Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 1869: Give everything to love him (1)

With the experience of running away from here with Xiao Chen last time, Lan Yue is already very familiar with the route to the outside.

She was tossed too hard by Xiao Chen last night, and every step she took under her body hurts terribly.

However, for the sake of Xiao Chen, she must bear the pain and persevere.

When she met the first house, Lan Yue didn't hesitate, and went straight to pry open the garage door and drove the car out.

"Hey, stop, car thief, call the police."

The owner of the room immediately ran out of the house when he heard the sound of the car, chasing after him with something in his hand.

Lanyue couldn't take care of the others, stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove fast.

Cars, airplanes, cars, on foot, Blue Moon never sleeps, she has tossed all the way, according to the geographic location information she had previously received from the phone, when she arrived in the rainforest, it was already the evening of the next day.

The sky was dark, and Blue Moon was hiding in the bushes outside, observing the forest in secret.

According to the information she found on the road, this rainforest is huge and the second largest tropical rainforest in the world.

But the only place suitable for entry and exit is the one near the north, the south, and the east and west sides are all mountains.

If Xiao Chen wanted to come out, only the north was the exit.

John obviously knew that the north had already been completely sealed off.

At intervals, someone was guarding with guns and binoculars.

Lan Yue squatted there motionless and hid for a long time, before finally taking advantage of the nightfall, those people relaxed and sneaked in.

Dark night is the best cover, but in this huge tropical rain forest, it brings the greatest danger.

You never know what is spying on you in secret, whether it is an animal, a poisonous snake, or the brutal and **** natives and cannibals.

The best survival strategy for staying here at night is to find a safe place and stay there until the sky lights up.

It's just that Xiao Chen's life or death is unclear, so Lan Yue is in the mood to find a place to stop and rest.

The fire would bring a lot of danger, Lan Yue did not dare to light the fire, she hadn't eaten anything all day and night.

Fortunately, when she got there, she changed some supplies outside.

Sitting on a big tree, took out the chocolate and dry food from the backpack, and simply ate some.

It is located in the tropics and the temperature is very high all year round. In addition to the potential dangers, there is another deadly thing, that is, mosquitoes.

There are many kinds of mosquitoes in the forest. Unlike ordinary mosquitoes outside, most of them are very poisonous. A little bit on the body will result in a huge red bump, which is painful and itchy.

There are also some very toxic ones. If they are bitten too much, the venom will flow into the body through the blood and cause death.

When she changed supplies, she deliberately changed a kind of medicinal herb and put it on her body to get rid of some common mosquitoes.

Even so, she had only entered the forest for a few hours, and her exposed neck had been bitten with a few big bumps on her hands and face.

Itchy heart, scratching hard a few times, after scratching, it hurts badly again.

Lan Yue simply ate something, and after replenishing her strength, she grabbed the soft branch and swung lightly from one tree to another.

The trees can be seen farther and safer than the ground.

In the night sky above, the silver-white moon has hung high.

The moonlight fell in the forest, and the dense tree canopy blocked most of the light, leaving only the occasional wisps through the branches and leaves.