent to me when I was shopping for groceries today. I am not interested in these flowers and plants. Why not go on a date with Miss Xia and Mr. Yun."

Xing Xing likes it very much, but Yun Tian's words...

His cheeks are slightly red, "Where does he have time to go to the flower show."