Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2140

Xiao Moli handed the inspection report in front of him, "This is the identification report of me, Lin Qiaoqiao and the baby in her womb. You know what to do."

The dean stretched out his hand to take it, "Yes, Shao Li, I know."

"You just have to announce it truthfully. As for the rest, someone else will do it."

"Yes." The dean responded hurriedly.

After Xiao Moli finished speaking, he turned around and walked out quickly.

Although An Ziqi believed him and forgave him, he still wanted to rush back immediately and couldn't wait to tell her the good news.

Want to completely untie her knot.

Xiao Chen, who came out of the office following him, saw him walking straightforwardly, and almost jumped up and beat him up in anger.

"Smelly boy, I gave up my honeymoon, came back so hard, and kept tossing for so long, at least you have to say thank you? White-eyed wolf, cross the river and demolish the bridge..."

Xiao Chen scolded him angrily from behind. Seeing that Xiao Moli didn't even turn his head in front, he had to turn around bitterly to find his wife.

The media outside the hospital is still blocked outside.

This incident Xiao Moli could have suppressed all the media, but he knew very well that some things could be suppressed and some things could not be suppressed.

From the beginning, if the incident was only spread in a small area, he also blocked the news.

However, everyone who was tricked by Lin Qiao from the beginning knew that if he was blocked, it would only make people feel that he was guilty.

When the media saw Xiao Moli coming out of the hospital, they immediately swarmed up.

However, given Xiao Moli's powerful aura, no one dared to get too close.

"Young Master Li, Ms. An has been discharged from the hospital before. Is your appearance here today related to Miss Lin?"

"Young Master Li, how is Miss Lin's situation now? How is the child?"


These media tended to converge in front of Xiao Moli, and they basically only asked sideways. No one dared to ask too much.

"I came here today just to prove to my wife that I have nothing to do with Lin Qiaoqiao or her children, not for that woman. The DNA test results have been released, and the dean and the expert team will report to you later. Everyone publishes the inspection report and identification results. If anyone is in doubt, I can provide a DNA sample and you will personally take it for identification."

Xiao Moli said and glanced around at everyone onlookers.

The meaning in the words is very obvious, in any case, he has absolutely nothing to do with Lin Qiaoqiao and the child.

Under such a powerful aura as Xiao Moli, who would dare to question him?

Even if someone really suspects that there is a problem with the appraisal, Xiao Moli has said that there are the dean and the expert group, and under the current situation, no one dares to say it without fear of death.

"Since no one has objections, I don't want to see some messy remarks hurting my wife and my family in the future."

Xiao Moli finished speaking, and then spoke righteously to all the media present.

"Lin Qiaoqiao deliberately created rumors in an attempt to destroy my family, taking the opportunity to seek illegal benefits from it and achieve her own goals. My lawyer will formally draft a lawyer's letter to sue her later."

"In this period of time, your wanton distorted remarks have caused great harm to my wife and my family. The Huanyu Media Department and the Public Relations Department will immediately issue a joint statement on this matter to clarify all the facts. All slandered me , The media that slandered my wife, I will use legal weapons to protect our legitimate rights and interests."