Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 224: I just want you (18)

Two hours later, Xiao Chen finally came out of the operating room. Before Xiao Moli could speak, he told him directly, "She is fine, but she needs to continue to observe and treat in the sterile room."

Xiao Moli nodded and watched An Ziqi being pushed into the sterile room again. Xiao Chen looked at him like that, but he had no choice but to change his sterile clothes and accompany An Ziqi inside.

In the quiet room, she could hear her faint breathing. Xiao Moli felt that there has never been a sound better than her breathing at the moment.

Reaching out and shook her hand gently, a restless heart finally settled down.

Two days later, An Ziqi finally passed the dangerous period and moved from the sterile room to the normal ward, and Xiao Yining was finally able to see her normally.

After a few days of fermentation, the earthquake has become a hot topic for the whole people, and the whole country is paying close attention to the situation in the disaster area.

The fact that Yang Xiao and An Ziqi were trapped in public welfare activities before has been continuously reported by the media, which has already affected the hearts of thousands of fans.

Although Yang Xiao and Chen Yingying were still in the hospital after being injured, some media had already found them in the local hospital and interviewed them to understand the situation at the time of the earthquake.

Only An Ziqi has not shown up, even the media can't find it.

Xiao Moli personally went to the disaster area to save people, and he suppressed it, no one dared to say it, and therefore no one knew that An Ziqi had been taken away by him.

The reporter couldn't find An Ziqi, so he could only keep looking for Lin Man. Lin Man was also worried about anxiety, so he turned off the phone.

The news on the Internet became more and more severe. Some said that An Ziqi is still missing, and that An Ziqi has been killed.

Xiao Moli was afraid that Ye Minzhi and An Siqing were worried, and only told them that An Ziqi was okay. It is not convenient to show up now. They will not be able to see her in a few days. Ye Minzhi and An Siqing are finally relieved.

The heat has continued to ferment. Several people have gained a lot of fans because of this incident, but after a few days of fermentation, An Ziqi’s fans have risen from tens of thousands to a million.

All fans left messages on her Weibo to pray for her.

Niuniu originally had a fever. After he was cured, Xiao Chen arranged for someone to find his parents, only to learn that his parents had also been killed in the earthquake, so he had no choice but to temporarily send him to the orphanage.

There are many such children after the earthquake, and the media has been paying attention. Following Niu Niu's return and media interviews, An Ziqi was finally reported to be buried in a house in order to save him.

The child didn't know that all his family members were gone, and everyone saw that he was young and couldn't bear to tell him.

In the camera, Niuniu shed tears and said that his sister said that grandma would come back to look for him, and that his sister would take him to class, and he missed his sister.

This shot touched countless people in front of the TV.

Since Niu Niu is all right, it means that An Ziqi is also all right, and the online rumors are self-defeating.

But no matter how the media asks, Niuniu can't tell where An Ziqi is.

An Ziqi became a positive energy spokesperson almost overnight. All the media rushed to report, and even some things about her participation in the beauty pageant were dug up again.

"Floating Life" will be released next month. Ye Wuge's work has always been paid attention to, but now because of An Ziqi, it has once again been pushed to the top of the hot search list.

Because of Yang Xiao and An Ziqi, "Feng Qi Tian Lan" has not been broadcast first.