Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 218: I just want you (12)

When An Ziqi went out to deliver the cows, he only told one staff member, and now that person is still buried in the rubble, so no one knows that An Ziqi is no longer here.

Xiao Moli let go of him, clenched his fists, and immediately turned to the ruins over there to dig and rescue himself.

the other side.

When An Ziqi was conscious again, she only felt that her body was heavy like a sponge soaked in water.

The rain outside was still rushing, and the cold rain penetrated through the gaps and hit her body. The water under her body was already more than ten centimeters deep.

She trembled uncontrollably from the cold, tried to move slightly, and a heartache came from her left leg. The houses in the mountains were all covered with bluestones collected directly from the mountains, and her leg was probably dropped by one piece. The stone was crushed.

Fortunately, there was a bluestone slab above her body leaning to form a small triangle, blocking a lot of rocks for her, otherwise she would have been smashed into flesh.

The slate confined her in a small space, unable to move up and down. The only thing she can move right now is her hands.

After my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could see a few faint rays of light passing through the gap, and it was probably dawn outside.

There was no movement in the small body in her arms, An Ziqi panicked, and hurriedly called him.

"Niu Niu, Niu Niu"

He tried to scream twice, but didn't hear a response, and quickly pushed him with his hands.


A faint voice came, and An Ziqi finally exhaled. Fortunately, during the earthquake, she tightly protected the cow under her body.

"Sister, I'm so scared."

Niuniu whimpered.

"Don't be afraid, I am here with you."

An Ziqi fumbled and held the child's hand, "Niu Niu, do you have any pain?"

"It doesn't hurt." The child shook her hand, calmed down, and sobbed softly in her arms.

Thinking of grandma, he choked and yelled again, except for the sound of rain, but there was no response.

"Sister, where is grandma?"

An Ziqi's heart has already sunk, she has already woken up, if grandma is okay, she should have regained consciousness by now.

If it wasn't for a serious injury, I'm afraid it would have been too bad.

It's just that the child has been dependent on grandma for life, she really couldn't bear to say it, and gently shook his hand to coax him, "Grandma goes out to find someone to save us, don't be afraid, we will be out soon."

But she knew in her heart that it might be several days before the rescue.

There is only one mountain road connected to the outside, and there has been heavy rain. The possibility of mountain landslides and mudslides is very high. Even if the rescue team wants to come in, it may be delayed for several days.

What's more, her current location is separated from the school by a big mountain. She just hurriedly told a staff member about the fact that she came here to send cattle. If something goes wrong with that person, no one knows that she is here, and it is even more difficult to wait for someone.

An Ziqi sighed, the situation was very unfavorable to her.

The injury on the leg was soaked in the cold rain, and the pain has gradually become numb.

If you have not been able to wait for people, not to mention the wound soaking and infection, they will not be able to survive the low temperature alone, and they do not know how the situation is going on at the school.

After coaxing Niu Niu for a while, his mood gradually settled down.

I don't know how long it took, Niuniu's body gradually became colder and colder, but his forehead was hot and scary.

An Ziqi is no better than him, the situation she worries most is still here.