Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2102: Abuse Lin Qiaoqiao (2)

An Ziqi nodded when she saw her in a daze, "That means she is still not satisfied."

He picked up the phone again and smashed it twice towards the other side of her head that was not covered by her hand.

Although Xiao Moli had said, he might not have had any relationship with Lin Qiaoqiao at all.

She also didn't plan to really go on fighting with Xiao Moli.

However, this woman dared to steal a man from her. She didn't show off, so she really treated her as a bully?

After enduring so many days, I have never had a chance to see her.

Today, since this woman brought it to the door to look for it, of course she didn't have to be polite to her.

After Lin Qiaoqiao was knocked on the head twice, she finally recovered.

"An Ziqi, how dare you hit me? I must..."

Raising his hand was about to hit An Ziqi back, and there was a sound of footsteps outside.

Lin Qiaoqiao sneered, violently raised her hand to grab An Ziqi's wrist, and shouted out loudly.

"Miss Ann, I was wrong, I beg you to let me go, I really didn't mean it, the child is innocent."

An Ziqi laughed as she listened to the footsteps outside, and held Lin Qiaoqiao's wrist with her backhand.

Said ironically, "Why? Want to do this again? What do you want to do this time? Want to perform another scene in front of everyone that I deliberately pushed you down and then threw the child down to slander me?"

"I said, can you have something new, don't you know that I am an actor? This kind of drama is already bad on TV, okay?"

Lin Qiaoqiao raised her lips and smiled disdainfully, "An Ziqi, you are very smart, but even if you guessed it, what's the use? You still can't stop me. No matter how bad and vulgar the scene is, as long as others believe it is enough. Up."

"Aren't you on the top? Didn't you step on the bottom of my feet? I will personally push you to the bottom today, so that you can also taste the taste of being stepped on."

"Do you really think other people will really believe you?"

An Ziqi looked at her dismissively, as if she didn't care at all.

Lin Qiaoqiao smiled, "Believe it or not, then you will know."

She really didn't expect An Ziqi to be so arrogant, it seemed that she was really spoiled by Xiao Moli, she didn't know the sky was high and the earth was thick.

However, this is just right, saving her much effort.

"Okay, let's see who they believe in the end?" An Ziqi sneered.

The sound of footsteps outside is getting closer and closer, seeing the sound of footsteps have reached the door.

Lin Qiaoqiao laughed and shouted out loudly again, "Miss An, I already knew I was wrong, why didn't you let me go, why didn't you let my child go?"

An Ziqi stood there coldly and watched her act.

As soon as the outsider pushed the door in, Lin Qiaoqiao pushed An Ziqi forward with a fierce hand, and with the force of this push, she was about to fall to the ground.

An Ziqi sneered, playing this set in front of her, really treating her as a weak woman who can only rely on men, so bully?

She doesn't bully, doesn't count people, it doesn't mean that she will be bullied.

She had already calculated it last time, and how could she be left to her again this time.

In this world, there have never been so many coincidences.

Like the last encounter in the hospital, this meeting in the bathroom was obviously planned by Lin Qiaoqiao a long time ago.

I just don't know how much thinking and calculation I waste, and follow her.