Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 1425: No one else shows affection (5)

"His kindness and softness are only for the people he loves most."

When Lan Ting heard her words, he immediately caught the loopholes in her words. She grew up with Yun Tian's childhood sweetheart, and of course she was his closest and favorite person.

Smiled, just about to speak.

Xia Xing laughed before her and said, "Yun Tian said to me before that he always treats you as his biological sister. You are his relatives. He will naturally treat you well and do his best to hope. You can be happy."

"Now that he has found his own happiness, we also hope you can find your own happiness."

The intimacy inside and outside the words is obvious.

Lan Ting was crushed by her angry teeth, and he gave a cold snort and couldn't help but speak directly.

"It's not up to you to find happiness. My happiness is by my side. I will definitely hold on to him."

Xia Xing didn't care what she was full of gunpowder. He stretched out his hand and yawned and smiled at her.

"You like to swing, just keep swinging here. I'm sleepy, so I won't be with you."

After talking about Lan Ting's reaction, he turned straight and walked back along the path when he came.

They lived in the courtyard behind. When they walked through the hall, most of the lights in the dining room had been turned off, and only a few small lights were left on the walls to illuminate them, which completely lost the lively atmosphere before.

Just about to go straight back through here, Yuntian and his mom just walked out of the side hall.

Seeing Xia Xing, he walked straight towards her.

Yun Tian stepped forward, unceasingly stretched out his hand to embrace her, touched her clothes that had been blown by the wind, and frowned, "Why don't you wear more? Is it cold?"

Xia Xing smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, I haven't been outside for long."

After speaking, he turned his head and said hello to Yuntian's mother, "Auntie."

Mo Xiaoyan responded with a smile, and then asked, "How did you go for a walk? Is your stomach comfortable?"

"Well, thank you Auntie, it's all right." Xia Xing responded with a smile.

"Hey, you kid, you are too far-sighted, so don't be so polite with me." Mo Xiaoyan said with a smile.

"Yuntian won't take care of people. If you live here a little longer, I will definitely raise you in vain and fat."

Xia Xing bit her lip, Yun Tian's mommy is really nice, and she is not picky about her at all.

If possible, she would like to stay a little longer and get along with her. However, after half a month, there will be An Ziqi's movie promotion, and the recording of "Dream Singer", and other shows are waiting for her. Open up.

"Auntie Yun."

Lan Ting's voice came from behind, with a hint of grievance in his voice.

Xia Xing Xing turned his head and saw that the hair on Lan Ting's head was a little messy, his nose was flushed, and there was some garden soil on his clothes.

"Tingting, what's the matter with you?" Mo Xiaoyan hurriedly let go of Xia Xing's hand, stepped forward to pull Lanting to her side, raised her hand to pat the dirt on her body, and asked with concern.

Lanting shook his head at Yuntian's mother, smiled reluctantly and said, "Aunt Yun, I'm fine."

Mo Xiaoyan frowned, took her hand, and saw a bruise on the top, "It's all like this, why is it all right?"

Lan Ting bit his lip, glanced at Xia Xing's direction aggrievedly, and shook his head vigorously, "I'm really fine."

Although she said it was okay, her eyes were red, and she looked like she was aggrieved crying.