Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 145: Lovesickness (3)

While talking, the phone rang, An Ziqi took out the phone and saw the name displayed above, her hand shook slightly.

Biting his lip, he finally hung up the phone.

Knowing that there is no result, why bother to be entangled.

Between the two of them, for Xiao Moli, perhaps it was always just an ambiguous game, and she couldn't play it.

It's just that the deep bitterness that can't be removed in her heart made her uncomfortable eyes a little sour.

The phone didn't ring again, An Ziqi couldn't tell how she felt, lost? Disappointed? Sad? she does not know.

Put away the phone and chatted with mother Siqing for a while.

Mother's legs still need to stay in the hospital for a while. After sleeping on the plane for two hours in the afternoon, she is not sleepy at all.

After Siqing and her mother were both asleep, An Ziqi took a cup to the boiled water outside by herself.

The patient in the hospital rested early and quietly. She leaned against the wall, staring at the cup holding the water in a daze, her heart empty.

A few drops of hot boiling water splashed on her hand from the cup, and a few red marks immediately appeared on the back of her white hand.

Holding her hand against her lips, it was obviously not very painful, but her eyes were sore.

A big hand stretched out from behind and held her hand, "Why are you so careless?"

An Ziqi's body stiffened, and she tried to pull her hand out of his hand, but he pulled her slightly, turning her body to face him.

He took her hand to her mouth and blew a few times like coaxing a child, looking at her tearful eye sockets, frowned and said, "It hurts?"

An Ziqi bit her lip and shook her head.

"Why don't you cry?"

Xiao Moli pinched her chin and asked her to look up at him.

I haven't seen it for half a month. The exhaustion on his face is so obvious, there are still a few strands of red blood in his eyes, and a strand of hair is slightly curled up. It is obvious that he is in a hurry and has no time to clean up.

"I'm fine, go back to the ward first."

An Ziqi don't open her eyes and dare not look at him again. She is afraid that she can't help but feel soft.

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Moli lowered his head and kissed it, An Ziqi turned away slightly, Xiao Moli's lips slid across her cheeks.

Both of them froze for a while, Xiao Moli's eyes sank, and he pinched her chin, kissed passionately like punishment, robbing her fiercely.

An Ziqi feels wronged, why should he punish her?

He opened his mouth and bit down his lips fiercely, and the smell of blood immediately spread between the lips and teeth of the two.

Xiao Moli did not move, letting her bite.

An Ziqi let go of him, the hot tears finally fell, and fell into the two people along the cheeks, salty and astringent, just like her mood at the moment.

Xiao Moli raised his hand to wipe the tears from her face, "What the **** are you angry about? Why don't you answer my call?"

"Xiao Moli, let's not do this anymore." An Ziqi bit her lip.

"Don't do it anymore? Make it clear."

Xiao Moli's eyes were getting darker and deeper, and even his breathing became a little quick.

He grew up so old that he never knew he would miss someone so much, thinking about it every second.

But she didn't tell him when she came back. He got the news of her return and called her to see her as soon as possible, but she died.

All the irritation turned into miss the moment I saw her.

But she said they don't want to do this anymore.

"We, don't meet again in the future."

An Ziqi didn't open her face, forced to endure the sadness and bitterness in her heart, and said it with difficulty.