Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 1515

On the phone screen, there were two unread text messages, which should have been sent by Yuntian last night, but she fell asleep and didn't see them.

I opened the screen and saw that it was from Yuntian. The first one is, when you come back, how do you want to spend Christmas?

Xia Xing's lips pursed and smiled. This guy had never had a holiday concept before, but now he is beginning to know romance.

Now that Christmas is still half a month away, this guy is already thinking about it.

I just don't know, whether he thought about the holidays himself, or he asked the secretary and asked Xiaoli to give him ideas.

The second one has only two simple words, good night!

Looking at the time, there was a ten-minute interval from the one above. It should be that she didn't respond, and guessed that she was asleep.

Thinking of him waiting for text messages on his cell phone in the middle of the night, he couldn't help but laugh.

Putting away the mobile phone, thinking that today is my father's birthday, I got up and hurriedly picked up the clothes and put them on, and then ran to the bathroom to wash.

When she finished washing and went to the living room, her parents had already prepared the food and were busy serving the food on the table.

Xia Xing stepped forward and smiled and hugged Mom Xia from behind, "Mom, why don't you call me, today is my father's birthday, so I should let me cook."

Mother Xia happily stretched out her hand and nodded her head, "You big lazy bug, you have slept until now, and dare to blame me for not calling you."

"I really didn't mean it." Xia Xing naughty nudged her shoulder.

Mother Xia chuckled and touched her hair, "You are so busy outside, it's rare to come back once. It's enough if you want it, you don't need to do it."

She has only one daughter, although she can't be spoiled like the daughters of rich people, but it is also her treasure.

How cruel the entertainment industry is, they also know a lot because of their daughters over the years.

Xia Xing worked so hard outside, although she had always reported the good and not the bad, but how could she not know that her daughter must have endured a lot of hardships that they could not imagine.

Seeing her so tired, being a mother naturally feels distressed, and I want her to rest more.

"Thank you mom, I really am your daughter." Xia Xing said with a grin.

Mother Xia glared at her with an angry smile, "I picked you up."

Although she said so, she pulled Xia Xing in her hand and pulled her to the dining room table.

"Mom made what you like today. Try it quickly. There is also this stewed chicken with matsutake. Your father bought matsutake early in the morning. You can eat more to replenish your body. Look at you. Thin."

Xia Xing smiled and picked up the chopsticks and picked up a chicken nugget. "Mom, I have gained a few kilograms, and the fat on my stomach is all there, no way to lose weight."

Mother Xia glanced at her up and down, and said dissatisfied, "The face is sharp, isn't it thinner?"

While talking, he desperately served her soup.

Xia Xing reluctantly took a sip, "Mom and dad, you also eat."

"How is it?" Mother Xia looked at her and asked.

Xia Xing nodded with a smile, "It's delicious."

This soup is really good, delicious, and it doesn't have the smell of other fungi.

Yuntian is actually very picky about what he eats on weekdays, and he doesn't eat a little bit of fishy smell.

After eating in a while, you can learn from her mother how this soup is made.

When she goes back, she can just make it for Yuntian.

Thinking of this, he said, "Mom, you will teach me how to do it later."

"If you want to drink it back, I'll make it for you." Mother Xia was happy when she saw that she liked it.

The two were talking, but the sound of a doorbell came from the door.