Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 1577: Ecstasy Soup (1)

The three people had breakfast with a weird atmosphere.

Xia Xing originally thought that she would have to fight hard for a few more days with her parents.

Unexpectedly, when she went to bed almost noon to get up, Yuntian was already sitting in the living room in harmony with her father to play chess.

Xingxia Xing took a surprised look, stepped forward and sat down next to Yuntian, watching the two men play chess curiously.

Many young people today don't know chess. What's more, a child like Yuntian who grew up in a foreign country, he probably hasn't even seen it.

After having known each other for so long, why didn't she know that he still had these things.

Yuntian turned to look at her, "Are you full?"

"En." Xingxia Xing lazily leaned against Yuntian and replied.

Looking at the chessboard between the two of them, he picked up a chess piece and took a step forward, "Dad, you are going to lose, General."

Father Xia raised his eyes to look at her, and said, "I am impetuous."

He just picked up a chess piece and ate her general.

Xing Xing chuckled, "Sure enough, **** is still hot."

"Don't flatter you." Father Xia glared at her. "You don't have Xiaotian calm, and you will lose in a good chess game."

Xia Xing turned to look at Yun Tian and blinked. She just slept all morning. What happened?

Why is Mr. Yun becoming a small sky?

His father actually praised the calmness of the sky?

Is this world fantasy? Or did she not wake up in her dream?

Yuntian raised his eyebrows and looked at her. Is your man very powerful? Come and praise my expression.

Xia Xing pursed his lips while holding back a smile and gently scratched the palm of his hand.

Yuntian reached out and held her hand under the table, "Are you hungry? Go wash your face and eat."

"You help me." Xia Xing said with a grin.

Mother Xia just came out of the kitchen, and when she heard what they were saying, she stepped forward and unscrewed her ears.

"I'm such an adult, and I need help to wash my face. Xia Xing, you are ashamed, go wash it."

Xia Xing smiled and stood up, "He is my child's father, what's so shy about me."

Sure enough, cheeky is contagious, she has been perfectly infected from Yuntian.

"You die girl, you are not ashamed or embarrassed, go and wash my face." Mother Xia couldn't help but raised her hand and hit her, and blasted her to the bathroom.

When he came out of washing, Dad Xia was still playing chess with Yuntian with great interest.

Xia Xing walked around in the kitchen. Mother Xia was afraid that she would be choked by the oily smoke, so she gave her a plate of fruit and drove her out.

She was idle, sitting back to Yuntian with the fruit, peeled the orange, took a petal to Yuntian's lips, and then stuffed it into her mouth.

Seeing Yuntian picking up the chess piece to place it, he hurriedly stuffed most of the orange in his hand into Yuntian's mouth, and reached out to grab the chess piece, "Wait, wait, you can't go here, you have to go here."

Father Xia glared at her, and continued without saying a word.

"No, go here."

"I'm so stupid, I have to go."


Xing Xing leaned against Yuntian's arms while eating fruit while gesticulating.

Yuntian also let her play mischief, and Dad Xia finally couldn't help it, and couldn't help but say, "You stay with me and don't make trouble."

"Dad, how can you dislike your girl like this."

Xia Xing smiled and took the freshly peeled orange from Yun Tian and stuffed it into Father Xia's hand.

"Stand not to stand, sit and not to sit." Father Xia scolded her.