Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 1723: Missing is worse than meeting (13)

She was given an emergency examination. In addition to the wound on her leg, she also suffered some minor internal injuries in her chest and abdomen due to the fall.

There were two dazzling bruises on both sides of the snow-white lower jaw, which should have been pinched by him just now.

Xiao Chen pursed her lower lip, quickly took out the medicine and bandage from her bag, cut the pants on her leg with a dagger, sprinkled hemostatic and anti-inflammatory drugs on the wound, and finally loosened it after wrapping it up with a bandage. Take a sigh of relief.

There is no way for her internal injury here, she can only find a way to get out as soon as possible.

Fingertips stroking the bruises on both sides of her jaw, Lan Yue seemed to feel a little pain in her coma, frowning slightly, Xiao Chen couldn't help lightening her hand.

The tomb was quiet, as if there were only two of them left in the world.

Xiao Chen held the soft and fragile body in his arms, and a touch of complexity flashed in his deep eyes.

After all, this is not a place to stay for a long time, Daddy, Mommy and Mo Li are still outside.

An Ziqi was also waiting for him to go out to rescue. After confirming that she had no problems, Xiao Chen took off the backpack behind him and placed it on the ground, then carefully raised Lan Yue's head on the backpack, and got up and looked at the tomb.

When he fell in just now, he only looked for Lan Yue, but just glanced roughly, but didn't take a closer look.

At this moment, he got up and looked again, only to find that the tomb they were in had undergone tremendous changes in the short period of time.

The tomb was originally only three or four meters high, but for some reason, it suddenly became seven or eight meters high. The roof above their heads that they had just fallen down seemed to have suddenly disappeared.

On the high roof, looking from a distance, it was milky white, and I didn't know what it was.

And in the center of this tomb, there was a huge stone pillar abruptly, about the size of the two hugs. The stone pillar was carved with a lifelike dragon. The carving technique was exquisite, and the dragon seemed to break out of the column.

The four lamp slaves around the tomb still knelt there quietly.

Xiao Chen turned around in the small tomb, squinting his eyes and looking up along the stone pillar. On the top of the stone pillar, a stone statue was standing there, his dress was flying, holding a large plate in his hand, facing The piece of milky white directly above the roof.

It is said in the "Book of Han" that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty made a plate of Chenglu with a cactus on it, drinking it with Chenglu and jade scraps, and the cloud could live forever.

Xiao Chen's mind jerked, his ultimate goal of entering the tomb was to find the manglietia seed in addition to An Ziqi.

If the plate above the pillar is the legendary bearing plate, the manglietia paste must be on top.

Thinking of this, I made a circle around the pillar, observed it, and was about to support the pillar up.

Suddenly two coughing sounds came from behind.

Xiao Chen pursed his lower lip and turned around.

I saw that Lan Yue had opened her eyes, and as she coughed, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her lips.

It should have been caused by the internal injury from the previous fall. Seeing Xiao Chen next to him, he endured the pain in his chest and sat up on the ground with his arms.

Only then did she see that the wound on her calf had been treated, and she barely stood up.

Because of the wound on her calf, her body staggered involuntarily because of the pain.

Xiao Chen wanted to reach out and help her, and the hand on his side moved, but in the end he retracted it again.

Lan Yue bit her lip and whispered, "Thank you for saving me."

She was still conscious when she was thrown in by the monster above.