Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 1670: Reunion (3)

This is very similar to the cave where they were before.

However, the position of the star array in the middle has become a stone platform, and there is no gap at the top of the cave, which is tightly sealed.

Standing by him, at this moment, I only saw a person lying on the stone platform, but I couldn't see her face at all.

Looking at the strangely dressed people in the cave, he could not determine their identities.

I don't even know where he is now.

An Ziqi originally used someone else's body in ancient times, but Ye Haoyu didn't even know her when she saw her now.

Immediately blocked Ye Nianqing behind her, and raised her hand to wave her away.

Xiao Moli's eyes were quick and quick, and he stepped forward and pulled An Ziqi behind him.

Seeing that they were about to do something, An Ziqi said hurriedly, "Don't fight, Qing'er, I am aunt."

Hearing what he said, Ye Nianqing sneaked a little head out from behind Ye Haoyu, looked at her quietly, looked up and down a few times with her big eyes, but didn't move, obviously not believing her at all.

An Ziqi smiled and stretched out her hand to him, "Do you remember the airplane and car that your aunt told you about?"

Ye Nianqing blinked her big eyes. Only An Ziqi had told her about these things. The only people who knew about them were An Ziqi and his mother, the three of them.

The big eyes lit up for a moment. Although I don't know why the aunt's appearance changed, a child can best distinguish good from evil.

He could be sure that the beautiful woman in front of him was his aunt.

Coming out from behind Ye Haoyu, stepping forward on her short legs, she shouted at her, "Auntie."

"Qing'er good." An Ziqi stretched out her hand to pull him into her arms and touched his little head.

After Ye Nianqing thought of his mother, her eyes quickly began to turn red, tears rolled in her eyes, clicked, and then fell.

"Aunt, do you know where my queen is?"

"Don't cry, my aunt will take you to see your empress right away." An Ziqi painfully reached out to wipe the tears off his face, and then stretched out her hand to walk towards the stone platform in the center of the cave.

After hearing An Ziqi's words, Xiao Moli and Xiao Chen had already guessed the identity of Ye Haoyu.

It was this man who made Momo willing to abandon everything here and run to a strange place.

It was also that he caused Momo to suffer so much and suffer so many injuries.

The eyes of the two looking at Ye Haoyu became full of scrutiny and unfriendly at the same time.

Ye Haoyu was also in the conversation between An Ziqi and Ye Nianqing, quickly judging their identities and where he is now.

If the woman in front of him is An Ziqi, the two men next to him should be Momo's two older brothers.

And the space and place where he is now is the time and space where Momo is.

So, did he travel back to Momo's hometown with Momo in the cave?

Looking at An Ziqi's direction with Ye Nianqing, thinking of what they had just said, her breathing instantly tightened, and she walked towards the stone platform there with a little tiptoe.

Looking at the person on the stone platform, her face was fair, and her skin was jade, even more dazzling than before.

Shaking hands wanted to touch her, but didn't dare.

The slender fingers held and loosened in the air, and finally put them back.

I'm afraid that everything in front of me is just a dream. As long as he touches it, the person on the stone platform will disappear.

Xiao Moli and Xiao Chen also reacted and hurried to the stone platform.