Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 1444: Thief of Heroes (1)

Yuntian chuckled and lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Xia Xing turned his head and looked around, and couldn't help asking curiously, "Why did you bring me here?"

Even if it was for a marriage proposal, it would be too weird to sneak into the church by secretly picking the lock of someone in the middle of the night.

"This is the place where the British kings were crowned and the royal princes held their weddings. It is said that getting married here can be blessed by God and will never be separated from life to life." The deep voice of Yuntian sounded in the empty cathedral.

"However, it is not open to the public under normal circumstances. Visitors are only allowed to visit outside the church. This is the core area of ​​the church. No entry is allowed without royal permission."

Xing Xing was speechless, and she was not allowed to enter, so this guy chose to sneak in with her in the middle of the night?

Thinking of my previous misunderstanding, I couldn't help feeling a bit stupid.

He curled his lips, "You at least told me in advance, so I thought you were going to take me to be a thief, and help the poor, how embarrassing it is."

Yuntian couldn't help laughing, thief and heroine? Thanks to what she can think of.

Also rob the rich and help the poor, this is a brain-disabled drama to watch too much, the poisoning is too deep.

"Lisa said this can surprise you."

"Surprise?" Xingbai gave him a look, "I'm only surprised and not like it, I'm almost scared to death."

Not only must always pay attention to those who patrol, but also try to persuade herself to accept becoming a thief in the future. She really feels that her heart is strong enough.

However, it is true to say that it is unforgettable, she probably will never forget this wonderful marriage proposal experience in her life.

Yun Tian couldn't laugh or cry. How did he know that this little woman was so unreliable.

"Does your husband want anything? Need to steal it?"

"Is unmarried, it's a fiance at most." Xia Xing said with his lips curled up.

"Unmarried?" Yuntian raised his eyebrows, and the man with his arms around her waist leaned in along the hem of her clothes and squeezed her soft waist.

"Ah." Xia Xing couldn't help but exclaimed with a smile, and closed his mouth busy thinking that they were still in someone else's place.

Yuntian was also busy covering her mouth, but unfortunately it was too late.

People patrolling outside the door happened to pass by.

"Who is inside?"

The sound of hurried footsteps and words quickly rang outside.

After Xia Xing heard it inside, the cheering heart hung up instantly, and he hurriedly reached out and grabbed Yun Tian's sleeve, and asked nervously.

"How to do?"

Yun Tian sneered and said jokingly, "Aren't you ready to be a thief couple with me, a thief and heroine couple?"

Xingxia Xing stared at him, "When is this, you are still in the mood to make a joke."

When the voice fell, I heard someone shouting outside, "Here is a magnetic card device that cracks the code. Someone has intruded, so start the alarm soon."

Immediately afterwards, the sound of an alarm cut through the silent night sky.

Xia Xing's heart is hanging even higher.

She was dying anxiously on the sidelines, but Yuntian seemed to be okay, still watching the patterns and walls around her leisurely.

The door of the church was opened from the outside with a creak with the sound of a beep of a code, and two guards rushed in from the outside with flashlights.

Seeing the heart-shaped candle placed in the middle of the church, and the two people Xia Xing and Yun Tian, ​​they all stunned.

I don't know why the thieves are so bold now, they dare to put candles in the Royal Chapel in the middle of the night!