Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2150

The person who was confirmed upstairs quickly came down, and the patient in the ward upstairs had disappeared last night.

Obviously he lived there just to meet Lin Qiaoqiao's.

Xiao Moli gritted his teeth, raised his leg and kicked the table next to him.

Under Xiao Moli's rage, the sturdy wooden table was directly torn apart by a kick.

The people standing next to him looked at the table that had been kicked to pieces by Xiao Moli, then looked at their legs subconsciously, and they all took a breath.

Xiao Moli said before that if they let Lin Qiaoqiao go, they would never want to walk anymore in their lives.

When it's over, with Shao Li's skill, there is no need to wait for others to do it after he goes back. He will solve them all directly with one kick.

Xiao Moli's eyes flashed fiercely, and he glanced at those people coldly.

"People will block all entrances and exits in City S, and every person and vehicle entering and exiting will be subject to strict inspections. The hospital will be the center to call all nearby surveillance and search all possible hiding places around."

The group of people next to him nodded and said yes. Seeing that Xiao Moli hadn't mentioned anything before, thinking that he had escaped, he was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard Xiao Moli speak.

"After the matter is over, we will settle the accounts together."

Those people were all bitter in an instant, and their busy movements moved swiftly.

For fear that someone accidentally did something wrong, Xiao Moli was offended.

There is no value here anymore, Xiao Moli left the hospital with a solemn face and drove directly to Yunxiao's headquarters.

On weekdays, Yun Yi is always carefree and playful, and even the atmosphere of Yunxiao headquarters is very cheerful every day.

At this moment, seeing Xiao Moli's situation, the air pressure in the clouds dropped several degrees for a while.

Before Yun Yi got up early in the morning, he was summoned here by Xiao Moli directly.

Seeing the dark and crushing expression on Xiao Moli's face, he yawned.

"Do you know that it is immoral to disturb people early in the morning?"

"Sooner or later, you will die in a woman's bed." Xiao Moli directly replied.

Yun Yi gave him a white look, and said sternly, "If you die under a peony, you can be a ghost, so you are jealous. When you look at your face, you are dissatisfied with desire, and you have been driven out by your wife. You will dare to see you in the future. I dare not attract bees and butterflies, and dare to be coquettish everywhere."

Xiao Moli had no time to talk to him, turned on the computer, logged into the tracking system, and entered all of Lin Qiaoqiao's personal information.

Lin Qiaoqiao ran away last time because of lack of information and could not be traced.

This time he asked him to collect all the information on her to see where she was still running.

Yun Yi stepped forward and took a look, and said boredly, "Go ahead, why do you want me?"

Xiao Moli directly reached out and picked up a laptop on the table and threw it to him.

"Black into the city road monitoring system and find Lin Qiaoqiao."

Although Lin Qiaoqiao is stupid, the people behind her are shrewd.

No traces were left after leaving twice, which is obviously unreasonable.


Yun Yi hurriedly caught the computer, almost vomiting blood, "Xiao is abnormal, I am a human, isn't it just like you? Are you trying to destroy me?"

S City said it was big or small, and its urban roads were developed, and there were tens of thousands of surveillances alone.

Wanting to find a person in so many surveillances is simply killing him.

"Yunxiao's defense." Xiao Moli only threw out a word, and then stopped talking.