Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 206: Underground Love Exposure (12)

"It doesn't seem to matter to Mr. Xiao."

Perhaps after drinking, An Ziqi felt dizzy and looked up at Xiao Moli a little provocatively.

Xiao Moli was very uncomfortable when she was called by Mr. Xiao, and bowed his head irritably to gag her mouth.

An Ziqi reacted quickly, raising her hand to block in front of him to avoid him.

Xiao Moli knew that she must have been uncomfortable because of the scandal in the morning, and was silent for a while, pursing his lips, "The scandal in the morning is not true. Bai Xin'er was sick last night, and I was just there to take care of her."

An Ziqi chuckled, "So what?"

Xiao Moli's eyes darkened, his thin lips pressed tightly, watching An Ziqi stay silent for a long time, until An Ziqi reached out and pushed him, and said, "I have never liked Bai Xin'er."

She should have been delighted when she heard this, but what happened today made her realize the reality, so what about just taking care of it? What if you don't like it? The ending is still the same.


An Ziqi felt that she must be drunk, otherwise how could she be so aggressive.

She is not the heroine in the TV series, and she is not so generous. The hero abandons her for the sake of responsibility, so she can not blame the hero.

She is just an ordinary woman, she will be sad, she will be sad, she will selfishly want to be with the person she likes.

An Ziqi smiled bitterly, "Even if you don't like her, you will still marry her in the end."

This is an unchangeable fact, and she does not want to deceive herself again.

Xiao Moli looked at her, the expression in his eyes was uncertain, and his thin lips had been pressed into a straight line.

An Ziqi looked up at him, "Xiao Moli, you have your responsibility and I have my choice. Since you can only marry her, then let me go."

Let her go?

Xiao Moli stared at her, anger and struggle flashed in his eyes.

An Ziqi smiled bitterly in her heart. She never thought of forcing him to choose between responsibility and herself, how could she bear to see him being forced to this point.

Turning around and pushing him away, he walked towards the apartment building.

Seeing her leaving behind, Xiao Moli clenched his fist tightly. He never hated the people who calculated to kill him more than now.

Until entering the elevator, An Ziqi's strength just now seemed to be completely gone. She leaned on the corner of the elevator and slid on the ground. The tears she had endured for a day finally slipped silently along her cheeks.

Back home, as soon as he opened the door, Xiao Yining ran over in his pajamas, "Mummy."

"Sorry baby, Mommy came back late because of something." An Ziqi squatted down and hugged him.

Xiao Yining shook his head, looked at An Ziqi's red eyes, her small mouth was tightly pressed.

After An Ziqi breathed evenly, Xiao Yining rolled over, kissed her slightly swollen eyes, and whispered, "Mommy, I love you, even if Daddy isn't with you, I won't Will leave you."

After speaking, the small body shrank into An Ziqi's arms, as if he wanted to comfort her with the warmth of his small body.

An Ziqi's eyes were sore, there was no sound, her arms tightly hugged Xiao Yining in her arms.

How lucky she is to get Xiao Yining's love for her.

Sometimes she is really jealous that the woman who gave birth to Xiao Yining can have such a caring son.

Maybe it was too much thinking, a mess of dreams all night.

She even dreamed that she was lying on a hospital bed, with a cold scalpel cutting her belly, and those doctors in white coats surrounded her, taking things out of her belly without expression.