Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2134

Xiao Chen chuckled lightly, stretched out his hand and directly took the person back into his arms, sucked on her lips, and asked for a deep kiss.

"After a while, I'll finish the call, and then I'll meet you."

Lan Yue glared at him, who wanted him to be satisfied?

If she was tossed on, she didn't have to go out.

Xiao Chen smiled and picked up the phone, calling Xiao Moli.

The phone just rang, and it has been connected over there.

Xiao Chen smiled and said slyly, "Hey, my dear brother, I heard that you recently found a lover and you also made a child? Not bad, I have only been away for two months. You are very efficient. Congratulations!"

After speaking, quickly take the phone away from the ear.

"Xiao Chen, where are you? Get me back right now."

Xiao Moli's roar came from the phone.

"Tsk, I just care about it, why are you so irritable? You are still so violent, it seems that this should be a trivial matter to you, then I will hang up first, and I wish my wife and I have a good time."

Xiao Chen smiled and said to the phone with a mean smile.

Lan Yue gritted her teeth and kicked him from the quilt.

They are all grown-ups, and they are still like a child all day long, not at all formal.

"Xiao Chen, I limit you to two days, and you must come back to me, otherwise I will tear down Long Yuan for you."

Xiao Moli over there was about to explode.

Xiao Chen rolled his eyes towards the phone.

"Damn, count you ruthlessly."

He wasn't afraid that Xiao Moli would demolish Long Yuan, anyway, they were not short of money, and it would be a big deal to rebuild.

However, Xiao Moli was taken apart, but that stinky boy would definitely throw the mess to him.

At that time, he will have to go back and deal with all these troubles.

He didn't have time to scold a few more words.

Xiao Moli had already hung up the phone directly.

Xiao Chen hated the itching of his teeth, this stinky boy was so arrogant and even threatening to ask for help.

There is no conscious of asking for help at all, it's really ridiculous to the extreme.

If he weren't his brother, he would have beaten him long ago.

Where to stay cool.

Lan Yue got up on her mind, got up and put on her clothes immediately, and packed her things.

Then he put on some clothes indiscriminately, pulled him out, checked out at the front desk, and went straight to the airport.

On the way to the airport, Lanyue quickly booked the nearest flight by the way.

The efficiency is comparable to that of a marching war.

When Xiao Chen got on the plane, he was still a little confused.

He was obviously holding his wife, who was in the hot spring hotel, with his soft fragrance and warm jade. How could he get on the plane inexplicably?

Fortunately, they have been outside for two months.

At this moment in country A, it is not too far to go back.

If one week earlier, they would probably still be thousands of kilometers away in Antarctica, satisfying Xiao Chen's childlike innocence in watching penguins.

Ten hours later, the two have already set foot on the land of S City.

Obviously Xiao Moli had received the news the first time they entered the country.

Xiao Chen had just got into the car with Lan Yue on his front foot, and he received a call from Xiao Moli on the back foot.

"Come to the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine immediately."

After Xiao Moli finished talking over there, he hung up the phone directly.

Xiao Chen wanted to curse, is this the attitude of asking for help?

This guy was very cute when he was a child, and Binningning is still fun.

Because Mao grows up and becomes what he is now?

No matter when, as always, owe beating.

Lan Yue heard it next to him and said to the driver busy, "Master, go to the Chinese Medicine School."

Xiao Chen turned his head helplessly, leaned over and took a bite on her cheek.