Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2278

After injecting the serum, Xiao Chen quickly raised his hand and drew the dagger from his waist. He pulled up Tang Shi's arm and cut it towards the upper blood vessel.

However, at the cut wound, even a trace of blood did not actively flow out.

Xiao Chen gritted his teeth, threw the dagger in his hand, and squeezed the cut with both hands, hoping to squeeze the poisonous blood out of her wound.

At the same time, Xiao Moli downstairs raised his hand to cover his chest, his body swayed in place, almost falling down.


Xiao Yining yelled, broke free from Lan Yue's hand, and ran in the direction of Xiao Moli.

Xiao Moli puffed his mouth and spouted a mouthful of black blood.

Then the whole person couldn't support it anymore, and swayed and fell to the ground.

"Daddy, how are you, daddy?"

Xiao Yining ran up to him and held Xiao Moli's shaky body.

There was almost a cry in his voice, and his small body firmly supported Xiao Moli to prevent him from falling.

Behind, Lan Yue rushed over quickly, and hurriedly stepped forward to help Xiao Moli.

With the death of that woman and Haitang, the black Gu worms seemed to have completely lost control and attacked them frantically.

The corpses on the ground have been eroded by them, and the skin of the big *** exposed on the outside is bloody.

Something wriggles under the flesh from time to time.

A bad premonition surged in Lan Yue's heart. While shooting them in the air, she looked up at Xiao Chen, who was already surrounded by Gu worms upstairs, and shouted anxiously, "Xiao Chen, hurry up, don't stay here Go down."

As soon as the voice fell, a corpse not far in front of them sprayed out a puff of blood, and immediately afterwards, more black bugs flew out from the wound quickly toward the outside.

Obviously they are using human bodies as hotbeds.

Seeing this, Xiao Chen gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to directly carry Tang Shixi's body, and ran downstairs quickly.


Lan Yue and Xiao Yining helped Xiao Moli to the door, and the respondent had already rushed over.

Seeing this, someone stepped forward and hurriedly took Tang Shixi and Xiao Moli from them.

The group quickly ran towards the exit.

The black gu worm also flew out from the small building at the same time, humming and following them closely.

Xiao Chen raised his hand and fired a few shots to the back. The **** bug only paused, and then chased them again.

The underground town outside has already been destroyed in the previous operation.

It was full of ruined walls, and there was a pungent smell of blood everywhere.

There is no longer the trace of peace when they came down before.

After everyone had exited the exit, someone outside immediately closed the exit and sealed it tightly.

The outside is already all their people.

The core personnel of the Lidline family in the underground town have all been dealt with.

Those outsiders in the towns on the ground, although all belong to the Delane family, do not participate in the core secrets.

But after all, it is impossible to kill all of the hundreds of people, and they have all been taken away from here.

The plane was also ready, Xiao Moli and the others were taken directly to the helicopter as soon as they came out.

"Everyone evacuated immediately, and then bombed everything here."

Xiao Chen didn't even pause, after speaking in a deep voice, he got on the plane directly.