Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2228: give me

Xiao Moli stepped forward, "How can I get rid of the Gu technique in her body?"

Since Xiao Chen had already returned, he must have found a solution to the Gu technique.

Listening to his questioning, Xiao Chen just took a puff of the cigarette in his hand.

The lingering smoke instantly filled the two of them.

He has always hated smoking, whether from a personal perspective or from a health perspective.

However, at this moment, he was somewhat uncontrollable in his irritability.

For the first time, I wanted to smoke like other men to relieve boredom.

The pungent smoke descended his throat, bringing an inexplicable relief in his mind.

He finally knows why men like to smoke, and the short-term paralysis caused by nicotine is really nostalgic for people.

Xiao Moli beside him still looked at him persistently.

Xiao Chen sighed, using his fingertips slightly, he flicked the cigarette out of his hand.

Looking at the night outside the window, he said, "If I say Concentric Gu has no solution, do you believe it?"

Xiao Moli looked at him, the expression on his face did not change at all.

"Tell me how to solve Gu."

If it really didn't find a solution to Gu, Xiao Chen would definitely stay in his research room these days when he came back to study solutions without leaving home.

Instead of running around with him looking for An Ziqi.

It is impossible for him to give up An Ziqi, no one in their family can give up, and the same is true for Xiao Chen.

"There is really no way to solve Gu."

Xiao Chen raised his hand and squeezed his aching forehead.

He did not lie to Xiao Moli.

The ocean did tell him a way before, but he just thought of his words.

In a sense, this solution is not a solution to Gu.

"tell me."

Xiao Moli yelled at him with red eyes.

Thinking of seeing An Ziqi in the basement before, his heart was filled with uncontrollable fear.

He never wanted to see An Ziqi torturing herself like that.

He didn't want to see such a picture again in his life.

No matter what price he paid, he would definitely get rid of this **** Gu technique from her.

Xiao Chen pursed his lips and looked at him, "Heart Concentric Gu has no solution unless he dies."

Looking at Xiao Moli's red eyes, he had to sigh, "But, you can transfer."

"What do you mean? Speak clearly." Xiao Moli held his hands tightly on his side.

"You can transfer the Concentric Gu from her body to another person."

Xiao Chen took a slight breath and spoke out.

"How to turn?" In Xiao Moli's painful eyes, when he heard Xiao Chen's words, there was a flash of hope in an instant.

Xiao Chen gritted his teeth and told Xiao Moli the method the ocean had told him before.

"I found Haitang's grandfather. He gave me a kind of gu worm, and he needs to send the gu worm to An Ziqi's body, and then with the transferred person..."

Xiao Chen paused when he said that, hesitation and struggle rarely flashed across his face.

After being silent for a long while, under Xiao Mo's burning gaze, he finally opened his mouth and said, "You need to have a relationship with the transferred person, and then this Gu worm will carry the Concentric Gu and transfer it to another person through the **** between the two. ."

"give me."

After Xiao Moli listened, he did not hesitate and stretched out his hand directly towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen pursed his lips to look at him, "Mo Li, do you know, if this is the case..."

"give me."

Xiao Moli spoke persistently, interrupting him.