Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2222: Memory recovery (3)

The hoarse voice sounded, "If you don't want to die, stop moving and bring her in."

After speaking, he turned around and returned to the house again.

"Believe it or not."

Xiao Chen pursed his lips, the only owner of this bamboo building was Haitang's grandfather, Haiyang.

Although he did not see the appearance of the figure clearly, it should be him.

After taking a look at Lan Yue, who had lost consciousness, she immediately got up, holding Lan Yue and stepped into the dim little bamboo building.

There are no lights in the bamboo building, and the walls inside are covered with weird animal bones. Some jars can be vaguely seen by the wall.

There was a rustle from time to time.

The figure was at the table, reaching out and taking a small jar from the table.

After groping for a while, he turned around, walked up to him with the small jar, and said directly.

"Turn her wound around."

Xiao Chen pursed his lips and placed Lan Yue sideways on the bamboo chair in the middle of the room.

Then she opened her collar, revealing a small bite mark on her shoulder.

Haiyang put his hand into the jar, took out something from it, and quickly placed it on the wound on Lan Yue's shoulder.

Seeing the strange bug desperately drilling into the wound, Xiao Chen's expression instantly changed, and he subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to get the bug down.

The ocean just stood by the side, without a word, as if everything was going to follow him.

Thinking of what he said just now, Xiao Chen finally chose to believe him, and put his hands on the spot.

Holding Lan Yue's hand, holding her breath, looked at her nervously.

The bug has gotten into the wound.

And the black around the wound gradually began to fade.

After a few minutes, the black has completely disappeared.

The shriveled bug had become chubby and crawled out of the wound.

The black blood in the wound finally turned into a normal red.

Ocean's hand quickly picked up the bug with **** and put it back in the jar.

Then he took out a small paper bag from the cuff, opened it, and sprinkled the gray substance inside Lan Yue's wound.

"It's okay, you can go now."

Hai Hai turned around after speaking, and Gu Zi got busy at the table.

Xiao Chen pursed his lips, pulled Lan Yue's wrist, and touched her pulse.

Stable and powerful, a high-hanging heart finally let go.

Looking up at him, "I still have something to find you."

The figure of the ocean at the table paused, "If you want to find love or Gu, there is no such thing. Go slowly and don't send it away. Go back and tell Aman, keep your mouth tight."

Because of the legend of Gu technique, in the past few years, there have been many idiotic men and women every year, and some young couples came here to beg for love and Gu.

Those who are unavailable want to rely on love and gu to get their beloved, and those who are together want to restrain each other by times, and live forever.

The villagers were troubled by this.

That's why he set up something outside the door.

The poison seems very violent, but the poisoned person will not die.

When I met some people who were not responsible, I saw that they were attacked and poisoned by something and immediately threw down their partner and ran away.

Xiao Chen is the rare person he meets who wants to save his partner regardless of his life safety.

Otherwise, he had already driven people out directly, and would not have any nonsense with him.

However, if he insisted on asking for love and Gu, he would not be polite to him.