Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2084

"I have already called and arranged, and I will leave soon." Tang Qi said.

"So fast?"

Ye Minzhi hurriedly turned to the side and served the soy milk and the cooked breakfast.

"Quickly, eat some breakfast and put your stomach down."

He greeted Tang Qi and An Ziqi to eat breakfast together.

Xiao Yining just came back from exercising outside, and was surprised to see An Ziqi wake up so early.

But after seeing Xiao Ai on one side of the sofa, thinking about what happened last night, I guessed that An Ziqi probably did not sleep well last night.

Xiao Qianai, this little guy, was lying on the sofa soundly asleep.

Seeing Xiao Yining's return, Ye Minzhi hurriedly asked him to wash his hands and eat breakfast.

An Ziqi turned to look at the bathroom, then turned to Tang Qidao.

"What happened to Tang Sect? Is it troublesome?"

If it wasn't a major event, Tang Qi would not be able to leave at this time.

Tang Qi curled his eyebrows slightly, but did not hide anything in front of An Ziqi, "Tang Sect killed 17 people overnight, and has already alerted the people of the Bureau of Investigation."

It was strange that all these people died overnight, but under normal circumstances, the government would not intervene in the affairs of the gang, and at most it would be routine inquiries.

But this time the Bureau of Investigation was stationed directly in Tangmen, saying that it must find out the truth of the matter so as not to cause panic among the people.

Not only that, but the media is already paying attention. Tang Qing has suppressed a few, but there are other things. If this matter is caused by the media, it will be quite troublesome.

Tang Qi is not the only son Tang Qing, there are naturally things fighting for power.

Everyone wants to take over as the sect master and inherit the Tang sect.

Since he ceased to be in charge of the Tang Sect, there has been an undercurrent in the Tang Sect.

If Tang Qing's matter is not handled properly, not only will others use it to deal with the Tang Sect, but even the inside of the Tang Sect will have problems.

If you want to handle gang affairs well, you must be ruthless.

However, Tang Qing's methods were obviously not enough.

If he doesn't go back, Tang Sect will definitely have a big problem.

An Ziqi couldn't help but frown when she heard this. It was not a trivial matter that so many people died overnight.

What's more, it alarmed the Bureau of Investigation, "Do you want Xiao Moli to help?"

She didn't know much about what Xiao Moli was doing behind her back, but she had heard Xiao Moli mentioned before.

Su Ran seemed to have someone planted in the Bureau of Investigation.

Tang Qi snorted, "I don't want that brat to help."

An Ziqi is helpless, Tang Qi is such an adult, how can he be like a child, and even angry with Xiao Moli.

"Dad, when is this? Don't you want to get it done quickly and come back to be with mom?"

"Don't worry, I can take care of this little thing myself, and I don't need him to do it."

Tang Qi has been quite dissatisfied with Xiao Moli recently. He was anxious to drive the stinky boy who bullied his daughter out of the house, and it was impossible for him to help out anyway.

An Ziqi couldn't do anything with him, so she had to speak, "Well, you go and come back quickly, if you have anything, you must call me, otherwise Mom will worry about it at home."

Ye Minzhi would not stop Tang Qi from letting him go back.

But the things that can involve Tang Sect and must let him go back are definitely not trivial, and she can definitely guess some of them.

When the time comes, he will have to worry about his safety every day at home.

"Well, you have worked so hard to take care of your mother these few days, and I will be back as soon as possible." Tang Qi exhorted.